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Character Dominique Vexx


T H E R E - A R E - N O - L I M I T S

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    B I R T H N A M E | Dominique Vexx
    A L I A S | Senator Vexx, Mastema
    F E A L T I E S | Galactic Alliance
    R E S I D E N C E | Denon
    R A N K | Senator
    H O M E W O R L D | Denon
    S P E C I E S | Human-like
    A G E | 29
    S E X | Female
    H E I G H T | 6 ft 1 in
    W E I G H T | 149 lbs
    E Y E - C O L O U R | Yellow
    H A I R - C O L O U R | Lilac
    S K I N - T O N E | Beige
    F O R C E S E N S I T I V E | Yes

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    E D U C A T E D | Dominique has had the finest education credits can buy. Including an Advanced Degree Economics and Political Theory, plus a little known training in Slicing.

    B U S I N E S S - W O M A N | Buying, Selling, and Trading products and information is what garnered her the connections and wealth needed to ascend the social ladder. Things she continues to do to this day despite being a Senator.

    C O N N E C T E D | Dominique interacts with countless companies across the face of Denon and beyond. She attends their functions, strokes their egos, and sometimes grants or calls in favors. In short, she keeps the world spinning.

    C O N F I D E N T | Weaker people have doubts about whether what they do is 'right' or 'moral.' Dominique does what is necessary and hasn't lost a wink of sleep.

    S L I C E R | Under the alias 'Mastema' Dominique has been known to engage in nefarious slicing attacks even against companies. Unsurprisingly, such targets often pose a risk to other companies whose interests she has a vested interest in.
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    A R R O G A N T | Power, resources, and wealth can get you anything. Even love. Especially love.

    C O L D - L O G I C | It's simple mathematics. Ten miners die today while a hundred starships stay in orbit, and millions of people stay employed building, maintaining, and operating those ships because of what they mined.

    I N D U L G E N T | Of course Dominique buys the most luxurious soaps and indulges in outrageous parties. What's having all the money in the galaxy if you don't enjoy it?

    I M A G E | Dominique can't just do whatever she wants. She has an image to uphold; one responsible for companies sending her piles of credits. Sometimes this demands she take action she would otherwise avoid.

    S P I T E F U L | You don't rise to her level of power by forgiving people that cross you. Whether it take a minute or a lifetime, you'll get what's coming to you.
  • Just Business, Love. Nothing personal.

    Dominique grew up in a stable household where her needs were met daily without a Mother or Father scrounging for scraps. That's right, she was an ordinary girl in an ordinary world. It shocks most to learn of such an otherwise 'normal' upbringing. How had things gone so wrong, they ask? It's no secret, there was no one thing. Dominique simply grew up, looked at the world around her, identified how things worked and what was necessary to acquire the things she desired, and learned by example. To put it simply, she didn't just roll over and accept what was right in front of her.

    It took time to make a name for herself, of course. A humble job that led to choice information, which resulted in a lucrative opportunity. That then pivoted to another opportunity where she acquired access to considerable sums of credits. From there it was meeting the right people, making the right investments, and exchanging the right information. One day at a time Dominique worked her magic trying to gain influence among the Corporate Authorities of Denon until the Galactic Alliance came knocking at Denon's door.

    And to her detractors that say she never worked a 'real job' a day in her life, they were all free to follow in her foot steps and get fed to a meat-grinder when they failed even the simplest of tasks -- being an evil corporate mastermind (according to Darkwire) was hard work.

    Duly Elected

    There were so many companies to choose from for Dominique's next step up the ladder, but when the Alliance arrived and there was a need for someone to become Senator... Well, how could she pass that opportunity up? While her clout with the C.A.D. might not have given her a lofty perch, it did wonders to finance her election campaign. They felt like they could trust her. Influence her. Ensure their interests were represented in the Senate, and that the Alliance didn't make any 'needless' legal changes to Denon's operations. For the good people of the world, Dominique promised stability and reforms to help maintain and improve the quality of life for all people. Because who didn't want to vote for that?

    One of Dominique's first orders of business, however, was to establish her own base of power. Accepting bribes for corporate favors padded her account, but did little to fill her dark heart. With power and authority at her fingertips, she felt it was time to try building a means of taking back control. Of course she wouldn't be free of the C.A.D.'s influence -- they held far too much sway -- but at least they might be forced to strike an understanding and not treat her like their little puppet.

    As for Darkwire, Dominique enjoys using her nefarious Slicer Alias to harass them at times. Turn about, after all, was only fair play as they put her luxurious lifestyle in jeopardy. Sadly, she can't share just how much she's done for Denon or the C.A.D. in this manner. Far too many leaks in the Corpo world. Nonetheless, ensuring their prosperity has ensured her own indirectly so far.
  • TBD​
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Many thanks to Darth Metus for the bones of this amazing bio template.

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