Nymeria Vizsla
Wolf on Fire
I was wondering if there was a forum or topic where I could donate to the site? I just got paid today so I have some spare money and I feel that this site has definitely earned it! And I don't want it to seem like I am begging for respect or whatever, I honestly would like to support it in any way I can because it makes me feel good. Chaos has definitely kept me intrigued and I plan on staying here for a long time so I wanted to show my respect and help out, I imagine keeping the site up is expensive. I can imagine running the site is like a second job as well, just being a player on it has already taken a good amount of my time (No regrets >.>). So yes rambling aside, if there is a place I could donate would someone mind linking it to me? And if not, I personally think one should be made. Optional of course, but it should still be there for the people that are interested! Okay, thank you for your time.