Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Don Cagliostro

Don Cagliostro

Nomadic Noble


NAME: Don Cagliostro First of his Name


RANK: Privateer Captain


AGE: mid 30s

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 2.5 Meters / 8.2 feet

WEIGHT: 300 lbs

EYES: Hazel

HAIR: Green-ish

SKIN: Green


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Strong, being that he is a Tof, an extra galactic race of big green humanoids it's not hard to imagine the feats of strength he can pull off compared to your average humanoid. However, given his rather active lifestyle he's would be considered pretty strong even to his own kind.

Independent - Don has a strong since of independence from his time away from his kind. Rarely even really needing the help of others in most the things he does. This can even translate into him even being surprisingly dependable for others. Mixed with his over confidence he often won't mind helping others if it means showing off a little.

Show Off - With the mix of his independence and arrogance it's not difficult to for Don to feel compelled to show off what he's made of.

Women - Don, like many other more traditional Tofs, is rather quite sexist to females of just about any race, especially towards humanoids and near humans. Often caring little or not at all about empathizing with them. It's not unlike him to catcall just about every women he finds attractive either, and in the romantic relationships he has had in the past, he often cheats on his partners. However, it's very easy for most women to play him like a fiddle and take advantage of his general attitude towards them.

Arrogant - Again, probably do to his Tof background, Don is quite arrogant as well. Often looking down on other cultures and preferring to not bother learning of their norms and customs. He sees himself as better than just about everyone he meets in the galaxy.


Don is a large, muscular Tof. Having green features like his hair and skin. He stands over 8 feet tall, towering over any human and many other near humans. He carries himself with an air of confidence and swagger more often than not. He typical wears his old naval captain's garbs from his time in Firefist under the Tof Kingdom. Never turning down any opportunity to wear his most nice clothes. He often occupies himself with high quality Cigarras a well. Most of the time smoking them when and where he pleases. Don also is missing his right eye, either using an eyepatch of some kind or a glass eye when in a more formal setting.

Firefist Years
Don Cagliostro was born and raised in the Tof Kingdom in the dwarf galaxy of Firefist. His parents and ancestors were Nobles in the Tof Kingdom and were able to provide Don with a privileged upbringing thanks in large part do to his Cagliostro name. Don spent most of his younger years relishing in the luxury provided by his family, he was one of the younger children in his family, so he didn't have much in the way if inheritance. He he sought to enjoy as much as he could while he could.

He cared little for the politics in his family. When he came of age he joined the Tof Kingdom Royal navy and with a bit of the backing from his family it wasn't difficult for him to become a captain in it's ranks and controlling his own vessels. It was mostly thanks to his family practically buying the position for him rather than through his own merits. However to many of his superiors surprise he was fairly good at his job.

However his time was cut rather short in the rather hedonistic life he had as a young naval captain. Since he didn't care for the politics of his family he was ill prepared for what happened. On of his younger brothers managed to seized control over much of the family's assists and staged a little coup within the Cagliostro family. After his parents past away all his older brothers went missing. Making Don the Heir to the Family house for a brief time. But before Don really understood what was going on there was a mutiny on his vessel at the time and was presumed dead from it. His younger brother having staged the insurrection on to take the title of heir from him.

However, Don lived from a crafty escape. But they believed he died in the vacuum of space. By the time he realized what had happened his younger brother had taken the reigns of their house. But rather than fighting an uphill battle to claim what was his Don had decided to leave, not just the Kingdom, but Firefist all together.

Big Galaxy, Little Trouble
Don for better or for worse had moved into the larger sister galaxy. Truly becoming an outsider and not a very subtle one at that. Given his braggadocios attitude and large size. He was lucky enough to come into the galaxy some a bit of his personal wealth as well. So he didn't have to experience too much of a struggle as a newcomer. One of the first things he did was purchase a a ship, and he went a little overboard on it. Buying himself a rather large, luxury minstrel-class space yacht. Since it seemed to fit all the roles he really cared for. That being class, decent firepower, and some space for smaller personal crafts. After that he worked on getting himself a hardy crew, which wasn't that difficult considering that the fact they could crew a ship with class was a good selling point for him as an employer.

With all that he sent out into the new "uncharted" territory of the galaxy. Learning it's interstellar geography, making fine contacts. For work he hired himself and his crew off as Privateers to local governments. Often being used as thugs with the official backing of a legal body. Such as collecting taxes from stubborn populations or raiding ships of rival leaders, governments, or corporations, often able to keep the "booty" as payment or as a fine tip. To him it was far smarter working as a mercenary rather a proper pirate as contracts he took gave him a comfortable degree of separation from the responsibility of his actions.

Don wasn't particular principled or picky with the contracts he took on. Whether it be shipping weapons to some questionable figures, transporting slaves to clients in different star systems, or acting as hired muscle for extortion He would do it so long as order came from official authorities. His moral boundaries might be thin, but his bank account sure wasn't...

Minstrel-Class Space Yacht

PET: Don owns and cares for a pet Jubba Bird which typically hangs around Don and ride his shoulders



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