3 years ago
Feet kicked up onto the console, laid back in his seat, Raejar read from the journal of Eversio. He’d learned much in his time reading from the tome, he’d learned how to contact the force more easily, even using it for minor telekinetic feats. Raejar was nothing like other apprentices that had been studying for years, he was not capable of lifting large stones, or even amplifying his scream on a regular basis. He was just a student and had much more untapped potential if the tome of Eversio was anything to go by. One of the finest combatants and telekinetics the galaxy had ever seen, he stood out among a league of high-class individuals. The Dark Jedi order. Looking up to the ceiling of the shuttle Raejar couldn’t help but wonder how they’d truly been in their glory days. The words of Eversio spoke of some of the adventures and engagements he’d had but those were just from his perspective. Where had Alkor stood in this Pantheon of greats? Was he perhaps the superior? He seemed to be the only one that continued to live on.
“We’ve been given permission to land Master.” Buzz chipped in from the pilots’ seat. The protocol droid was the only legal way Raejar could travel through the galaxy, of course he could be like some of the more rambunctious and rebellious children in the galaxy but why do so and risk imprisonment or even the incidents getting back to Keira. That is a fate not even Raejar was prepared to meet. The chrome plated droid leaned forward as though it would help it guide the ship in and then was filled with a sudden excitement. “Oh, look master! A complimentary oil bath!”
Chuckling Raejar shook his head. The droid had a one-track mind, almost as much as its master. “Yes, enjoy yourself Buzz. But first can you land? I have to meet Alkor and I’d rather not keep him waiting. Who knows what he’ll do if I do. Perhaps push me off this city.” The ship came down with a hiss as the struts struggled momentarily against the weight of the shuttle.
“What a scoundrel he is! How could he do such a thing to a boy your age?!” Buzz asked completely appalled by the notion of his young master being pushed off Cloud City. “You should not associate yourself with such a man young sir.”
Shrugging into his dark robes Raejar tuned out the remarks of Buzz, they had gone over this three times during the flight to Bespin. “I’ve told you Buzz. He’s the only one that can teach me. I have to take my chances with him.” Taking a few credit chips and tossing it to the droid Raejar nodded towards the storage pantry. “Could you get us some more supplies as well after your oil bath?”
“Of course sir!”
Offering Buzz a smile and stepping off the vessel, Raejar was immediately swept up in the hustle and bustle of Cloud City. All around he heard the whispers and the chattering of those who passed. Most talked of the wars that were waged out in the galaxy, others talked about the weird alien boy that they’d just seen, and others just babbled on endlessly about nothing of importance.
Raejar’s quest was to find Alkor, the thing was he had Alkor’s scent already. Sniffing the air Raejar tried to search out Alkor in that way and was immediately repulsed by some of the things he smelled. It smelled as though some hadn’t bathed in days and then the smell of alcohol coated numerous of the pilots that swaggered through the spaceport. Gagging Raejar took a step back and raising the neck of his black shirt to cover his nose.
That wasn’t smart. Rethinking the strategy Raejar fell back on the force. He knew how Alkor felt and as he slowly began to open the gates of his mind, Raejar was almost immediately overcome. It was nothing like on Togoria, there was no truly deep malevolent energy on Bespin, yet there were still those who wallowed in debt, some that lived horrid lives, those who felt nothing but sorrow. Yet standing above them all was a dark pillar, a presence that could only be one person. Hands shaking, Raejar gritted his teeth and with an effort immediately broke the contact with the force his breath going with it. Still have a long way to go.
Gathering his composure, Raejar stood tall and set off to find Alkor now aware of where that pillar of baleful energy was located in the city.
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