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Dominion Planning--Need Writers!

With the coming Netherworld map event in March, not only will be we will be losing 2/3 of our territory, but also there will be a wide area of unclaimed planets to conquer, many of them in Hutt space, an area that is integral to dominating the criminal underworld.

Calling upon all writers who would like to plan out any Dominions for the Red Ravens! Please post here if you're interested in writing and GMing a Dominion so that the Ravens can stake their claim once again.

(Just a reminder that any Dominions need to be approved by myself and other mods. But really the skies the limit if there are any ideas you have.)

If you need inspiration, just take a look at some of the awesome Dominions that we've done in the past:
I'm not sure how GMing in this forum works, but I'm down with the sic---writing.

Our problem is that we're in a tiny corner. If we want to muscle in and have a shot at the larger swath of the outer rim, we are going to need to shove the Black Suns inward, and then reach down the side of the map towards Abrion. I am personally interested in invading Abrion in search of techology and secrets (particularly cybernetic ones).


*cricket, cricket, cricket---SQUASH!...silence....*
[member="Jarven Zexxel"] Take a look at our Syvris dominion for an example of GMing. One of our members made a storytelling account and basically GMed the entire thread for our members. It was a super fun Dominion too.

[member="Nickolas Imura"] That would be amazeballs. As you're one of my favorite writers, I would love this!

I know it's hard to plan these things out when we don't know exactly what parts of our territory we're losing, but I think we could start writing some general objectives, i.e., "take the captial city" without knowing the exact planet.
Jarven Zexxel said:
I'm not sure how GMing in this forum works, but I'm down with the sic---
If that's a Disturbed reference like I think it was then I think we just became best friends. :p

I think it'd be interesting to do a more criminal-esque dominion myself, to maybe go back to our roots for a thread or two.
Firstly, if we're going to have plausible dominions, then we each have to muster a group of NPCs who will act as the stationing forces for each of our likely successful dominions. We all know that, given our already small size, possible colonist NPCs are going to be hard to come by, especially after what happened on Makeb.

Secondly, if we're going to be focusing on something Leader-centric, we'd probably go after technology (territory too, of course, but you know what I mean). Abrion is the faction that focuses the most heavily on technology and cybernetics. Abrion has also been given a warning to either pick up activity or be removed from the Major Faction list.

Now, if that's not enough, then please take a look at the North West corner of Abrion territory. The point where Abrion and Omega territory connect, there is a certain planet that is quite isolated from the main space land of the Omega Protectorate. That planet's name is Druckenwell. You may or may not know this, but Druckenwell just so happens to be one of two places in the galaxy where Blas Tech Industries is located and manufactures out of.

The highest quality blasters and starship weapons?!? Who could resist!?! :)
[member="Cryax Bane"]
[member="Jarven Zexxel"], Problem is, The Protectorate is very much a Government style who hates anything illegal. So with that in mind, and moving that close to them, They may take that as a possible act of war. We need to tread lightly my friend.
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
Point taken, but it's the planet's isolation, and the fact that they're a government, that gives me courage. You see, they'll already have to take care of the crumbling infrastructure of thousands of surviving subsects chiming in for safety and protection. So many people and systems are going to fall into chaos and doubt the OP's ability to lead them in this dark time. They're already going to be so busy picking up the pieces of their giant puzzle that they are extremely unlikely to be able to keep control or worry about this isolated planet on the edge of their control.
We'll have to see how it looks once they do the map reset, but I'm open to going anywhere you guys want. It makes the most sense to Dominion the planets one hex away from our space, of course.

I do love the idea of a tech-salvage themed Dominion. I would be willing to provide some cool tech rewards and treasures for our members to find if we do something like this.

[member="Jarven Zexxel"]
[member="Cryax Bane"], As will I.

I have a really cool idea for a Tech sword that anyone can use. So if you want me to I can send you some stuff or just put it in the factory when I get the sub done. (come time for when we do a dom like that)

As well, I would like to see a thread where all of us participate in a pit like thread to try and earn respect of the people the old fashioned way.

Gladiator style!
Ok, so for our first Dominion, we'll be retaking Makeb and [member="Tmoxin Temi"] will be writing this Dominion. Once we have Makeb, there are many places we can go, and I'd like to have multiple Dominions going simultaneously.

We could have a second thread for the Dominion of Orrazerus. [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] do you want to lead that one?


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