Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
We have many great ideas and many great possibilities.
After Gand wraps up, I propose we all hit a planet we've all picked together.
Some possibilities that people have proposed:
Nam Chorios. Gives us a ton of territory and gives the Mandalorians a two-front war.
Agamar, similar logic.
Vorzyd, similar logic, though Nam Chorios looks better on the map. Vorzyd is also much richer.
Jabiim. Sets us up for a TON of territory, and reachable from Gand.
Sriluur. Same as Jabiim, plus it lets us take a shot at Hutt Space. Downside: it extends us a lot.
Gravlex Med. Sets us up for all manner of fun.
After Gand wraps up, I propose we all hit a planet we've all picked together.
Some possibilities that people have proposed:
Nam Chorios. Gives us a ton of territory and gives the Mandalorians a two-front war.
Agamar, similar logic.
Vorzyd, similar logic, though Nam Chorios looks better on the map. Vorzyd is also much richer.
Jabiim. Sets us up for a TON of territory, and reachable from Gand.
Sriluur. Same as Jabiim, plus it lets us take a shot at Hutt Space. Downside: it extends us a lot.
Gravlex Med. Sets us up for all manner of fun.