Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Don Karl

NAME: Don Karl
FACTION: Commerce Guild
RANK: Captain
SPECIES: Neimoidian
AGE: 65
SEX: male
HEIGHT: 6'7" (5'5" haunched)
WEIGHT: 110 lbs
EYES: red orange
SKIN: Light green
VOICE SAMPLE: Mr. Washee Washee


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
-Excellent strategist
-Ruthless with his tactics

-Mildly incompetent
-Extremely overconfident
-Easy to anger or annoy

Don Karl is a scrawny Neimoidian with a light green skin pigment. He is always haunched over and has his arms pushed outward with his hands down. He wears a long black mortarboard cap with flaps that go down from the back of his head to the sides and elegant blue and red robes with grey stripes, a yellow stone in the middle, and a large blue collar. His voice is extremely loud and he speaks fractured basic with a thick Neimoidian accent often incorrectly.

Don Karl is a callous, cruel, self-centered, arrogant, devious, crafty, egotistical, and depraved Neimoidian. He is extremely quick to annoy and will often rant and rave when someone gets him angry. His fuse is extremely short and his ego is larger then a planet. This short fuse and his egotistical overconfidence often causes incompetence and failure. He is the epitome of a cranky, self-centered, racist old man (Neimoidian). His racism extends to anyone and everyone who isn't a Neimoidian and he treats everyone, including Neimoidians with a complete lack of respect. His loyalties lie with no one but the CIS and his people.

Born into a wealthy Neimoidian family, Don Karl was placed into a private hatchery for the first 7 years of his life. His parents were bigoted and were never around for the young boy. He was instead raised and spoiled by his family's servants and droids getting whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. Eventually his father bought his son into a military tactics university where the young Neimoidian passed higher then all of his peers. It was eventually noted that he inherited his parents bigotry and began treating all those he found to be "Sub-specious garbage" with zero respect often rolling a slur into every other sentence. It was also noted that he began to experience anger issues that continue into his elderly age. Soon after graduating university he became a captain for Cato Neimoidia's naval defense where he found little to no action, only the occasional pirate or other criminal running a muck. As he got older he became more and more cranky, cruel, and bigoted often lashing out in a rant every other sentence. Eventually the old bigot took notice of a new power rising from the ashen ideals of an old and he immediately decided he wanted to be involved.

Theme: Unfounded Revenge





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