Dom'rius Novoxy

NAME: Dom'rius Novoxy
FACTION: Republic
RANK: Padawan
SPECIES: Nautolan
AGE: 15
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 4' 10"
WEIGHT: 115 lbs
EYES: Black
SKIN: Green
Common Sense: As sad is it may sound, common sense seems to be one of Dom'rius's greatest strengths. However, this can sometimes be clouded by his lack of integrity in other fields.
Book Smart: Spending a large portion of his time buried in books and archives, he's found himself to be rather knowledgable of other races. He's come to know basic topics in several different languages which can prove to be just enough when it comes to getting around on other planets. Not only this, but he has a vast history of past developments in the Jedi's history as well as other factions and seems to know a good amount about majority of these faction's leaders and their prior tatics.
Dumb Luck: While this isn't exactly a "strength" so to say, it does come into his play time and time again. He finds himself getting himself into sticky situations and finding his way out due to the enviroment or the help of others just when the time seems to be right.
Strong Force Allegiance: While completing his tests with the Jedi Order in order to become a Padawan he was congratulated with his rank and a high amount of praise for his outstanding connection with the Force. Though it may have been the only thing he has acceled in as far as being a good Jedi goes.
Fear of Death: Yet another attribute that seems to be one that is not a strength, but can come to prove to be a great feat. His overall fear of death has brought the courage out in him in extremely rare occasions and has given him the yearn to continue to strive on and overcome his obstacles.
Cowardice: In the heat of battle or even in minuet intense situations, Dom'rius has always seemed to find himself in the fetal position before any actions have even commenced. Simple taunts are easy enough to bring him into a ball figure and keep him that way, trembling in fear for his life.
Untalented in Combat: Fighting is just something that has never come naturally to Dom'rius. Though he has spent countless hours, perhaps days, training in preparation to wield a lightsaber, he was only able to pass with a bare minimum of results. Scaling his ability to fight with a lightsaber to a considerably low tier. As far as hand-to-hand combat goes, however, he is just as incompetent if not worse.
Sensitive of his Race: Being a rare race to see around on most planets he can find himself to be the butt of many jokes. Over time these jokes have been a sort of emotional trigger that can lead to him providing actions that would be considered "not the Jedi way".
Puerile: Still at a young age, he has yet to grasp fully onto how mature a Jedi should be and this can sometimes lead him into rather odd predicaments.
Dom'rius's figure is small compared to your typical Nautolan, he is by no means your average "Kit Fitso". His arms are thin and his chest is shallow. Though his body is rather sculpted, however, it is only natural for it to be that way due to the lack of "meat" on his bones. His skin color is the normal hue of most his race. Though he hides the spots that are upon his headtails with a plethora of cloth material. However, the small markings on his chin are unavoidable to hide in the same manor. From the headband on his forehead hangs a small discolored chain, simply there to take place of what would be a "padawan's braid". From there on he wears a typical Jedi's get up of a greenish-brown tint and wears wrist guards that are used for communications and things of the such.
Entering the Universe on the planet of Coruscant, Dom'rius began his days of one day becoming a Jedi Master. Though, this would take many years of training, and of course he would have to grown in age first. Living a near normal childhood he was the offspring to two Nautolan smuggler's, just trying to make end's meet. The family lived in the slums of Coruscant where gangs ruled the land and anyone that attempted to roll solo would soon find themselves to be Bantha fodder. However, his father didn't wish to live such a low and unworthy life, stealing from other families that were in need just as his own was. Though, those worries would seem to go away rather quick as the term survival of the fittest became a reality for the small family.
Dom's father was taken and likely killed, though he was never sure of what happened. As for his mother, she was sold as a slave to some family on Nar Shaddaa. It was to his luck that throughout the travesties of what happened he managed to find his way to a secure place away from being sold as slave. However, he felt like such a coward letting them just take his mother as he did. Thus, he began to live his life in hesitation of the cruel world with no one to help him. He'd have to fend for himself, as all the other orphans had to.
As the years went by Dom'rius found himself getting into a bit of trouble here and there, though it was typically on the receiving end of the fight. He was subject to bullying on a daily basis, anything he had managed to scavenge that day ended up being taken from him not too long after. He began to become self-conscious of his own look and race, as they constant teased him about the spots on his head tails and the odd shape of his eyes compared to their own. All these encounters slowly turned him into a coward, a severely large one at that. It was in no time, at all that he would end up becoming his neighborhood's little slave. Though sometimes, he noticed that he was able to get the other kids that were in the same position as him to do things for him without little to no response. It was odd, he was able to sense the feelings of others that were around them and he was able to tell who he should trust and who he shouldn't.
Years later it came to his knowledged that he was gifted in the Force and was soon picked up by the Jedi Order to undergo training in order to become a Padawan. After struggling his way through the combat courses and acing every written and verbal test there was he was finally ready to be shipped off to the field to obtain his new Master.

Key Traits:
- Buoyant due to wood exterior
- Standard size
- Stands well in aquatic environments
[C] -- Complete
[O] -- Ongoing
[A] -- Abandoned
-- Inactive
Returning to Lost Roots [O]
Hearth of the Blade [O]
Trouble City Terrors [O]
Perhaps the Archives are Incomplete [O]
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