Laira Darkhold
Well-Known Member
Benji was hard at work on a project trying to immunize vehicles from EMP and Ion weaponry they might encounter, and other than a scrubbed idea of lead lining the entirety of the vehicle he hit a duracrete wall he couldn’t seem to budge through, something that was incredibly irritating for a man like him. He was so used to being able to conquer projects like this that hitting a wall was infuriating, and to hit that same wall at every turn with each new idea was even worse for him. He knew it was possible, it had been done years ago, and I’m sure that some of the more advanced ships out there could circumvent these problems, but he hadn’t figured it out yet. Finally he started doing research in to ships and vehicles that had succeeded in defeating these problems, but it was long and arduous work for him to dig through the HoloNet and endless databases looking for a needle in a haystack. After a few days he approached me in the workshop, “Draco, I finally found a vehicle that has the systems I want. The old AT-TE’s had a system. I need you to go out and get a full scan of one of those.”