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Approved Starship Dominion of Shadows Scryer Interceptor

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  • Classification: Twin Role Space Superiority Interceptor - Atmospheric CAS/Strike Fighter
  • Length: 13.5 Meters
  • Width: 3.5 Meters
  • Height: 6.9 Meters
  • Armament: Low
  • Defenses: Very Low
  • Squadron Count: High
  • Maneuverability Rating: High
  • Speed Rating: Extreme
  • Hyperdrive: N/A Requires Hyperdrive Docking Ring (In which case would use docking rings rating)
  • ALL STANDARD FEATURES (Absent Life Support)
  • Droid Brain Capabilities (Remote Operation From a synced Command Ship)
  • Droid Fighters - This ship was intended to be used by droids, limiting the risk of casualties to personnel who operate the squadron's behaviors from the safety of an accompanying command ship. As such, the fighters also do not have the same fears, or cautions a normal pilot would, considering the loss of life. Fearless, if nothing else.
  • Interceptors - These ships do not often fail to catch their targets, easily catching any ship of a higher class, and only outclassed in their ability to gain inertia and movement by a rare few models in the galaxy.
  • Dual Role - Scryers can be used with a zero-G environment, or within atmospheric conditions, and can make the transition between the mediums unassisted.
  • Banshees - More so a note of potential psychological stress, the construction of these spacecrafts sublight drives brought with it a certain demonic screeching when operated in atmospheric conditions. A squadron of these craft, paper weights in reality, would still chill the hardiest of soldiers to the bone. Example Audio Cue (Sound Warning). This may cause panic within the ranks, as the distance, and rate of approach of the crafts can be easily misconstrued, causing lax response methods, and decimating poorly trained ground forces. Enough of them operating in close proximity could even cause serious damage to a humanoid (or like species) hearing, even rupturing/tearing their eardrums without proper sound protection.
  • Low Survivability - The Scryers weren't build with combat longevity in mind, they were made to deliver quick punishment, or ambushes to oppositional forces, or lightning fast CAS strikes before screeching away.
  • Air Raid - Within an atmospheric condition, and likely a big reason for their name, the Scryer's Sublight drives create an extremely high pitched sound, similar to some beast shrieking at the top of its lungs. It is purely impossible to not see a CAS strafe coming. To add, even if a soldier were in the middle of a tense firefight, with thermal detonators going off in relatively close proximity, the sound of these harrowing spacecraft would likely pierce even the veil of war.
  • Central Control - If the ship controlling these droids is destroyed, they will all cease to function simultaneously, unable to operate without some form of command with their 'Mothership'. This is dually active if they are affected by strong signal jamming fields.
A Simple Droid Operated Spaceship with a simple purpose, put the fear of the Dominion into any silly Ground Forces mad enough to engage them. Not to mention quickly hawk down and obliterate soft targets in space (Or atmosphere). They are relatively cheap for the Dominion to make, and widely used in the case of a skirmish. With their increased squadron sizes, they can easily swarm, and destroy sensitive targets zero risk to Dominion Personnel. Still very much a fresh line, many combat techniques are already at work, including dropping these craft into a planet's orbit via tactical Orbital/Coriolis calculation, bypassing certain scanners meant to detect fighter craft, gliding them over an opposing force to counter the usual screeching sound that warns ground forces of their approach, then activating multiple squadrons of these terrors just before contact for a full-on surprise attack.

Research continues...
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Crysis Crysis

Thank you! And next time if you need to edit your subs, please tag the judge who is judging the sub, because usually we're not following the threads, and without tag, there is a high chance, we'll not see you made the edits.

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