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Character Doobla Qek The Magnificent

"Castin' Spells and Makin' Credits"

Doobla Qek

Height4.5ft / 1.37m
Weight90lbs / 40kg
Force SensitiveYes


Doobla is a creature, perpetually shrouded in shadow. As a jawa Doobla is oddly tall. Still shorter than many other humanoids however. His freakish, and abnormal height was the subject of much scrutiny and bullying as a kid growing up in his clan. Doobla is often draped in a deep purple robe, wears sneakers, and is often adorned in various types of golden jewelry. His hands are often covered in white gloves, and smoke can often be seen billowing from out of his hood from the many herbs he smokes.


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Doobla is often compared to a goblin in regards to his personality. He is mischievous, curious and greedy. Which are all pretty typical traits for a Jawa like himself. As far as his force alignment is concerned he is “lightsided” but is far from a paragon of compassion and serenity. Often trying to find a balance between altruism and personal profits. He also speaks in third person regularly.


Technologically Inclined - Despite being a sorcerer and knowledgeable about the occult, Doobla is still a skilled tinkerer. Able to DIY and jerry rig many solutions to technical problems.

“Sensitive Sniffer” - Doobla has a particularly keen sense of smell. Something that’s rather common for Jawas. Able to reliably track individuals and identify specifically airborne chemicals


“Stimky” :
( - Like many Jawa he has a rather offensive odor. Living away from others of his kind for a while Doobla has become rather self conscious of this part of himself, and has overcorrected through the overuse of perfume and cologne.

Middling Force Ability - This has less to do with his natural potency with The Force and more to do with Doobla's poor mindset. Being rather greedy it can create mental hurdles that he needs to overcome too often stay within the good graces of the Force and not fall to darkness.



Doobla was not born on Tatooine, but instead on Raxus Prime within a clan of rather influential scavengers on the trash planet. Having a fierce claim on a good deal of territory in the world. Growing up Doobla and his clan didn’t maintain much of their cultural roots as Jawas. Giving way instead to pragmatic ideals in pursuit of greater fortune.

Even as a young clanling Doobla was taller than many other of his species. Earning him a good deal of ridicule by his peers. Often calling Doobla a “Tusken in disguise” which he took great offense towards. Also from a young age Doobla knew that he was different from his fellow clan mates. There were no shamans in his clan to help the young Jawa understand his Force Sensitivity.

So to understand his Force sensitivity Doobla set out from Raxus Prime to learn from a rather small community of Force Adepts on the planet of Tund, the Sorcerers of Tund. There he learned how to hone his natural talents and abilities with The Force. Eventually coming to use his abilities as something of a miracle worker within the ‘north eastern’ region of the galaxy’s Outer Rim. All the while making an impressive amount of profit for himself.

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