Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion of Olvan

When we go Major - if we're accepted, our first plan is to take Olvan. Why? it allows us unprecedented amounts of growth, and gets the biggest and hardest dominion out of the way. Below I have indicated where it is. The numbers indicate the added +50 posts per grid away from the 1 grid away of Antecedent.


With 300 posts, we need activity and a lot of it!
So the plan is to provide heaps of unique rewards, along with faction-wide rewards. Armour, weapons, droids, companions, ships, vehicles, so forth to provide incentives for roleplaying in the dominion. All we need now is a storyline. This is where all of you come in.

Post your ideas down below.

My idea?
Olvan is primarily tundra's and landscapes. This isn't a place for a gang to live. So my idea was that due to the constant warring factions, their numbers, resources, military would be severely weakened. We come in, take over and turn it into a massive mining planet. Essentially we mine the planet bone-dry. But the story is taking it for the Ravens and turning it into a mining colony.
Mining would be good, but more so, we need to have a "good" look to us as well. We also need to feed our "troops" so I would say have some of it as farmland and literally farm the entire planet of recourses to use over and over again. Mine it all away and we are left with junk.
My suggestion I "negotiate" with the nobles, we provide them with a means to pacify their enemies, in return we get mineral rights as well as provide gainful income for their agricultural base.

In reality they would be mere puppets and eventual scapegoats for us if we would need it.

Post wise, we can dedicate 2/3 to the pacification. Crushing multiple targets as well as securing vital resources.
Assassination missions.

Town raiding missions.

Hacking the local banks and taking their money slicer missions.

I can also transfer over my objectives from the original event I had planned!

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