Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It wasn't often he was called to seek out someone. Certainly not a teenage boy.

Makai had given him the address. There was some written communication throughout the elapsed time since Danger,himself, and the kids had come up with an idea of what to do with Iko Vel Iko Vel .Merely being a bodyguard and hanging around Persephone was out of the picture. With plans already in place to pilot an internship program through Arceneau Trade, he had hopped aboard the program, joining in to teach teenagers and young adults in stretches of six month contracts some basics of the business.

It would prove them well. They could mold young people early, start their knowledge off and put them on an accelerated path to leadership within regions of the business. It would take a weight off some of his skilled labor concerns, getting folks to move around was difficult. If he could train more regional supervisors over the next three to four years his already thriving salvage empire would be ahead of the game further.

Today was his first formal introduction to the boy. A bit of feeling out, to see the state of mind, where Iko would be a good fit. Apparently he loved metal, which was perfect, Judah dealt with nothing but metal day in and day out. Finding someone with a passion for such thing that wasn't just interested in making armor was rare. He was hoping Iko wasn't armor obsessed, but being a teenage boy, Judah wouldn't be surprised if he was.

Carefully following the directions down the hallway, knuckles rapt on the door, wondering if the kid was home. They had school, right? Jedi kids went to school? Yeah, that sounded right to him. He hoped they got an education anyways.

By now, Iko had managed to get over his leg injury. So he had spent a bunch of time cleaning up his place for once. Well, actually cleaning up. There were obviously a few stains here or there but Iko was no perfect cleaner. There was no way he was going to be dealing with that. Though as soon as he heard the door open up, the young Lad ran over towards the side first, before grabbing his gift he had made for who Judah, who had presumed was the one at his door. Who else could it be? There was no way his dad was going to be there at the end of the day.

Opening his door to Judah, Iko gave him a bright grin, stepping back for a moment before waving his arm at the interior of his apartment. Remember the lessons that Makai had taught him at the end of the day. Be polite, flatter them. Ask how they are. Make them feel good about themselves and also you. Of course, he was somewhat nervous but...the strong part was getting through the nerves.

"Mr Dashiell. It is fantastic to finally meet you. Please, come in. Sit down. Would you like some tea, or coffee? I'm...not great at making it, I'll be honest. Hopefully you've enjoyed Fondor. I'm sure it's nothing like Saleucami."

Alright. Show you're doing your research. That's another key thing in his mind. He's shown he put time and effort into learning about Judah, which in process should make him feel more impressed by Iko. Hurrying back into the apartment, he went to go and make sure he had hot water available for his new guest. Trying to walk around with purpose instead of rushing around like a hyperactive teenage would...Though it was clear he did have somewhat a large amount of energy as he hopped up and down, waiting for the hot water.

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
Another hyperactive one.

His own son had been 'full of energy' as he liked to put it. Extremely talkative, bouncing all over the place, flitting from one thing to another excitedly. At this point, he was beginning to wonder if it just was the nature of a young boy. This time around, dealing with the behaviors, Judah was much older. Good on one hand in terms of patience, bad in terms of aches and pains and keeping up with a kid. Especially if he was teaching the kid in question how to salvage and work the basics in the field.

"Hello Iko, nice to finally meet you as well. I can say the entire family knows more about you than you know." A small chuckle as he moved inside, taking a seat at the direction of the teenager, moving towards the chairs int he room. "Whatever you make me is fine. Not horribly picky."

Some research into his background. Perhaps Persephone had filled him in or he has searched through the HoloNet. No doubt it was a combination of both, although Iko Vel Iko Vel didn't deep dive, so hopefully Persie didn't dig through his desk looking for any hard hitting information. Unbuttoning his suit jacket, Judah took a seat as the boy hopped around, waiting for water to boil.

"A little similar. Saleucami has deserts with small oasis' cutting the vast nothing. Fondor seems similar in that regard." A small pause. "How has your recovery been? I see you hopping around, must be a little better."
"The recovery 'as been goin' well...Persephone finally convinced me to use Bacta, instead of grinnin' and bearin' with it. Felt like a waste, since more people could 'ave used the bacta...but I already feel like it's a bad idea to upset 'er."

Iko went to work making tea. It was the easiest thing to make at the end of the day, since coffee would need a certain amount of teaspoons...and luckily he had actually watched his teaspoons, so he didn't feel bad using them to give a few bits of sugar into the tea. Nothing too much, he didn't think that Old People would like too much sugar at the end of the day. He hurried on over with the tea, being careful as not to drop any of it on himself before placing it in front of Judah.

"I am glad to 'ear that the family knows about me. I 'ope it has been good things. Oh. That reminds me. I've made you and Miss Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau a pair of gifts as well. I tried to make them personal to the pair of you but...I didn't have a lot of information to go off, so I apologise."

With that, the young Lad placed them two small gift boxes in front of Judah, pointing out which one was his. Inside of it was a small simple figurine of a X-Wing. There were a few small mistakes but nothing that was awful. He hadn't actually seen an X-Wing in person, so Iko mostly had to go off images he could find on the Holonet.

"I used the first sword I made when I joined the Jedi, as materials for them. I could 'ave used the Phrik that Mr Makai gave me...but it felt wrong to use something that 'ad been given to me, instead of usin' somethin' of my own to show you my skills."

Whilst Judah's gift was clearly personalised, Danger's was...a little bit more generic. He wasn't able to find anything too precise on her, so instead he had just decided to make a figurine that represented a small Galaxy, with a few small bits of metal formed into the shapes of planets, moons alongside a small sun.
"You don't want a permanent injury, from what I heard it was best to take the bacta. Getting shot isn't nothing to take lightly. Thank you for keeping an eye on Persephone. It shouldn't happen again, I'm sure you know she's forbidden from public transports now."

Possibly extreme to some but they had the resources. Persie would have to just be "uncool" and take privately owned vessels. Makai had tried to explain to the girl how he used to hop from Arceneau Trade to Arceneau Trade vessel as a kid to get around, hoping to make the teenager feel better. It wasn't as if it was luxury accommodations each time, sometimes it was literally a freighter headed to the next warehouse.

"You didn't have to get us anything, however, these are great. Mine is going straight on my desk. I know Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau will put hers in an equally prominent place. Thank you so much. You're very talented. Very fitting for Danger, since she thinks she owns the universe."

A grin as he couldn't help the playful rib at his oldest friend, a little unfair since she wasn't here to defend herself. As for the gifts,both of them had their children's little creations in their offices, no doubt this would be any different. Free hand picked up the piping hot tea, a little on the less sweet side but it was fine enough for him. Gifts were placed down, back resting against the chair as he regarded the boy.

"So, I hear you're interested in joining us for a bit."

Iko Vel Iko Vel
"It coulda be worse. It was only an ion blast. But...the whole thing has made me change my eyes on bein' a Jedi..."

Iko rubbed his hand at that. There was still a strange sensation through him. It was less of a physical feeling and a spiritual one. He had felt like he had corrupted his very spirit with what he had done on the freighter. Though he did break out into a smile at the fact that Persephone was going to be doing private travel from now on. It was much safer than letting her use public transport.

"I know I didn't 'ave to. I don't make things because I 'ave to. I do it because I like it. I made Persephone's knife, 'cause I want her to be safe. It helps me to...focus when my mind is going all over the place. Even right know, my mind is shootin' off in like fifty different directions. Makai 'as taught me a bit on stayin' focused in conversations...but it's 'ard. I'm too much of a talker. I can talk for days upon days..."

He shook his head, taking a seat across from Judah, giving his elder a short nod at the statement about Iko being interested in joining them for a bit. Biting his lip in thought afterwards. Did he leave out the truth? Only include some of the truth? No. He was honest. Through and through.

"...Yes. I'd be lyin' if I said part of it wasn't to be closer to Persie. I like her. She...helps me to think. I've felt...weird since I got shot. She makes that weirdness go away. But...I know it's stupid to pick up everythin' and move just for one girl, even if they're as...unique as Persephone. At the same time...I ain't feelin' like the Jedi are suited for me...I wanted to be some cool 'ero who saved everyone...but bein' a 'ero is dangerous. And I can't let myself get 'urt. Or die. I can't afford to make Persephone sad over that. And well...I like makin' stuff. I'm good with metal. I ain't the smartest but...I'm good at copyin'."

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
"I understand. Being in those situations make you re-think a lot of things."

Judah didn't mention being young probably made it worse. Everything always seemed incredibly dramatic at large at these ages. In time, with a little perspective, tended to mellow these things. Although being injured did force the hand of many ; he had been there. Injuries had forced his hand into the salvage business, so perhaps it wasn't always all bad.

"You should ask Makai about undersea volcanoes and see if you think you talk a lot. I dare you."

The old salvager really hoped Iko Vel Iko Vel didn't take him up on that little challenge, because the poor kid would not only be talked to death but bored at the same time. At least Iko had the good sense at this moment to try to contain much of his excitement and talkative nature. Judah was certain though if he asked something about swords or his forging there would be a large tangent in the conversation.

"A little young to be deciding such things over one girl, don't you think? Its great she puts things into an entirely different perspective. Life is, inherently, dangerous. What I do isn't without risk. We've had workers die. Lose limbs. Get injured on the job. There's a reason I'm one of the only major salvage corporations in the universe. You have to be a little crazy to do this."

"I'm glad Persie makes you feel better.However, don't rush into something, which is actually why I'm here. We've been discussing what to do. Makai has told me you're deadset on this path. He went and talked to your father as well, of course we had the conversation with Master Noble. In theory, we're clear to begin and leave this all behind."

"All this to say, a six-month trial period might be better suited to you. If, after the six months contract is up, you want to continue, by all means we will.If you don't, then all the resources for you to head back to the Jedi or your father will be at your fingertips. The internship is paid, so you would have credits to at least get you started back on a different path."
"Whereas if I'm a Jedi, it's not just me at the risk of dyin'. It's the people who's fates would be put into my 'ands. I understand 'aving workers die...or losing limbs must be awful to a Jedi, I'd be expected to save everyone. Be willin' to put my life on the line for them...and I can't do that. I never realised how valuable life can be before I met Persie. She' of the only people who thinks I'm smart. No-one's ever said that to me before..."

Not even his dad. His mother might have, but Iko couldn't remember her that much if he was being honest. Everything in his life was just him and his dad. It's why Persie had managed to open his eyes and actually make him realise that the self-sacrificial path of being a Jedi and a hero wasn't for him. The idea of being a hero and saving everyone seemed so ridiculous to him nowadays.

"...My dad probably won't even notice if I do or don't come back from the internship. There's a lot 'e doesn't notice. 'E just always thought I was dumb...That's the reason 'e doesn't expect me to take after the Restaurant when he gets old. I ain't smart enough for that apparently. It's...why I wanna do this internship. I want to prove 'im wrong. And Persephone right. I am smart. No matter what 'e might have thought. No matter what anyone thinks."

"The six month trial sounds great to me Sir. And I will assure you, this is the path I want to take. There ain't no way I'm returnin' to the Jedi or my dad. You're goin' to be stuck with me, so I hope you're ready to deal with me and how many ideas I can come with! I was originally wantin' to be a bodyguard for Persie...but this idea is much better. I can learn...more from you, than I can just being a meat shield."

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
Judah listened patiently, sipping his tea, not interrupting the teenage boy. He was a little conflicted. On one hand, the boy clearly had experiences making his own major life decisions. He was aware there was some autonomy with the Jedi, at Iko Vel Iko Vel 's age he was expected to join in the fight - at least that was his basic understanding. Judging from the words Iko used, he was somewhat correct. Even if not on the front lines, it seemed Jedi children would be assisting in one form or another.

On the other hand, Iko was also a child. Making these kind of brash,sweeping decisions he possibly couldn't see the long-term impacts. However, right now it was temporary, so Judah wasn't concerned about potential issues that didn't arise yet. They had plenty of time to evaluate if Iko liked the life or didn't, and his potential path once they knew more.

"Well, your father has signed off on you joining us for six months, so we will move from there. It's nice to see you're eager. That is half the battle, being eager to start and learn something new. I am ready to deal with you, that's not a big deal. I haven't trained someone so young since Makai, so it will be a challenge for both of us. You're the first one into this pilot program, so we're going to take what we learn from you and try to apply it across a broader program across the company."

A small pause.

"You could say you're breaking new ground for Salacia. I look forward to teaching you as well as any ideas you come up with. I figure our first foray into salvage will be an easy one ; we can stay on the ground for some of your first lessons. It won't be all backbreaking work though, I've got a few events to attend to and you'll be coming along to those as well."
"I'm not surprised that 'e signed me away. Does 'e know I'm gettin' paid for it? 'cause then it makes a ton of sense why 'e'd be all okay with it...otherwise 'e'd have been all like "My boy can only join you, as long as any injuries that he gets aren't my problem, blah blah blah."

It was clear that it was somewhat of a sensitive subject for Iko, as he grumbled away to himself. It wasn't always though. Persephone had just opened his eyes to how he should be treated and he was slowly but surely realising his father had never treated him as an actual son. He was treated more of a servant or as an employee than an actual child at the end of the day.

Though he turned his attention towards Judah's conversation, trying to pay attention to what he was going to be learning. They were going to be staying on the ground for ab unch of the lessons...They were going to be going to events which Iko wasn't actually looking forward to. It meant being careful about what you said, and putting thought into it, and that was something he was never great at. Though there was one thing Judah said, that caused Iko to break out into a smirk.

"...If I'm in the pilot programme, does that mean I get royalties from any successful people taught by the program?"

It wasn't a serious question. It was mostly Iko wanting to have a little joke about it all. Mostly to pick his own mood up right now since dwelling on his father had started to disappoint him.

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
"I'm not sure, I let Makai handle that part. However...great news, if you do get injured your medical is covered, so don't worry on that front. I'm confident though beyond a few scrapes you'll be fine. Clumsy I've dealt with before."

Judah wasn't surprised that this was a sensitive subject. Iko Vel Iko Vel seemed upset his father didn't seem to fight for him, or at the very least, be more involved in this process. According to Makai, this hadn't been a big deal for Iko's father, completely unconcerned about the entire process beyond the small loan Iko needed to pay back. It was a little...concerning, on his end. Perhaps with a bit of time, space, and hardwork (the Judah formula, really) the boy would find himself and gain a touch of confidence, although familial issues were always a sore wound, no matter how grown one was. He knew that first hand.

A small chuckle at the question and a shake of his head.

"No.. However, with a bit of time, I am hoping you'll be one of those successful people. I'll be up front with you Iko. I'm going to need people outside the family who I can trust to put into positions of power. Its early but...something to consider. Makai is my right hand, eventually I will need a left hand. If that's something that interests you. If not, we're going to have some fun and you'll gain some new skills."
"I'm...not as clumsy as I think I am. Persephone has made me realise more about the better traits of myself...If it weren't for her, I'd just think I'm some kind of idiot...But she's made me realise, I can be smart. I'm sure I've had worst injuries than what I'll ever get whilst travelling with you."

There was a small amount of confidence that Iko had, thanks to Persephone's help. But he knew he still had a fair way to go before he was fully confident in himself. Ironically, Judah's mentioning of having Iko potentially be his left hand managed to catch the young lad's interest, tilting his head for a moment. That was interesting to say the least. It would be a lot of pressure...but also potentially a lot of respect. And getting a lot of respect was going to be pretty nice if he was being honest.

"I can pick up things pretty well. As long as I'm like...shown how to do it. I'm terrible at learning if someone is like...trying to talk to me. I have to either see it, or do it myself. I'm very...tactile. Which might be hard for this kind of job but I promise you Sir, I will do my best."

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
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Judah chuckled a little at Iko Vel Iko Vel , and his concern of being shown things and doing his best. The old salvager wasn't concerned about the boy not putting in the work or learning the job. All that was a distant issue for himself. Obviously more front of mind for Iko, but this made sense. The teenager had no idea what he was like or what lay ahead.

"Salvaging is a very tactile job. Nothing gets done starin' at the metal, you know? So you'll be shown at every step what to do and how to do it. Then you'll get to do it over and over until you can do it with your eyes closed. Which...wouldn't be wise but you're going to be building up a lot of muscle memory."

He paused to sip his tea, regarding the boy once more.

"So what are your questions for me? I know you have them. Business. Personal. Life. I'll take them all."
"Oh. I built up muscle memory with forging stuff. I don't hit my hands really anymore. Persie wasn't too happy when I told her I used to do that though. But I'm eager to start salvaging. It'll be...interesting. To see what kind of metal we'll be dealing with. Might be able to come up with different designs or creations that could be used to either help the job, or help earn a bigger profit..."

It was clear that Iko was trying to see it from a somewhat business standpoint...Hm...Maybe he should put some research into what technology was being used for salvaging. Though he shook his head at that thought and turned his attention towards Judah, as Iko debated whether or not he wanted to ask a serious question or not, resting his chin on his hand for a moment.

"...How do you find it possible to be neutral in the Galaxy? I always thought someone who sat on the fence had no friends. They have no-one there willing to help them, if one side of the fence decides to kick it down. So...why be at risk?"

Maybe it was too much of a serious question. But it's one he wanted to ask. Just in case he'd have to only be able to trust himself.

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
"Metal? All sorts, just depends on the job. Anything used to build a starship or droid tends to be the most common, but it varies. Also depends on region, but you'll learn all about that. As for designs and creations, possibly. Lots of time to think while one is out there. Innovative problems typically have innovative solutions, so it's good to flex your problem solving skills."

The question was a bit surprising. However, it was a good one. Judah supposed that was one way looking at it ; one of those 'if you stand for nothing you will fall for anything' type of situations. Not that Iko Vel Iko Vel implied that, but the phrase was common enough in the galaxy. Coming from the relative safety of the Jedi, he could see the point.

"Who says I don't have any friends? You've been talking to Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau again, haven't you?"

A small inside joke. Moving on from that though.

"Let's say I align myself with the Galactic Alliance. Only take their contracts, work in their space, give credits to their political get my drift, I'm all in. Yet, I'm still a private business owner, what obligation do they have to protect me? I can easily be dropped like anyone else. What I own isn't government property,so why waste their soldiers lives for it?"

Judah thought for a moment, finger tapping on his tea cup.

"Since the company is galaxy wide...I would say most folks don't even pay attention to me. Why would they? I'm not anyone. I don't make any life altering decisions. I pay taxes for each sector, follow the laws closely, ensure we're not stepping on someone's toes. The lives of my employees depend on it, if we're salvaging in Sith space and they view that we favor the Mandos or Jedi or may not end well for them if someone wants to send a message."

"The long and short of someone who doesn't have the're at the mercy of whatever the powers that be decide. Frankly, there's not much difference between Jedi and Sith for me, both cause massive destruction at the expense of civilians. So sitting on the fence? Makes perfect sense. Perfect strategy is not to attract attention and just live our lives."

"Now, as for protection, that is why I pay handsomely for my own private security force for the company. Additionally, there are things like salvagers guilds and commerce guilds and the like that are neutral organizations ; as in, they just exist for the betterment of businesses and individuals involved. Those are normally fairly safe to join. Often times such things will have your back."

A sip of his tea.

"At the end of the day, all I have is my family. Thats who I rely on as a neutral party."
Iko frowned for a moment at that. It was clear that he was trying to put some thought into the conversation instead of rushing into it. He was still a kid at the end of the day. And part of what he was saying about the Jedi was part of the reason why he wanted to leave the Order. But at the same time...There was just one problem that he had with what Judah had said. Iko's head dipping down for a moment as he stared down at his own feet as he spoke. The usual excitement or even curiosity he had not coming out. Instead his voice was lacking in any form of emotion.

"...But I don't 'ave any family. My dad sees me as burden to just pass onto one person to the next...and I can't even remember how my mother looks...And..I can't exactly consider Persie family. We're just kids...I'd be dumb to think 'er and I'd be together forever and all of that romantic nonsense..."

And well...Iko was dumb. But he knew that, which is why he was bringing it up. As much as Persephone had done plenty of good for Iko, she had also started to make him realise how much he was being passed around. How very few people seemed to actually want him. Some of the Jedi probably did want him, but he didn't want them anymore. He didn't want to be involved in the bigger aspects of the Galaxy. After all, he wasn't overly important to the Galaxy at the end of the day. He was just one of thousands, or even millions of children in the Galaxy who wanted to be a hero...

"So...who can I rely on? Myself? I can only deal with so much on my own...And I know 'ow selfish people can be when it comes to dealin' with someone they don't know...I mean...It's part of why I can't be a Jedi anymore...'cause when it came to the pirates...A real Jedi would have tried to 'elp everyone. Save all of them...but all I really cared about was savin' Persie and Cassie...They're who's important to me. Not some random stranger I don't know. A real Jedi would take a shot for anyone...but I can only do it for the people I know. The people I care about...and I can count the number of names on that list, on one 'and..."
There was a small sniffle as Iko shook his head, trying not to cry. Instead lifting his head up to give Judah a massively fake smile.

"...Sorry Mr Dashiell. That was...a bit too more personal than I expected it to get."

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
There was a long pause. Should he hug Iko Vel Iko Vel ? No, their first meeting and it may not land correctly. It was best to offer his support for now and save the potential hugs for when he knew the boy better. Instead, he would just continue in patient father mode from afar, doing his best to navigate the teenager through this. Not that this was an issue to be solved in a day.

"We can't solve everything in one day, can we? However, at least for the next six months, you can consider yourself an honorary Dashiell. Great thing about my family is there are too many of us, its impossible to get lonely. I promise I will be keeping a close as an eye on you as I would my own son, so you don't have to worry about relying on yourself this entire time."

As for the Jedi....Judah had zero experience there. He wasn't sure what their exact views were and could only take Iko's word that protecting one's friends and family wasn't a wise idea. That he would have to protect everyone, which made sense if he was thinking about it, sworn to the 'verse and all that. If you asked him, the root of the cause seemed to be the boys family, especially the father. He had walked down this path before with Makai, and if Iko was his boy, a heavy round of therapy would have been in order. Then the Dashiell-approved hard work.

"That's alright. You can cry about it, you know. I cry, it happens. We're not little robots running around. Not everything is going be happy constantly, this is certainly nothing to be happy about. Just know we won't be passing you around. You'll be stuck with me so much you'll get tired of me, I promise. If you don't believe me, ask my non-existent friends."
"I don't...cry. Unless it's 'cause I'm in pain...I dunno. I just...don't see the point in cryin'. I make stuff instead. Sometimes it's just junk that I bash around a bit...or sometimes it's something good. I make my best work when I 'ave some kind of emotion behind it. But I ain't be able to make anythin' for a while now...since I ain't got a forge of myself, and I ain't at the Jedi Temple anymore. Temple probably won't exist in a few months with how things are goin'...Everywhere I ended up callin' home is gonna be gone..."

Considering how emotional Iko was being, it was possible that he trusted Judah. There was no way he'd be this emotional with Persephone at least. Either afraid of scaring her away or ruining his reputation of being all shiny. How could he be the sun, if he was being gloomy and downcast? It was part of why he had considered Persephone his sun, and himself a moon. Being around her, caused him to radiate light. But now? He was stuck, having to deal with his own lack of light. Chit. He had to stop being so emotional.

"I just...I dunno...I wish I was ignorant to stuff again...Never understood it when people said ignorance was bliss...but it makes sense now. It's just...I care about a lot more stuff now...I care about specific people...I care about myself...All I cared about before that was making a name for myself. Going out like a hero and as a legend 'cause...I thought it would make people think I was cool...or important. I don't care about that. I just don't wanna make Persie sad now. She's lost 'er mother...and I don't want her to lose me..."

Whilst Iko couldn't make himself cry consciously, that train of thought was causing a few stray tears to run down his cheeks. He couldn't let one of his best friends in the entire Galaxy be sad because of a mistake or a screw up he did. So now he had to protect his life like it was one of the most valuable things in his life.

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
"Sounds to me like you're growing up."

Iko Vel Iko Vel was wishing to go back to his old ways, before he knew about death and destruction, before his world was shattered by realizing his father perhaps didn't care as deeply as Iko once thought. To Judah, it seemed par for the course ; growing up and becoming aware of the larger galaxy and realizing nothing was as innocent as he once thought. They had had gone through it, however, this was more than a particularly sensitive time for the boy.

"As for Persie, you can't stop her from being sad. Such is the nature if life. Ideally, no one wants to lose you, I'm not saying be reckless, but also something beyond much of our control. I don't think she's going to lose you and in time, Persephone will come around too. She's been through a lot over the last few months, same as you."

A small pause.

"All we can do is stick one front in front of the other, even when we don't want to."
"Well...I don't want to grow up. I want to be able to be a kid...Not a tool."

Iko whined, folding his arms along his front. It wasn't fair to him. He never got a chance to enjoy things as a kid. Holo-Vids, ZikZok, he hadn't even gotten to go to a zoo before. He knew stuff like that was meant to be what kids liked doing. Going out to places, seeing new things but Iko knew nothing about that. It was all to him and he didn't know what he was going to enjoy. What he wasn't going to enjoy. It was like he was a brand new book, just waiting to be written in.

"I-I don't mean...stop her from being sad all the time...I know I can't do that...I just...I like seeing her smile. It's...warm? Is that the right word to use? And I want to be able to see that smile more...but I have to work hard for that. Like how I'm gonna have to work hard for you. I will do my best though. Don't worry Sir. You can believe me when I say that."

If he wasn't going to get the chance to be a kid, Iko was going to do his best to at least be a good and hard worker. He wanted to be valuable, now that he had found out that he wasn't even valuable to his own father. He just had to prove himself.

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

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