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Donus of the Vorminica System

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  • Intent: To Create a home world for my new character Mira, and create a planet for the nobility plotline of her story.

  • ​Image Credit:

  • Canon: Non-Canon

  • Links: N/A

  • Planet Name: Donus

  • Demonym: Donians

  • Region: Expansion Region

  • System Name: Vorminica System

  • System Features: The Vorminica system has a very packed system with 6 planets in orbit, with only two being habitable, Donus and the Moon of Donus, Valru. The sun of Vorminica is a yellow star with an average size. Other system objects include the asteroid belt in between Donus and the Gas giant Titanica, and 3 comets on infinite loop around the sun. Donus, the main habitable world in the system has an earth like rotation and axis to the Sun in which it rotates having a 365 day long year, and a 24 hour day.

  • Coordinates: X-40 Y-P

  • Major Imports: Donus imports mainly, technology, weaponry, and food.

  • Major Exports: Main exports of Donus include, luxury furniture, Durasteel, Donian Smelt Glass, and Donian Red Wine.

  • Gravity: 1.5x Times Standard

  • Climate: Temperate | Urban

  • Primary Terrain: Besides the massive urban sprawl centers of the planet the planets non-urbanized centers are mostly made up of tropical forests and lush grasslands.

  • Atmosphere: Type I

  • Major Locations: Morren City - A City spanning thousands of miles in diameter spans across the planet. Morren city, which is the capital and only city on the planet of Donus is the economic center and trade hub of the worlds galactic activities. Along with that, it acts as the political center of the planet with most government structures being located in Morren city. These structures include the royal palace, the parliament headquarters, the department chair quarters and the military defense headquarters. Besides being the economic center, Morren city is a growing cultural center in the expansion region of the galaxy being a very open sanctuary world for any war strikken refugee of the constant warring in the galaxy. This has led to pros and cons as these multiple cultures bring a vibrant and growing life in Morren City, Moreover, it also brings along with it simple and violent crime throughout the poorer ends as racial and gang conflicts are always an issue between certain species. Another Major location the planet is the royal estate of the Keen’v family. This royal estate spans for a mile in diameter in the southern most jungles of the world. It's only connection to morren city is through the Donian Global transit line which is a massive planetary hyperlane of sky trains and trams. Finishing off, the Royal estate in the pinnacle of wealth and pride on the planet being a massive super structure showing off the mass wealth of the Keen’v family. With most of its room being vacant and only used in the chance of a banquet the Keen’v estate is truly a masterwork of donian engineering.

  • Native Species: Donian Human (Caucasian / Asian Mix race)

  • Immigrated Species: Any known species in the galaxy, However there are large groups of rodians, mandalorians, and Ithorians as racial minorities.

  • Population: Heavily Populated - Around 8-9 Billion people in total in Morren city.

  • Demographics: 65% Donian Human 6% Mandalorian 5% Rodian 4% Ithorian 10% Racial Minority Aliens. Most people on the world are very open to the new cultures however the planet holds a minority of racial bigots, not agreeing with the open border laws induced by the government.

  • Primary Languages: Galactic Basic

  • Culture: The culture of Donus has been diluted and edited over the decades the planet has grown, In Morren city the biggest cultural phenomenon is the prevalence of athletics and sports in the city. Non-Lethal Gladiator fights, Hutt ball, and other activities are very popular all across the city, each district in the city producing clubs and teams to their certain demographics. Along with that, in the Palmaris district of Morren city where the Mandalorian minority is the majority race, Mandalorian culture has infused with Donus culture producing a Neo-MandoDonian culture signature to this world only. The Same also goes with the ithorian and rodian minorities but to a lesser extent.

  • Government: Constitutional Monarchy with Higher Monarch Powers.

  • Affiliation: Neutral Trading Planet

  • Wealth: Very High

  • Stability:High, however leaning to very low with the prospect of the succession crisis on hand on Donus over the current king who is beginning to grow very old and ill.

  • Freedom & Oppression: Freedom of the people is clearly seen, even with the monarch in power, speech against the monarch and civil rights are active.

  • Military: The Military power is very low as it has used its neutrality to prevent any hostile takeover. In case of invasion Mercenaries are typically hired to fend off invaders.

  • Technology: Planet is on par with the galactic norm being that most technology on the planet is imported from elsewhere.
Donus, a planet of riches, culture, and diversity. Discovered 432 years BBY by a small group of republic colonists. During the first 100 years of its colonization Donus began to grew its culture as independent from the Republic government being so distant from the capital of Coruscant. Originally Donus was colonized by Corellian and other core world humans who were fed up with the bureaucrats in the republic never accomplishing anything which applied to them. Moreover, As the colony became 100 years old, the planet declared its independence from the republic, and formed an independent monarchy in the expansion region. In the first century of the planet the Monarchy being an absolute one, ruled with an iron first. The first ruling dynasty being the Sheeneef house. This Absolute Monarchy lasted until 221 BBY Where the Great Donian Civil war began
Following the 21 Year conflict of the Donian civil war Atta Keen’v was declared as the new ruler of new Donian State. Keen’v with his popularity through the war being a rogue jedi, and popular figurehead, crowned himself the new king. However instead of ruling with an iron fist, knew that setting up a government and constitution for the world would be the most successful act of caution for the planet of Donus. Therefore Atta Keen’v became the first Monarch of the Neo-Donian State shaping the planet into the millenia old neutral state that it is in the present day.
Through the passing centuries Donus began to grow with an exponential growth rate for its population. The Donian population swelling across the world throughout the multiple settlements. However over the onset of the Formation of the Galactic Empire fear began to spread throughout the Donian people of the possibility of hostile takeover, so this brought up the prospect of the Galactic Civil war. The options which the king at the time Morren Keen’v faced were, allow hostile takeover, fight back with rebel support, or push for negotiation. And with the cunning of typical Donian way, Morren signed the Caridia Accords allowing for the neutral presence of Donus space after some trade deals were signed. This treaty marked Morren as a planetary icon, protecting the people and saving the world and its neutrality from a hostile means.
A Century following the Morren legacy, Morren City was founded and named after the famous and benevolent king. Morren city, which resembling him, was made out to be a free sanctuary state for any alien which lost their world during the wars which raged on in the galaxy. This entire mindset is what created the now present day morren city, along with present day Donus. This age of war, than peace through negotiation is what brought the current day rich trade state.

Over all this looks good! I have two minor edits for clarity and one expansion I'd like to see and then I can stamp this.

Coordinates: X-40 Y-P
Did you mean just X-40 here?

Climate: Temperate | Urban
The urban belongs in terrain, which you have already, so you can remove that here.

I'd like to see you expand on the culture of this world a bit. Especially with the comment that the mandos and other species have melded their cultures with the local one, I'd really like to know *more* about the local culture beyond just the sports aspect. Let's get this fleshed out a bit more and then we should be good to go.

Due to the codex closing and the as yet unfinished nature of this sub, I'm moving it to pre-codex for now so that we can continue getting this workable for you. Status on these changes?
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