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Public Dominion Under Fire

Rebel Cell is attacking the DSD-Dominion as it flees Sith Space following a rendezvous with two new members of the faction.
This is open to any who would want to ally with the diarchy, who want to try and take down a large star destroyer, or want to sell their services to the highest bidder.

Location: Leaving Mustafar System on Route to Wild Space
Interior DSD-Dominion Command Bridge
Tags: Thel Kaan Thel Kaan Darth Rellik Darth Rellik Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Dragana Zagova Dragana Zagova Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus

Darth Reign stood on the command bridge of the DSD-Dominion watching as the stars streaked by, his brother Darth Rellik Darth Rellik by his side. They were nearing the jump point to leave the Mustafar system, and Sith space, an area Reign did not want to be caught in without permission...not yet anyways. While the Dark Lord was secure in the battle capabilities of his flagship with it's modern armament and impressive defensive capabilities, he was not foolish enough to believe he could endure an assault by the full force of the Sith Navy.

The Diarchy's mission had been successful, the two newest members were on board and down in their laboratories. With that the Dark Lord had set course for the relative safety of wild space, and to the prospect of finding a more permanent base of operations from which to grow the Diarchy's power base.

Calling down to the navigation bays, Darth Reign said
"Set a course for the Eos System, there is a planet there, that I wish to survey. Lord Rellik believes it will suit our needs well."
No call of confirmation returned his command, but Reign knew they were working, the men and women of the bridge crew had all been hand picked by Reign himself, disciplined and fanatically loyal.

Reign turned at the sound of boots along the walkway. Seeing the captain of his ship, Captain Vanek, approaching. The Dark Lord smiled at the older man
"How is the ship captain?" as the man approached he gave a crisp salute (always the professional) and advised "We are operating at peak efficiency My Lord, our new arrival's ships have been refueled and are being checked over by maintenance as we speak, they will be free to come and go as they wish"

Overall, the Dark Lord had viewed this small excursion as an unmitigated success. Turning back to the viewport to watch the stars streak by, he viewed the Diarchy's day as just beginning.
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Recent intelligence had provided the Militant Front with a golden opportunity: a small detachment of naval vessels had been spotted on the fringes of the Mustafar System. This was the perfect chance for the rebel cell to strike. According to the limited intel, no other Sith Order forces were nearby to reinforce this expeditionary fleet. The plan was simple—like their previous strikes, it would be swift and brutal, a perfect display of the hit-and-run tactics that had kept the Militants one step ahead of the Sith Order for the past year.

Thanks to continuous raids on Sith stockpiles and generous contributions from their benefactors, the Militant Front had amassed a formidable naval force. In a war against such an overwhelming enemy, speed and maneuverability were their greatest assets. Their fleet was composed primarily of starfighters, light bombers, and interceptors. Among them were two squadrons of H-wing bombers, three squadrons of Redmaw fighters, and a collection of mismatched X-wings, Y-wings, and transports. Though some ships were old, they had been retrofitted with enhanced shields, weapons, and hyperdrives. The force was nimble, lethal, and ready for action. With their starships fueled, loaded, and pilots prepped, the Militants were once again ready to strike back at the Sith for the devastation they had wrought across the galaxy.

Mustafar System

The Militant fleet exited hyperspace near the gas giant Lefrani, its massive gravity well would hopefully disrupt the enemy fleet's sensors long enough for the guerrilla force to execute their plan. Upon arrival, Thel Kaan, leader of the Militants, watched intently from his transport ship as system scans began to reveal the location and size of the opposing fleet.

"There!" Thel exclaimed as the data came through. "A star destroyer with no escort? They must be getting complacent with their power." Despite the lack of supporting vessels, the star destroyer was massive and heavily armed. It would be no easy target. However, something puzzled Thel—the design was unfamiliar. He had fought the Sith for over a year and had never encountered a vessel like this. The battle would require extreme caution.

Thel activated the commlink to his squadrons. "All units, prepare for attack formations. Stick with your squadrons, and good hunting."

The seven squadrons sped toward the enemy fleet. As they neared, their sensors provided a clearer image of the ships. "B-b-boss," the pilot of Thel's transport stammered, "These markings... this isn't a Sith fleet."

Thel was stunned. The symbols on the ships were completely foreign to him. It wasn't often that he found himself at a loss for understanding. A military force operating in Sith-controlled space, yet not part of the Sith Order? "Continue with the attack," Thel ordered, "I'll figure this out." At this point, it was too late to call off the strike—many of the faster ships were already minutes away from engaging the enemy. Whatever this fleet was, they were fully aware of the Militants' presence. Now, they were committed to a fight with an unknown foe.

Militant Front fleet composition:
It was just a normal day on the Dominion. Well, as normal as you can get in this organisation. Nexion was taking a break from his current subject, a body still half cut up on his dissecting table. He sat in the corner of his lab, sipping from a glass of Toniray wine, a very rare wine he saved for his personal enjoyment.

As he was looking out the window his lab gave him, he noticed something coming from just outside his viewing space. He couldn't tell who or what it was, other than the fact they probably weren't friendly. With a smile in his face, he pulled out his communicator.

"Hey, Reign. I know you love it when things go according to plan, and that's why it brings me so much joy to disappoint you. You may want to look a fair bit behind us because I believe we have people coming to us. I can't tell if they're here for purposes you'll like, though, so good luck with that."

He took another sip of his drink, picturing how Reign may be feeling right now. As far as he was concerned, he was to stay out of people's knowledge, so he could sit back and relax for the time being.

Darth Reign Darth Reign
Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
Thel Kaan Thel Kaan
Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
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Reigns face was nothing short of a mask of rage when he listened to what came through the communicator “Copy Nexion, thank you for the warning” he said through gritted teeth, he could feel the Necromancer’s glee from the bridge.

Turning around he shouted “Captain, can you tell me who that is approaching from our rear!” just as he was finishing alarms started blaring throughout the bridge.

“Battle positions! All hands to battle positions” came Captain Vanek’s voice booming over the intercom.

Reign stalked to the command center, reading the tactical displays and readouts. “their fighters outnumber us by quite a bit, we have a serious fight on our hands.”

Pressing a button, he broadcast his voice to the entire Dominion “Men and women of the Diarchy, this is Lord Reign, we are under attack, I know not yet by whom, but you are the best of the best, hand selected and well trained. Show them you are not to be trifled with”

Thel Kaan Thel Kaan Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
The Diarchy’s AI
TAG: Thel Kaan Thel Kaan

Domina’s Sleep Cycle was over and she came online. She was flooded with intel about the approaching sqaudrons. On a giant screen hee black hair fell over he corpse like gray skin and red eyes as she took command weapons systems and began to target them. She took hold of the triple point battery canons and began to pepper the area of the the Fighter formation. The great explosions like fireworks as she shrugged, and transmitted to all decks,
This is Domina, I am back online, resuming defensive protocols, and ready to blow these insipid parasites to pieces.”
The comms went quiet as she put on some music as she directed more bolts, one coming close to the wing of one of H-Wing Bombers.

She puckered he black lips as she hummed the tune playing that sang,
“I will dig your grave in the deep of space, I will see your face, a big disgrace, and with a kiss.. I will erase.”
She dropped some more fire on the squadron with Interceptors.

The AI gave another sigh as she scanned the squadrons, and found very little intel worth even collecting. Deciding she needed something to occupy her mind, she began reading through the research of Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus who was experimenting on organics. She delved into some of Darth Nexion Darth Nexion work, though he seemed to have catalouged less, perhaps too messy for the books. She then turned her attention to her Master Darth Reign Darth Reign and his Second, Darth Rellik Darth Rellik both of which she answered to as her Lords. They alone had command, the rest were guests as far as she was concerned.
Space was on fire it seemed, even from her position on the bridge of the command ship she could tell that. Originally she had been sent to Mustafar to investigate reports of new players in that sector of space. What she saw out of the viewports made her sigh, the scene of explosions littering the blackness of space. "Such an outright waste... Such precious blood being lost in the depths of the vacuum..." It was like seeing a fine vintage be poured out.

"Ma'am, how should we proceed?" The captain of the command shipped asked. Technically he outranked her, but her status as an Order diplomat gave him pause.

"Maintain defensive posture for now. I wish to have a word with our potential new friends!" A slight smirk took hold on the woman's lips as she watched the scene unfold.

The Lilaste Order had sent quite a sizable fleet to Mustafar, though most of the ships were on the small side, they needed to be to avoid detection from the Sith Order. It was comprised of 4 Hammerhead Frigates, 6 Dh'ivo Corvettes, and a whole host of starfighters held inside a single Rac'gir Class Carrier. The Carrier "Drakenest" formed the central point of the formation, and housed Dragana's unit. It was a fairly large ship, in the class of a small Star Destroyer, and carried a blood red set of "fangs" at the tip along with standard Lilaste markings.

Soon, she would hail the bridge of Dominion, appearing as a hologram on one of the many displays on the ship's bridge. Doubtless this would be a strange moment for those occupying themselves with battle. The eccentric baroness didn't care for how this might hamper these sailors' work, only if she could make contact with the commander of the Dominion herself.

"Greetings darlings! My goodness, it would seem you're in a spot of bother right now! So rude of me to interrupt your honorable bout, but would you happen to be the ones I've heard about? Raising hell along the Sith's territory?"

Tags: Darth Reign Darth Reign Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Darth Rellik Darth Rellik Domina #41466 Domina #41466 Thel Kaan Thel Kaan


The Shesmu was soaring on the stars on its way to Mustafar. Aboard the Great Vessel was passengers who had been enjoying the voyage, unaware that they may be gatherer for The Feast.

In the tower that rose from the haul was the privates chambers of The Host, who as ever reclined at table as he watched out his great window. Renard waiting on His Master, bringing some vino that ripples in a cup in rings of blood.
“Master, we are arriving at Mustafar.”

Vaudimir levitated the goblet of finest gold, it was bejeweled with pigeon blood rubies and diamonds, an example of his taste for grandeur. He took a sip.

Renard stood dutifully beside The Master, The Ughnaught was like most of his species, hardworking. The Shesmu came out of Hyperspace near the Molten world swirling with oranges, reds, and blacks. The Great Cruiser Vessel entered orbit when alarms began to sound. Renard ran to a panel and pulled up some scans.
“Master there is a battle! Squadrons are engaging what appears ro be a Star Destroyer!”

The Fanged Lord did not even look up at the window and screens.
Calm yourself Renard, we are a pleasure cruise, not a battle ship.

Renard turned with that perpetual frown of his people.
“Master.. should I activate the White Lights to signal we are not an enemy hostile?!”

Looking up, a gesture that Vaudimir rarely did to his Helper,
If it will put you at ease.”

Renard immediately activated counter measures and white flashing lights with a transmission in Galactic Basic, Huttese, and Mand’oa that they were a cruise liner, not a threat. The Ughnaught wiped his brow with a hankerchief of crimson.

The Fanged Lord eyed his Faithful Servant, and smirked. He had lived for eons, seen many battles, met the famous and infamous, and as far as he was concerned it was all a cycle of history repeating, a doomed struggle mortals in each age felt compelled to do. Empires rose and they fell, Republics ascended and then rotted. Nothing was new under the suns.

TAG: Darth Reign Darth Reign Dragana Zagova Dragana Zagova
The rebel force had caught the Star Destroyer completely by surprise. Perfect. The Militants couldn't have asked for a more favorable position. However, the Dominion had clearly spotted them now, as a wall of turbolaser fire erupted from the ship. But these rebels weren't fools—they had faced threats like this before. Instead of launching a direct assault, they split into their designated squadrons.

The H-wings flanked the Star Destroyer, positioning themselves at the rear of the ship, where the turbolasers would struggle to get a clear shot. Once the shields were neutralized, the bombers could focus on the three massive ion engines powering the ship. With its engines disabled, the Star Destroyer would be stranded, at the mercy of the Militant Front.

Meanwhile, the Redmaw squadrons split as well. One squadron joined the H-wings to provide fighter support at the ship's rear, while the other two hovered near the Dominion's hangars, anticipating the launch of enemy fighters. They kept just outside the range of the main turbolasers, ready to ambush any squadron that dared leave the safety of the hangars. Ideally, the turbolasers would cease fire to avoid hitting their own fighters once launched. But with the Sith's disregard for life, this was far from guaranteed.

The remaining squadrons, made up of a mix of bombers, interceptors, and fighters, initiated strafing runs on the destroyer, dodging turbolaser fire and close-in defense systems as best they could.

For now, the Star Destroyer's shields held firm, but the relentless swarm of rebel ships was like bloodthirsty mosquitoes, biting at the flesh of a far larger beast. With their continued assault, the shields would eventually fall. The ion torpedoes from the H-wings had the most devastating impact, causing massive explosions and sending tremors through the colossal ship.

Inside his transport, Thel watched the unfolding battle with an emotionless gaze. He knew all too well how quickly the tide could turn.

Militant Front fleet composition:

Darth Reign Darth Reign Domina #41466 Domina #41466 Dragana Zagova Dragana Zagova
As Space exploded outside the viewport, Darth Reign watched the rebel force, trying to identify the weaknesses of their formation.
As far as he could tell, it was small craft. But, their commander had a keen tactical sense about him. The Dark Lord could feel his resolve from here.

Reign knew that the few fighters they had would be picked apart, they had not been expecting a fight, just in and out before they could be noticed. Heading to supply and recruit immediately after this. As the Dark Lord was reading a technical report about the shield (They were beginning to take a hit blast it!) The Dominion's communication officer called out
"Sir, we have someone hailing us. There appears to be a third party out there"

"Blast it all, put them through to the command center, and launch our fighters! We need to get support out there or we are dust!" Reign stalked to the command center, tearing his gaze away from the battle outside the viewport. Composing himself, he powered on the holographic communicator. What he saw there, caught him by surprise. A woman, appearing as one might think of a creature out of folklore. The Dark Lord bowed and cordially said "I apologize for keeping you waiting, but as you can see, we appear to be in a bit of a situation here. My name is Lord Reign, what may I do for you?"


The Fighters launched from the hanger bay, immediately banking downward to the underside of the ship, in a well practiced maneuver, to allow the turbolaser batteries to maintain fire. From the lead two starfighters Darth Reign's daughters split their forces into two squads.

Barking commands to her squad Lady Nightmare said
"Phantom Squadron, this is Phantom leader, target those bombers" receiving affirmative relays from her squad, the Dark Apprentice weaved through turbolaser fire, targeting the H-Wing Bombers

Nearly yelling with excitement Lady Shadow relayed the plan to her squadron
"Viper Squad, this is Viper Leader, keep those fighters off Phantom, we're running security!"

Dragana Zagova Dragana Zagova Domina #41466 Domina #41466 Thel Kaan Thel Kaan
Location: Bridge Tower of the Dominion.

Rellik understanding the severity of the situation moved to the tactical display aboard the Dominion. There he met with the heads of the Admiralty except for the fleet admiral himself who stayed directly aboard the Bridge.

Looking over the battle unfolding Rellik decided to chime in with a few ideas of his own.
Darth Reign Darth Reign and his daughters and Domina #41466 Domina #41466 .
"I would advise a few things from our current position. While the shields hold we should send a few of our Concussion missiles at the enemy leaders ship in such a manner that he must maneuver to the tip of our ship to escape, we might need to divert some fighters to see this happen as he will most likely dodge the missiles himself or have pickets destroy them leaving our shields to be hit. As the leader of the forces is distracted we might be able to trap him in our Tractor beam. We will need to tip the point of the bow directly at him for this plan to work."

"Once the leader is trapped I believe the support elements of the enemy will converge upon the tractor beam exterior in an attempt to free him. If they do not than we will direct our tower turbolasers to destroy him. Move your main staff and yourself to the secondary bridge within the ships middle levels as once the shield goes down I believe they will do their best to destroy the main bridge tower. Let me know if you deem this plan necessary."

Having completed his tactical assessment he had one more plan to go through.
Getting over his comms he hailed Darth Nexion Darth Nexion with another devious plan

"Lord Nexion I am requesting your services and an insight into your capabilities. I have relayed a risky plan to Lord Reign and I wish to add one more step to it."

Having divulged the entirety of his plan to the Archon of death.

"Do you believe you would be able to put several animated dead aboard the short range evacuation vessels and control them enough to steer them so that it appears we are fleeing once the shields go down? I wish to add to the confusion of the situation."

Darth Reign Darth Reign Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Domina #41466 Domina #41466 Thel Kaan Thel Kaan Domina #41466 Domina #41466
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The Diarchy’s AI
Domina rolled her eyes as the sqaudrons evaded. She continued the barrage, when she overheard Darth Rellik Darth Rellik mention concussion missiles. She armed them and targeted the Leader’s ship and the missiles flew out, arching in the dark of space towards the enemy.

Speaking on the comms of the Dominion,
Darth Rellik Darth Rellik , your wish is my command.”

She then returned ro cataloguing what scans of the enemy vessels told her, she had found in scans of Mustafar a potential base. Then she took notice of a Cruiser orbiting the world, broadcasting on her comms that it had no hostile intent. Finding there port she transferred her holographic body aboard the Crusier’s Bridge, which was a fine room overlooking the battle, looking around she saw antiques, some of them she deduced were Old Republic era, which was impressive. She turned to see an Ughnaught, who frowned.

Renard sighed,
“So.. you are the invasive AI that has been scanning our systems.”

Domina crossed her arms,
“Nice stuff, who are you? And why have you dropped out of hyperspace?”

Renard grumbled,
“Did you not recieve our broadcast?”

Domina rolled her eyes,
“Everyone claims peace, and then shoots you in the stern. Obviously you are not the Captain or Superior, where are they?”

Renard grumbled some more,
“My Lord is on the surface.. please, do not interfer.”

Domina persed her black lips,
“And your Lord is?”

Renard replied, “Lord Vaudimir.. he is my Master and means your ship no harm.”

Domina fixed her burgundy eyes on the Ughnaught,
“We shall see..”
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Two squadrons emerged from the safety of the Star Destroyer's hangars, and several rebel fighters broke off to pursue them as they split to engage their intended targets. The remaining rebel fighters hovered near the hangars, awaiting more enemy combatants. The enemy ships aimed for the stern—they were going after the H-wing bombers. As expected. The H-wings posed the most immediate threat to the Star Destroyer.

As the enemy fighters closed in, the Redmaw squadron escorting the bombers broke formation and charged head-on. They sought to entangle the enemy in dogfights, forcing the hostile pilots to evade or risk being shot down. A prolonged skirmish would buy time for the Militants to whittle away at the Star Destroyer's shields. Although the H-wing bombers were capable fighters in their own right, they lacked the speed and agility of the enemy ships. The lone squadron of Redmaw fighters wasn't enough to completely alleviate the threat.

But something stood out to Thel—no more fighters had launched from the Star Destroyer. Typically, by this point in the battle, the Militants would be fighting off wave after wave of enemy ships. It seemed this vessel wasn't operating at full capacity, and that played to the Militant Front's advantage.

Sensing the opportunity, Thel issued a command over the commlink. "Redmaw squadrons, pull back from the hangars and support the bombers at the engines. Bombers, keep pounding those shields. We'll break through soon."

The battle raged on, and Thel couldn't help but notice the skill of the enemy squadron leaders. They moved with surgical precision, expertly navigating the chaos, and had already taken down a Redmaw fighter. However, while their leaders were sharp, the rest of the squadron seemed less experienced. They weren't accustomed to the Militants' unconventional tactics—throwing traditional rules of engagement out the window, the rebels fought with reckless abandon. In some cases, they swarmed a single enemy fighter, overwhelming it with sheer numbers, disregarding any sense of honour. But then again, Thel mused, the Sith didn't deserve honour.

"Boss... we got a problem here!" The pilot's voice cut through the comms, pointing to their scanners. The Star Destroyer had locked onto Thel's transport with concussion missiles.

"Deploy countermeasures and take evasive action!" Thel ordered without hesitation. "Strafing squadrons, intercept those missiles!"

The ship groaned as it veered into sharp evasive manoeuvres, far beyond what the transport was designed for. The strain on the durasteel frame was palpable. Explosions rocked the ship as some of the concussion missiles detonated along the starboard side, but fortunately, the shields held firm. Still, they weren't out of danger yet—more missiles were already on their way.

Militant Front fleet composition:

Darth Reign Darth Reign Darth Rellik Darth Rellik Domina #41466 Domina #41466
The Surface, Mustafar

The Lord of Hunger had come to the molten world for a particular vintage. The Mustafarians were insectiod race, for Vaudimir it would be to dine on Locusts. In his blood stained hood the Sith Spawn made his way across a bridge, there was many Miners hard at work taking the ore made by the rivers of flame. Vaud recalled being her once, reclining at table of the one who had been Chosen, and yet forsook it for Darkness. The Castle still was there, looming at the head of the waterfall of lava that fell to feed this world with the fire of life.

The change was fastling approaching, Lord Vaudimir felt it, his arms contorting, his eyes becoming riven with blood and his hair disappearing into the cap of pale flesh. His fangs grew to vibroknife length and his form began to rise in height as he hunched over. The sight of the transformation made some of the Miners turn in their visors to one another, and then.. they were beset upon! Massive claws torn asunder their helms as The Beast suckled at their necks, draining the blood of these Insects. For eons he had developed a ability to draw sustenance from the most inhumane blood types. He drank the draught, black blood rising out of the holes he punctured like gysers, painting his body. The other Miners began to retreat to a facility, they ran as The Beast gave chase, the entered the door and pressed the console to seal it, when Vaud threw his clawed hand between the closih ends, causing it to stay ajar as he pried it open and leapt on to another Miner who fired a flare gun. The Fangs of the Sith Spawn tore at his neck as its claws ripped the poor armor apart. The other Mustafarians tried to escape, one locked themselves behind a glass door as comrade grabbed the glass and cried out, The Beast grabbing him from behind and thrusting him to floor as it fed, black marks of bloody fingers painted on the window, then the Beast rose up, its burning red eyes fixing on the Miner who looked behind the glass curtain. The Lord of Hunger smashed its head into glass, causing it to crack, the the splinters making the Mustafarian wince and run to a back door, that as it pressed the panel would not open.

The glass broke and there was cry as the morsel was drained. The Facility was full for the Feast, Miners getting torches and makeshift weapons as they flooded the hall. Dropping from skylight into a courtyard was The Beast who growled as they threw their molten spears and used their torches to create flamethrowers, trails of fire coming towards Vaudimir who felt the heat. He Took down the nearest Miner, and tore his head asunder, raising it up in his contorted clawed hand. The other Mustafarians let fire the streams, which lapped at him and singed the hairy hide. Leaping, The Beast fell upon them and turned the flames on one, roasting the insect, searing its flesh which made it crunch when he took a bite. The Mustafarians concentrated their torches, which fell on Vaud, and it did provoke him to dash off, so that these Miners had bought themselves some time as they headed inside another facility with long corridors. The Feast had only begun...
@Darth Relliks plan had been a success, the enemy commanders ship had been forced to take evasive action. Sensing an opportunity, Darth Reign leapt into action. Speaking to the new arrivals Dragana Zagova Dragana Zagova I don’t know who you are, but if you have come to help, we could greatly use it, we would be in your debt”

From his position in the command center, Reign could tell the shields would not take much more of this abuse, his daughters had whittled away some of the bombers but they were overwhelmed. He needed to think of a way to capitalize on Rellik’s plan. Speaking to the bridge crew, as domina had gone silent, he said “Focus all firepower on the command vessel, force him into a retreat!”

Hoping the commander valued his life more than his prize.

Thel Kaan Thel Kaan Darth Rellik Darth Rellik Dragana Zagova Dragana Zagova

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