The Eye of the Storm

It wasn't often within the NJO that members were invited to 'parties' within the organization. That said, Jonyna was never someone who followed 'tradition' within the order. With war looming once again, Jonyna felt it important to hold a sort of...calm before the storm party. Partly because she just wanted to ring in the 'new' ship, the Reaper finally retrofitted just how she wanted it.
Jonyna herself had set up a a banquet in the mess hall, all home cooked, fresh fruit alongside platters of cooked ribs, pasta, and mashed potatoes. What had been a gambling table in the lounge had been converted to a gaming table for all those interested. The couches were still premium leather, and Jonyna had set up the holo-vision to play whatever the guests would require.
And of course, the pool was a crisp blue-green, the hot-tub bubbling and ready for anyone who wanted a dip.
Jonyna smiled, wearing her casual outfit, minus the leather jacket. She was ready. Now she just needed people to show up...