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Dominion of Mavericka/Acolyte Tournament Story Planning

Okay, so in order to fill in our cloud AND support our acolytes growth, I've decided to combine our Acolyte Tournament with a Dominion of a planet we were going after anyway.

Now, the planet isn't my favourite, and honestly, not sure how to do this.

So what I'm thinking, is that once Lorrd and Bosph are finished or close to finished, and our Skirmishes are slowed down enough to divert some energy elsewhere, is that we host the celebratory tournament on Mavericka after the events that unfolded that allowed us to fold the planet to our cause. Just so we don't have to do anything ridiculous.

This way hosting a Tournament wouldn't look weird in the middle of planet we don't control. However, we still need a basic story to tell here beyond "We won, so now we're having gladiator fights".

So who wants to help me plan this? :p

Tournament Participants:

[member="Evan Kenner"]
[member="Felista Rakk"]
[member="Einar Shadowmane"]
[member="Naga Itesak"]
[member="Artemis Exor"]


Story Fluff:

- Zambrano the Hutt (The Black Prophet) wishes to commence the celebratory season of Balagoth here on this world, and so naturally the entire Primeval goes to secure the planet.
- There is also the Kolto. The Primeval is a war oriented machinery. To secure medical supplies is a good enough reason to expand influence over this planet.
- And so the Primeval fleet pops out from hyperspace and The Black Prophet descends demanding audience with the local government.... at the threat of orbital Armageddon.

Local government might want to stay independent.
They have a droid army to defend themselves.


Objective A
At the side of the bigger plot the Primeval through this Tournament show their presence attracting the rich and famous with an interest for the force. These guests are powerful directors and owners of companies that can influence the local politicians.

They are here for a show they never will forget. The Primeval organizes a tournament for the wealthy upper class. Providing entertainment as well as a hint of the power the Primeval represents.

Perhaps there are attending young Sith wannabe people who are lured to watch. Given dark promises of being taught in there dark ways if they pull their strings to have the government fall in with the Primeval.

Objective B
Negotiations. Zambrano the Hutt, newly self-proclaimed Black Prophet of the Rift, goes to meet with the government and tells them that he wishes to celebrate his cultures holiday celebrations here! .... oh, and the planet.

It's time to choose a side. They can't stay neutral anymore. Either they sign a treaty with the Primeval allowing them a self-government, but only under Primeval supervision (governor/warlord/whatever fits), or they will face an invasion from the Primeval.

Objective C
Sabotage the droid factories.

Since this planet stands proud and independent, The Black Prophet will need a little help with his 'negotiations'. Primeval Agents must infiltrate and blow those droid factories sky high.
Once that is done, the Warlord of the Rift can cross his fatty arms and patiently accept the begging and humiliation from the government as they realize they are being forced into a treaty without their droid factories to reinforce them.

Objective D
Do you own thing. Shoot Kolto, or whatnot.
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

Perhaps we launched a long and covert operation of manipulating their government heads ( staging accidents to replaced ones who wouldn't and rigging the system to get our appointees in) and over a period had them pass a binding law allowing them to forge a "treaty" with The Prime that places then as a "protectorate" or so sort.
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"] not a true protectorate per say but convincing the people. Their little 4 member council will be loyal to the governor and execute his will through their "laws" kind of a not knowing their slaves, blissful ignorance of the truth.
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

I'd love to help out in whatever way I can!

Normally, tournaments get quite a bit of activity. If you are going to make this a tradition bracket-type tournament, I think me might be able to fit this into several doms. It would maximize planetary gain, as well as giving players something different than normal objective-based doms. If enough people sign up, might be able to squeeze two or three planets out of this.
[member="Lord Ajihad"] Currently we have these five acolytes that expressed interest:

[member="Vhaeri"], [member="Artemis Exor"], [member="Naga Itesak"], [member="Evan Kenner"], [member="Mishk"], which will make for an odd bracket unless we find another person to even it out.

I'll consider the multi-dominion thing, but I think for now while we're still planning we'll assume that all or most of the tournament will be completed in this dominion :)

[member="The Traveler"], interesting take, of a long infiltration job taking the planet through subversion. I'm also thinking that the Primeval "Requests" to host some activities on the planet, probably some celebration of Balgorath or something, which ties into the Tournament.
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

Let's not be afraid to be creative with Dominions.

Looking at the Hutt Cartel for examples, as I think they have been EXTREMELY successful in thinking outside the box here: They did a Dominion that was a public proclamation of a treaty, and the story didn't even take place on the planet being dominion'd (I declare this to be a word).

They're setting up a dominion now that is actually a skirmish. A Hutt Cartel dominion with pre-established Galactic Republic opposition in the story.

I think the idea of a tournament on a planet, and using that as a dominion, is a brilliant idea. It breaks up the usual flow of these and turns it into something unique.
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

I agree. Given only five acolytes have shown interest so far, we won't be able to expand it beyond a single planet. Perhaps after Bosph and Lorrd are over, we will have more potential duelists.

Another option is to expand it beyond the range of Acolytes, and make a Knights (or even Lords) tournament as well. One tournament per planet, as multiple would certainly bring us past 100...
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

A random suggestion.

Story fluff
- Anja wants to build her summer house here and so naturally the entire Primevil goes to secure the planet.
There is also the kolto. The Primevil is a war oriented machinery. To secure medical supplies is a good enough reason to expand influence over this planet.
And so the Primevil fleet pops out from hyperspace and anja descends demanding audience with the local government.

Local government might want to stay independent.
They have a droid army to defend themselves.

Possible Objections:

Objective A
Negotiations. Anja goes to meet with the government and tells them that she wants a summer house! .... oh, and the planet.

is time to choose side. They cant stay neutral anymore. Either they sign a treaty with the primevil allowing them a certain self, government but under Primevil supervision (governor/warlord/whatever fits) or they will face an invasion from the primevil. Simple and to the point. Even [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] shjould be able to manage writing that ;)

Objective B
At the side of the bigger plot the primevil through this tournament show their presence attracting the rich and famous with an interest for the force.
These guests are powerful directors and owners of companies that can influence the local politicians.
They are here for a show they never will forget. The Primevil organizes a tournament for the wealthy upper class. Providing entertainment as well as a hint of the power the Primevil represents.
Perhaps there are attending young sith wannabe people who are lured to watch. Given dark promises of being taught in ther dark ways if they pull their strings to have the government fal in with the Primevil overlordship.

Objective C
Sabotage the droid factories.
Since this planet stands proud and independent Anja will need a little help with her negotiations. Primevil agents infiltrate and blows the droid factories sky high.
Once that is done Anja can cross her arms and patiently accept the begging and humiliation from the government as they realise they are being forced into a treay without their droid factoties to reinforce them.

Objective D
Do you own thing. Shoot Kolto, or whatnot.

the tournament might be the focus of posting in the dom but there is still a frame work to explain how the primevil actually gets hold of the planet.
Again, just a random suggestion.
[member="Mishk"] I love it! Very well thought out, and just what I need :)

I'm thinking that I would like to make the actual Tournament however to be the main objective. It might also be neat if it was dedicated to one of the gods or something. Like, have it more like a ritualized combat with a special name, than just another tournament the Primeval happens to be hosting.

Any ideas, [member="Boo Chiyo"]? :p

[member="Theseus Reneun"], would you be interested in being a Tournament contestant? We need another acolyte/dark padawan/initiate to even out our numbers.
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

Well it could go along these lines,

A: Fight in the tournament

B: Watch the tournament

C: Investigate reports that a rebel government leader is leading an effort to assassinate the Host Lord.
[member="The Traveler"] I'm actually going to, for the most part, go along with [member="Mishk"]'s outline as it's better than what I could have come up with and I like it! I just want to switch the Tournament to Objective A, do a little Lore building, and maybe omit [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] from being necessary to the plot, and maybe replace it with Z Hutt since I'm hosting this thing :)
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] Roger doger ;)

[member="The Traveler"] The OS you mean? Not a bad idea, I'll ask them if no other Acolytes show up between now and whenever this starts.

I wonder what the title of this dominion would be?

"Contest of Belagoth: Acolytes [The Primeval Dominion of Mavericka]"
[member="Einar Shadowmane"] Gosh darn it, it appears you did, which measn the bracket is unbalanced again >.<

Does anyone know how to seed particpants into a bracket format? Otherwise there might have to be a 3-way duel.

Also, I think we might do single elimination, now that we have 7 duelists.

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