Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion of Rhigar [OOC]

The Admiralty
Alright guys, I ain't the literary genius that is [member="Hannibal Oryen"], our resident Snarkinator. But we have decided to start up a new dominion, this time as target Rhigar, and this time plot-thinking duty was mine.

Story is simple, easy and abstract. We are doing in media res, meaning we start somewhere half way the in the story line and get right into the meat of things. It's going to be a triangle war between the Confederation, the Rhand Sorcerers and Imperial Remnant Forces.

This ties neatly into our old plotline about the Nihil Retreat, for the guys who were part of that.

Opportunities for story are as followed:
  • Space Opera Battle in the Star System.
  • Land Warfare spanning a continent, with three separate factions fighting for control.
  • Diplomatic Mission with the Imperial Remnants to attempt to craft an alliance against the Rhand Sorcerers.
  • Other storylines might open up, as we progress through the thread.
Yes, I am aware this sounds like the back cover of some random RPG game. Blame me playing Planescape: Torment again.

Thoughts, suggestions are welcomed and appreciated.

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