Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Don't Call It A Comeback - I’ve Been Here for Years [Liberation of Nibelungen]


Shenna’vala crawled out from under the comm console. “Ion scrambler’s good now, plus the whole thing's landlined to a transmitter twenty klicks from here. Like feth is this getting traced.”

“Outstanding. Let's send the pings.”

“Oh, we've had those coming in for a while.” Shenna pulled out a display on the console. “Mostly green. The system's listening - every big Underground cell, plus those radical crews. Sending our side. You're on the air whenever you're ready.”

Jorus let out a long breath and took his seat, the captain's chair. “Yeah, let's do this.”

“You're on in five, four…”

He focused on the console's cheap 2D video pickup. “I'm Captain Jorus Merrill. I’m speaking to the Underground cells all over the Nibelungen system, as well as allies. We've built an awful lot, dug in hard over the past few years, done some good even before the Ancient Eye moved in. You folks stayed two steps ahead of a Jedi dictatorship and that's no easy feat. Been a little tougher staying ahead of the Eye and their Shrouded Republic puppets, tough to make a difference out there. Until today.

“See, I don't like to kick a man while he's down, but this is the chance we've been waiting for. I've got it on great authority that the Eye is losing control of this system, and together we can accelerate that process. You know your regions and what you do best; today's the day to do more of it.

“And it won't just be you. I've called in a full Underground fleet and given'em my secret old route here. They're the hammer, you're the anvil, and today it's open season on the occupation. Merrill out.”

Over at the operations console, Dingo Darr’s claws grated on controls. “Landline and umbilicals severed. Exit pipe clear.”

The captain's chair included the helm controls. Jorus coaxed his old attack ship out of the hidden hangar sideways and slid through the undercity under cover of sensor nets. Tilted on its side, the D’Lessio just barely fit between skyscrapers and massive habitation blocks. Someone's laundry line snapped across the viewport. “Sorry about that,“ he muttered under his breath by instinct.

The city's dense lower levels fell away, giving much more room to work with. He spun the ship to line up down with down. Sensors indicated a mob of attack freighters and assorted boats, just decanting from hyperspace far above. Defense fighters presumably began to scramble; surface emplacements presumably began to fire. The D’Lessio powered up its Qektoth-derived plasma cannons and strafed its way into the target-richest environment Jorus had ever seen.

“So folks,” he said to the crew of the cramped bridge, “I've got good news and bad news. Bad news: there's red contacts ahead of us, behind us, port and starboard, above and below. The good news? They can't get away this time.”

People groaned at the old joke. All was right with the world.

~ [member="Mythos"] or whoever's running the show ~


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Location: Jedi Shadow bridge
Allies: Nibelungen Jedi, [member="Jyoti Nooran"]
Liberation Fleet:

The system of over a billion jedi and they had seemed to become comotose. She had heard the rumors... the story about how the people rose up against their jedi oppressors... except.... it made no sense. THe jedi founded this system, the jedi had built the temple cities across the planets and moons terraforming them. THe lower citizens who 'suffered' under the jedi were.... more jedi. Them turnign on their brothers and sisters with the cause of suddenly wanting to be in charge would maybe make them sith but they seemed to just be jedi once again. She was standing here now with the news from the other jedi that stood there.

"So you are finally going to do something?" The man stood across from her wearing the light brown robes with his saber on his hip. "We were always planning to do something but trying to figure out what had been hapening. We didn't want to send our people to face something if these beings who invaded could just turn them against each other and turn them into mind slaves. THe only conclusion we were able to come to. We also had to think of places and ways to rebuild, they leveled entire sections of a city that spans an entire planet and is level upon level. That is not easy to replace even with the construction we have done to build across the other planets and moons."

She couldn't deny that fear but the admiral was standing there as she looked over them. The planets in the system had been mostly untouched which meant their billions of jedi were ready to help their kin before she was moving. "Well the call is going out and we are going to be heading there. The ships we have will help you and your people retake the world." She got a nod of agreement while the jedi was leaving and going to join them with everything that had. Sala'dine turned back on the bridge and was watching the planet in the distance before she spoke. "Prepare transmission to Master Noran. Tell her to jump when she is ready."
Location: Unimportant Jedi library in the system...

Sitting at a table, several repulsor lifted lights hovered around Tyric's head, gleaming off the freshly shaved scalp. Eyes that still burned with intent focus were hooded under a heavy and troubled brow. Master Marasun was not a Matukai Adept in the strictest sense, but his practice of various martial arts and forms lent his words credit. And if you dug deep enough, many of the finest warriors of the Galaxy had studied under the elderly Atrisian at one point or the other as a pupil. And his treatise on a technique for unarmed strikes had been lost for years. Even he had seemed to not know where the scroll had wound up. And, true to his reputation, he seemed unconcerned, which Tyric could appreciate.

Knowledge, after all, was for those who were ready. And when you were ready, the correct master or knowledge would present itself. Not before.

Diagrams sketched in a spidery hand detailed the form of a punch that was described as 'able to shatter beskar' but warned of the dangers of it even empowered through the Force. The meditative techniques made it something difficult to justify using in battle. But the concepts behind it could be applied in part or whole to strengthen his ability to a lesser degree. And some of the focal techniques and philosophy were insightful, and clearly based in his schools grounding and teachings. Which was unsurprising with how capable the Matukai were. His study with them had elevated him from a former Sun Guard to a Force User after all.

Sniffing slightly, he stood up. The librarian had seemed disturbed when he had asked for something beskar. But, as luck would have it, they had a gong for signaling meals donated by a former mandalorian turned hermit. Stepping back, he shed his burnt umber color outer robes, hanging them neatly on the chair he had sat in, and straightened his stance to eye the gleaming bronze colored gong in front of him, placed on an otherwise empty table. Fingers curled in several quick and odd gestures, and he pulled his left hand back to a punching form. Left leg forward and straight, right leg back and bent with a slight inward curve became his stance as his right hand flipped from curled inward and downward facing to outward and upward facing and the arm extended out to point at the gong.

Suddenly, the room fell very quiet as the Adepts eyes closed, a low reverberating hum coming from deep in his throat - or chest - and the left hand begin to seem to glow with the light of the Force fitfully. For now, his comm had been silenced, and so he did not receive Jorus' message, just the beep of the notification light that it was pending to listen to. For now, he was unaware of the Chaos about to descend.
Pantera-class Stealth Frigate "Nightshade", Mon Calamari Space

A quartet of Sowa traveled along with the large battlegroup directed by Admiral Sala'dine, using the large warships to mask their already minuscule signature during transit and reversion into the Nidhog system. Back in real space, the four drones split up to disperse around the orbit of Nibelungen to begin their ISR mission, a task made easy by all the friendly and enemy hardware already buzzing around in the skies and spaces above the wartorn planet. The uprising had begun.

Just outside TAE space in the Sanctuary system, Jyoti stood on standby with a combined force from the Silver Spacy, Rebel Alliance, and Mon Calamari. It was a motley fleet of both bleeding edge warships, and more..."classic" models donated to the Rebels by sympathetic groups. The Echani would make use of it all to help in liberating Nibelungen, from both the current and former autocratic regimes that had ruled over the system with an iron fist. First came the elimination of the greater of the two evils, hopefully, followed by some peaceful reconciliation later.

"Message from Admiral Sala'dine," a senior comms officer informed her. "She says you're cleared to jump when ready."

"Very good," she said with a nod. "Inform her that I'll establish a launch point within the sector, then micro jump forces into the system from there."

The comms officer nodded and refocused on working her station while Jyoti turned to the commander of the Nightshade.

"Are all vessels slaved to us now?"

"Yes, General," Commander Sirren confirmed. "The fleet is ready to move at your command."

"Thank you." She took her seat at the helm of the Nightshade and closed her eyes to focus and attune her senses to the universe on a macro scale. When she found a starting path, she triggered the mass jump of capital ships and fighters for the Nihog sector. It was normally a relatively short trip from Mon Calamari space, made even shorter by her use of instinctive astrogation. It wouldn't be long before they were in a position to strike. By then she should have the information she required through her Sowa.

[member="Sala'dine"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Darth Tacitus"]
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
Location: The Wheel -> Nibelungen undercity
Allies: [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Enemies: Ancient Eye

While, for some reason, Petria was drawn by this contract promising to play a role in liberating a system from an autocratic regime, she realized that the banks didn't take so lightly in processing the so-called tax remittance money from the Grand Casino and took their sweet time, so she had to stow away to get out of the place. Just that the methods used would probably be a little different this time around: here it was not about collecting reparations from the Ancient Eye regime. The contract called for slicing the state media by means of code injections, and then have it broadcast signals calling to revolt. Time to get to work preparing a ransomware so that the Ancient Eye state media could accede to our demands of freedom of press, she thought, while she was furiously coding the multipartite ransomware disguise under an update to the password management system for enhancing the encryption of the passwords to the 512-bit standard. And later realize, after installation, that they were losing access to the system actually enabling the broadcasts, and then, while the AE state media would be scrambling to get the ransomware removed, or the hardware replaced, she could then start injecting codes so that anti-AE content can actually be aired. Or so her logic went. It took all the time flying from the Wheel to Nibelungen to get the work finished; once she arrived on the planet, it was time to get to the shadowport, while the occupants of the shadowport seemed to be wanting to ask questions about her, but have their tongues tied.

"Welcome to the Underground shadowport. I'm afraid there is no time for proper introductions, so make yourself comfortable: it's the calm before the storm"

"Just supply me the resistance propaganda: I will have it fed once I gain access to their broadcasting system"
[member="Anais Auraeli"] | [member="Harper Kade"] | [member="Ember Farseer"]​
Alden rolled out of the engine room, while wiping some of the grease with a towel and the rest was spread across cargo pants that had seen better days. The runner was a pile of junk, more scrap metal than anything else and truth to be told Al loved it. Absolutely adored it, in fact, and that's why for the biggest part of the journey they only had to stick a head in the engine room to find him there. Tinkering away with Ember's permission- they at least shared that passion of tech with one another.

"Piece of beauty this thin-" He staggered to silence when he noticed the IFF names on the Runner's display in the cockpit. The rest had already gathered up in a small group, huddled over the controls.

"What are they doing here?"

He settled next to Harp and squinted at the Silver Jedi Order's signals.

They had come here together after Ember had gotten word from his Underground contacts. It was a natural thing- they wanted to help people and Nibelungen had been suffering under one tyranny or the other for years (if not decades) now. But Alden hadn't been expecting the Silvers to show up. "So. They don't have the stomach to face the Sith, leave us to their mercy, but jumping in half a galaxy away when the threat is already over, that's okay?" His fingers tightened around the edge of Ember's seat, the beaten leather crunching just a little bit.

The glance exchanged between Harper and him was ambiguous, but the set of his jaw was not.
Serenity was hard to find even when Alden could feel Ember's disapproval. This had always been one of the hardest things to understand- that sometimes you needed to put aside history to assist with common goals. Good goals.

He breathed out, sighed and shook his head. "Hopefully they ain't bringing more wall of lights to this place." Alden grumbled a bit more and then walked out of the cockpit to get ready. The stiffing presence of his annoyance slowly dissipated as he left. He'd be in his room, gathering up supplies and gear, so they could actually do their part in this entire shindig.
Location: Nibelugen City Central
Allies: TAE
Enemies: n/a
Posts: 1

Celeste was tired. Her arrival on this planet, one she had never heard of before, had been a matter of urgency. After the events of Dredd, she had felt emotionally and mentally depleted, her body and mind agonizing over the need to put some distance between herself and the Sith that overcrowded the Ancient Eye. Her attempts to contain their malicious intents had been a failure from start to finish, and she was currently trying to calculate if there was a way to peacefully return to Dathomir.

The climate on this planet, this Nibelugen, was temperate enough to help soothe some of her invisible aches. But the Witch already knew this tiny peace would not last. As long as she was involved with the Ancient Eye, no peace of quiet of any kind would be able to reside with her. She had done her best. She had done what she could. She had tried to listen to the cries of the Force and understand when and where she was needed.

And perhaps... Perhaps her hubris had been too great.

The Witch sat herself on a bench, sighing. It was time to consider her life choices, and see how she would resume. Would only that she had been as ruthless as most of her family, and she would have been able to challenge the Eye, destroy it before its leaders ever had the chance to recover any piece of the artifact. But in all her centuries of existence, now came the price to pay that she should have paid as a youngling; where once she could have interfered and made mistakes, those mistakes would have cost little to nothing.

Now, however...

She reached down into the grass, needing to touch the soil. But there was no soil here, not in this part, not one that she could reach with her bare arm anyway. And still...

With another sigh, Celeste rose, her fingers already contacting the rest of the Ancient Eye. She could feel the vibrations upon the ground, heating through the planet. Not joy, but... Change.

"Something is moving on Nibelugen. If you leave me to deal with it on my own, I will hold no responsibility as to the outcome," she stated with simplicity, and sent the message out to every member of the Ancient Eye.

[member="Thraxis"] [member="Dan Tray"] [member="Salij-Nekt"] [member="Mythos"] [member="Darth Tacitus"] [member="Asteria deWinter"] [member="Vee Toa"] [member="Kiso"]
[member="Alden Belmont"] | [member="Anais Auraeli"] | [member="Ember Farseer"]

"Farmers aren't important, but ya know, worlds actually ruled by the Jedi matter didn't you get the memo? Bureaucrat lives matter I guess," Harper responded, her voice thick with sarcasm.

The anger wasn't befitting a Jedi. She knew it. They knew it. Didn't mean she didn't feel it. She'd been studying the holocron, and as far as she understood it wasn't about not feeling the emotions. It was what one did with them that matter. Normally, when Harper was pissed off, she put shoulder to plow or chucked hay bales around till she felt better.

Nothing like that here.

This was personal. And she had too hard of a time reconciling seeing them here now with the abandonment of her homeworld. It was harder still because after the mad evacuation beneath the thumb of the Sith, Harper still didn't know where the rest of her family was. If they had gotten away, if they were safe.

Or if they were in the hands of the Sith, even now.

"Think this is going to mess up our plans? They tend to leave messes behind them," she addressed the question to Ember, her eyes casting over to Alden's retreating form.

"We've had all about all we can stomach of active war zones, but we'll do what needs to be done."
Pau City Blockade Runner
[member="Alden Belmont"] |
[member="Ember Farseer"] | [member="Harper Kade"]

"Wouldn't it be best to work with them?" Anais queried from the entrance to the cockpit, voice soft with the fleeting vestiges of sleep, brow creased with puzzlement over the reddish slivers that the pair continued to spark in the force at even the merest mention of the Silver Jedi Order. It wasn't quite anger. She'd experienced enough of that in her short life to know that much. It wasn't nearly as visceral or sharp enough to be that simple. No, this was something else entirely. Something that ran deep between the pair. Like a partially healed wound, suddenly rubbed raw.

As much as it irritated her, she knew it was a mystery for another day.

After all, they'd only been a crew for a few days now.


She frowned slightly. Did that word even apply to this situation?
Having been born between stars and raised on vessels such as this, albeit with a much more extravagant finish and more stringent rules around hygiene, being a part of a crew was where she should have felt most at home. But then, this wasn't like any crew she'd ever been a part of. And despite Ember's best attempts over the last few days to convince them that it could one day become one, it wasn't like any Order, either.

But wasn't that the point?

She took a few steps forward, peering over their shoulders at the readouts. "If they're here to help, the same as us, they could share resources. Help us coordinate the relief effort. Isn't that what being a Jedi is all about? Putting those in need first?"


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She received the message from Jyoti and there was more things she could see. THe Jedi Shadow was force dead so she could sit there on the bridge and watch there with a look on her face. "We'll be there." Setting up the hardlight display as the tengu squadron was being prepped they would be abel to move out and the deployment pods were being filled with rangers and jedi. The oen who was here with them to give them more information about the planet had been providing everything to their tactical plans. "What about you? Anything going into this situation? I know we have met with the jedi here before but now there is a danger."

She was speaking and the jedi looked at her. Serious and tall but offered a bow. "It will be dangerous, when they attacked there was only so many of them, these ancient eye took out millions and turned more on the grounds of freeing the planet from jedi rule.... from other jedi who had lived here in peace together for nearly twenty five thousand years. We have developed this entire system and made the worlds, the moons into temples. Spreading across the entire surface and layered over and over much like COruscant... except simple like a temple. We don't have crime we don't have smugglers getting us things we trade and grow it."

Sala;dine was listenign and pulling up the image of the planet itself with the moon they had gone to. "Are the temples for the other moons in the system designed int he same way?" That got a nod of her head. "Yes, it might have small changes with some fo the room but the layout for one will be the same for the others. Same as the planets, we can easily get into the main council chambers and from there we can inspire and rally a number of the jedi to properly come back and remember who they were. We will go back to the way we were when the silver jedi first visited us and we agreed to help you and grandmaster Sorel."

She gave a bow of her head to that and tapped the hilt on her hip. Segotha gleamed and this had been one of the operations she was given a crystal for it. To give it the proper coloring before leaning back in her seat. "Very well then, we'll go after the moon and the planet at the same time. THe Omni carry enough drop pods to deploy a few small armies and with your jedi swelling the pods instead of heavy armored walkers we can ensure maximum bodies on the ground to retake it all. Master Jyoti should be bringing in some other aid before we deploy en mass. I want us moving in and securing room by room and section by section."

There was a nod of agreement with the plan as the Shadow moved into position and maintained its cloak. Scans as she couldn't feel anythign with the force thanks to the biot layer coating of the ship. THe jedi with her were giving the information to their tactical displays while the battle analysis computer was set up. Her eyes flicking back and forth over the screens when they prepared to link and coordinate with the rest of the ships. "We have everything ready to go when you arrive Master Nooran, the operation can begin." At least this should go a little better then with Draven if they were lucky... billions of jedi around to aid them.

[member="Celeste Cavataio"] [member="Gir Quee"] @Asaraa Vashe [member="Jyoti Nooran"]
[SIZE=10pt]Being on the inside of an X-Wing was a beautiful thing, Allyson felt most at home here. The calming sounds of the machine surrounded her and the weight of the helmet hugged her thick skull tightly. It was nice to be part of a squad again and to have people with her with a common goal. The Corellian could never stop flying, she could never stop fighting and she never wanted to. It was in her blood and no one could ever keep her from it. Yawning slightly, Allyson felt the ship move and sway in time with the Nightingale it was slaved too.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Shaking her head slightly, she chuckled at the fact that even though she was no longer with the Alliance, she still had to call Jyoti General. Flipping her visor up, she radioed the Commander, mostly to tease the poor girl.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Ey, Commander, you doing good over there? It’s not every day we get slaved to a Jedi General.” A cheeky grin spread across Allyson’s features as she couldn’t help but find this more entertaining than it really should be. The other members of the squad could hear, probably the General as well.[/SIZE]

[member="Sala'dine"] [member="Anais Auraeli"] [member="Harper Kade"] [member="Celeste Cavataio"] [member="Alden Belmont"] [member="Petria Breguet"] [member="Petria Breguet"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Tyric"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Aubrey King"]
[member="Harper Kade"] | [member="Anais Auraeli"] | [member="Alden Belmont"]

Ember had been the designated helmsman of this piece of junk with Alden tinkering on the thing as if it was a toy for the most part of their journey from Coalition territory. Harper didn't seem to settled on a starship, or maybe it was the fact the thing did look like a junkyard from the outside, and Anais seemed as always a bit disconnected from the rest.

An odd bunch, the four of them.

The Jedi Knight had been able to temporarily push back the conflict within regarding the bold idea of beginning...something. A movement one may call it or an unorthodox class? He thanked that on the gravity of the situation he expected on the world of Nibelungen. War. But they were Jedi, they would do their duty right.

When the starship plucked out of hyperspace simultaneously with Alden popping in the cockpit, Ember knew what would follow just after a glance at the sensor's readings. He remained silent, simply adjusting their course towards the planet. Ember could hear Belmont's feelings about the Silver Jedi clearly. He was just about to ask Harper to look after him when he exited the cockpit but her expression wasn't different.

All the while the Jedi Knight remained silent - he couldn't really blame them. While he had never really had a home, the pair had and Ember was there with them when that same home was left alone by the Silvers to fend off against the machinations of the Sith Empire.

Surprisingly, once more even, the youngest of them all came in with the most logical inquiry. Ember sighed clearing his thoughts of emotion. His eyes frozen at the viewport before them and the growing in size planet. Before Harper could possibly respond to Anais in defining 'help' and 'Silvers help', Ember replied calmly.

"We'll have to." He paused for a moment before turning his head up towards the Dellalt native. "Can I trust you to keep Alden level-headed through this? I know it's hard but we need our minds clear for this ." Ember was reluctant to dabble more into detail.

"You might want to get off your PJs and get ready." He told Anais with a soft smirk on his face before it disappeared as the grim reality of what might be down on the planet struck him. "Harper, you too. Tell Alden too because our intercomm here is faulty, of course."

He smacked the panel but no reaction. It worked for some spacers in the Outer Rim but not for him.

"I will just ping friendly IFFs with Coalition codes. I am not trusting this pile of junk's transponder code to be working well." Ember's fingers danced on a few buttons nearby and an Outer Rim Coalition code would ping both Underground and Silver Jedi forces.

This was going to be a long day.
Union II-class Assault Carrier Sapphire Seas, entering the Nidhog System

The Directorate warship lurched into realspace, surrounded by a smattering of Liberté-class Light Corvettes and a single Trieste-class Escort Frigate. Deep within the carrier's SOC, Admiral Quee and a dozen other Directorate officers clad in black paced around the real time holo representation of the space around Nibelungen, taking note of the various ships appearing on the battlefield. Gir's eyes swept across the other arriving vessels. Many of the larger vessels appeared to belong to the Silver Jedi or their associated ISAF, yet he could see that there appeared to be independent operators around, including several vessels that appeared to have links to ORC or the even earlier Underground.

"No enemy presence detected yet," observed Commander Rendao.

"That just makes our job easier," mused Gir, eying their projected flight path, "if we can go straight to the planet and to our destination. Are our comm's links established with the Silver Jedi warships present?"

Rendao nodded, "They are."

"No need to tag them now, let's put out some feelers to the rest of the other ships present. It's best to have these sort of things established before things get bad."

Several of the other members of the group nodded. The admiral had no experience against the Ancient Eye, though he had read reports of their unconventional, pyramidal shaped warships that appeared to be heavily shielded. They would likely be a problem for the small Directorate task force if too many of them were not neutralized by friendly forces. He eyed the world expectantly. He turned his blue eyes to the sole figure in the room clad in deep blue battle armor.

"Your forces are ready colonel?"

"As ready as we can expect. The Hoplites are already in their drop pods."

Gir nodded. The synthetic soldiers hadn't ever been deployed on such a large scale before. He found himself both curious and nervous about deploying the droids in such a vanguard role, though he knew that if nothing else, they would be far more expendable than the marines housed in the Seas' hold. And that may allow us to participate in more risky endeavors in the future...The blonde man clasped his hands behind his back. Now to see what their move is...

Aubrey King

Like the rest of Onyx Squadron, her fighter was locked in transit, slaved to one command ship leading them all to the Nidhog system. From what she could tell studying her navicomputer, they were way off any known hyperlanes in the region. It made her queasy knowing the potential to be lost in space, or worse.

Allyson piped up over comms, checking in with her usual perkiness. Sometimes she wished she could emulate the Corellian's outgoing nature or her father's fiery spirit, but such qualities didn't come easy for the soft-spoken woman.

"Everything is just peachy, though shortcuts through hyperspace, that's a new thing. Speaking of the General, we'll be having the fine distinction of escorting our Jedi counterparts planetside for their ground assault. I hope you're all ready to bust the orbital defenses of a throne world."

It wouldn't be a cakewalk, even with friendly rebels and soldiers already wailing on the Ancient Eye and their Sith Masters. Supposedly Nibelungen had already been a fortress world of sorts at the time of its conquest by TAE, and had been made even more formidable since then. While new to the galactic scene, their armies and fleets were known to be competent, if ruthless.

"About 15 minutes, then it's on. There might be a billion different objects in orbit, but keep your bearing and maintain formation. I'd like to come of this to enjoy the drinks Safety (Locke) still owes us."

[member="Sala'dine"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Tera Highwind"] [member="Cody Beamont"]
Location: Tenryuu Birdge
Allies: [member="Celeste Cavataio"]
Immediate Enemies: [member="Sala'dine"], [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Aubrey King"] [member="Allyson Locke"]
Others: [member="Ember Farseer"] [member="Anais Auraeli"] [member="Harper Kade"]
Defense Fleet
The message from [member="Celeste Cavataio"] was quick and to the point, an in a matter of seconds Kiso had gone to work scrambling the different fleets from around the sector to prepare for the coming attack, well those that still remained under her command. The main fleets as massive battle ships where not hers to control and as such she had to deal with what was on hand, her flag ship, 8 star destroyers and then a whole bunch of cruiser and corvettes. Perhaps a reasonable fleet, but again what had been jumped in out of hyperspace it far outclassed anything Kiso had at her disposal.

"General we are picking up multiple battle signatures, most seemed to be from the Silver Jedi, battle cruisers, corvettes and carriers, it's like a full invasion fleet, your orders"? This was difficult but strange, why were the SJO attacking? not that it mattered now, she had to line up her ships for defense and hope that the enemy carriers did not overwhelm them with fighters superiority. "Pull up in line formation, put the flag ships up from 2 Valiant's and ADJ's on each side, have the cruisers spread out, those with anti-star fighter cover other and have the corvettes in between for screening", the crew members gave a small nod "Aye aye general", before racing off to issue the orders.

'Over 40 ships verses my 30, this will be interesting, and I have a feeling more will be on the way... I wonder if she will be here.. no now is not the time, focus on the battle, family comes later'. Slowly the defense fleet moved into position, the different enemy ships that wherein view standing before them, though for all she knew there could be a second fleet incoming or cloaked, the Silver Jedi liked to cloak.
Location: Nibelungen Backalley
Allies: [member="Celeste Cavataio"]
Enemies: ???
Posts: 1
Armour Slot: Tazi Helmet Slot: Tazi
Cloak Slot: Phantasm Greave Slot Tazi
Pauldron Slot: Tazi Foot Slot: Tazi
Melee: Cruciatus Overcoat: None
Hand-to-Hand Weapon: Vambrace
Rifle Slot: DEMP Sidearm Slot: Pistolas
Misc: None

He hid in the bowels of Nibelungen far away from the fuddy-duddy upper caste of which he wasn't sure even existed. He was touring the Ancient Eye, by himself and far away from the horned rats that were the Purple Rejects. They cost a mint and a dime on drugs to keep them focused, then came accommodation, food, water. Bah to all that, leaving them in the ship, for now, to give him respite from their woeful company.

But all was not to go well. Something stirred in the bowels of this planet. He saw it in the corner's of his eyes, the scuttling of vagabonds downbeat and trodden moved with some recourse of merriment. Twas the strangest sight he ever saw, in this low drawn hogwash of a paradise, where the air was fermented with the breath's of nare do wells, where the ground itself was cultivated through mead than water and where the light was sucked and strangled by overarching buildings that toppled the sun's own rays. It was the perfect place to stew in quiet misery yet this group seemed more jovial and upbeat, as if the world hadn't beaten them into submission. It was an idle site, but one Thraxis put little to no heed on as he stroked his flask, a leg pressed back and forth in idle sway a single leg resting on the stained brown stonework beneath him as he sang a merry tune with all the capacity of a singer struck with a case of Throat Cancer.

But the good tidings and merriment slowly displaced itself guns in hand and a tricky smile parting lips as Thraxis in his free hand rang a melodious tune out of beat and sync with his own merryweather ditty as a soft crackle and cackle of his Comm opened up, eye drawn as he looked at an apparent member of the Ancient Eye. He was fairly certain he wasn't even a member but being put on this Channel did some to alleviate his woes. His brow cocked in interest, a wry smile drawn as his interest reached a pique. He gave a halfway response over the Comm, his foot twisting onto the table as with a single leg he pulled himself up and atop the table with an unnatural sway before somehow moving with the agility of a puma and slipping down into a trance walk out of the bar, a dozen credit's tossed up in the air and fell to the ground with a silent 'ting' as it was quickly swamped by unruly customers that had been trodden and bested into the ground. Like they should.

He strolled out, the air pungent and misted with carrion and filth, the beaten path trod by all sorts of lowlifes as Thraxis opened his comms away from the prying ears of the Barkeep. "Wonderful observation. Next, you're going to proclaim the air is breathable and water is drinkable." He retorted, he understood the underlying meaning, but people were always eavesdropping on these thing's and to meet such a proclamation with levity might do some good for the Ancient Eye. If they thought their threat was but a mere joke, they might relax in comfort knowing they had the upper hand. It was a complex game psychology, and one Thraxis had yet to fully grasp.
One thousand remained, of ten thousand strong only a meager few were left to carry on the fight. However, they no longer knew where the fight was. The silence echoed through the empty halls of their last known command ship. The vast vessel had barely enough people to move it from one system to another much less fight an earnest battle among the stars. What would they do? What could anyone do when hope and purpose were gone? It was on every mind and no one's lips as they drifted like flotsam on a strange tide. They were lost.

The supreme lord high marshal knelt on the cold hard deck of the ship's large chapel. His large frame was clothed in only a linen wrap around his waist as he knelt before the metallic skeleton of his God and the metallic hand simulated skeleton of his Goddess. He had failed them. They had imbued his siblings and he with a duty, and a purpose to protect the galaxy from the evil that sought to swallow it. He had battled beast, horrors and fate itself only to be tossed astray by blind chance.

His mind slowly moved from choice to choice, event to event from the moment he had taken up the mantle of Supreme high marshal and he could find no time where he should have chosen differently. How could this be? Perhaps, this hardship this failure and catastrophic loss were a test?

He bent low while kneeling and pressed his head to the deck. He chanted his prayers to the twin Gods as he rose up and then pressed his head to the deck once more. How long he prayed he could not be sure but a cleared throat at the back of the chapel drew him from his obeseicence to look to the large doors.

"My Lord Commander General," The Marshal began, "We are nearing a world seemingly embroiled in a large scale engagement. What are your orders, sir?"

Even now in his failure these few, these determined few rested their faith in him. How could he question himself while they looked to him?

"Make way." He replied, "We will aide the people."
Mythos did something he should not have done upon sensing the amulet of Exar Khun so far away that fateful day. He opened up what he had sealed here, what should have never been excavated. The Axe. The sheer power of the nexus returning to the whirling energy he called a host of a body since Resurrection caused him to go into a deep slumber to which the Eye suffered for. Leaderless, aimless and blind they were weak against subversion and pathetic uprisings but on this fateful night... Two yellow eyes awoke from the stasis chamber after months in deep coma and an uncertain fate.

Glass and bacta fluid was sent everywhere as the sheer might of Mythos awakening from his slumber caused the electronic displays, the electric wiring and the very droids working on it flying several meters away. He had paid the price for uncovering the slab he had hidden away from even himself, a price he would have rather not paid... a sentence he repeated more than once in his own story now but this time he had a reward to reap for his suffering. He now wielded his most iconic weapon by his side and sought to use it to establish his new idea. A new vision that in his coma and stasis he saw... a new future and a new strategy to find the eye. This too would come to pass.

Awoken by the nagging of the force, by the shifting eyes and force sense that told him something was not right he chose to cut his meditation short and exited the chamber beneath the massive pyramid of Angramar and assembled his elite forces, his paratroopers and his tank brigade generals. All who needed to know of his return, would know of his return. There was work to be done, for there were shadows in the air. Here in Aknhypt was the one place where the Dark Side could not cloud the future.

"Bring me my armor. Maja't Et turned the sky red this night. This and only this is why I have come here. I smell the murderers of my son and the greed of the light. Awaken the sons of Erebos and Edemar. Call forth the sorcerers of Tund, the Oracles of Mythonia, we must convey before blood I spray"

[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Rickhardt Netherbane"] @Thraxis @Aubrey King [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Ember Farseer"] [member="Allyson Locke"]​
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
Location: Nibelungen undercity
Allies: [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Enemies: Ancient Eye

The content of the propaganda in question is nothing short of scathing: the Ancient Eye leadership being involved in environmental disasters, thanks to very lax environmental laws, restricting civic freedoms, and also their involvement on the Atrisia disaster. Now that Petria was seated at a station where there were several viewscreens, the Mando slicer began working by sending them a message to the suggestions inbox with the so-called updates to the password management system, touting 512-bit encryption of passwords, and also enhanced capability to retrieve lost master passwords for their users. She expected said message to stick out like a sore thumb because it was something different from the usual complaints about inappropriate programming or inaccurate facts, watching carefully for signs that they are, in fact, installing the ransomware into the mainframe. She was also expecting them to be unwilling or unable to pay up the ransom in question, even though it is mostly the same as the cost in lost productivity from debugging the system without outright replacing the contaminated hardware, assuming her estimates weren't that far off. They took the bait; while they debate whether to pay up or to try to debug the password management system, I have a window to steal some journalist's password, she thought, while she tracked the installation status of the so-called password management system updates. Because she surmised journalists had access to the broadcasting queue management system for breaking news, maybe accessing the PMS' manifest of passwords would be a good idea.

"Now, Hetzel, now!" another member of the Underground cell hollered at her.

"I haven't entered the broadcasting queue management system yet. Let me look for that system's passwords first and then the code injections for uploading the propaganda are underway" Petria retorted, while realizing that this particular member of the Underground cell recognized her from the Wheel, even though "Hetzel Holdo" as a 21-year-old from Oorn Tchis was just a fake identity to get into the Grand Casino in the first place.
Location: Nibelungen
Allies: TAE
Enemies: Underground Cells

Salij-Nekt had been staying among the planet of Nibelungen. He was here for one thing; training. He had been training himself in combat, testing his own limits. Plus, he planned to explore a bit as well. The Anubian rarely did so anyway, so he decided that now was the time to do something like that. So that is what he did on this day, he decided to do some exploring of the cityscape of the planet. That was when the Anubian sensed something...trouble was abroad. With his pole'ax that he always had with him, he remained cautious. Something was happening.

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