Dorian Aristov
Guy with a Gun

"..." - Dorian Aristov
Name: Dorian Aristov
Rank: Soldier
Former Titles: None
Current Titles: None
Faction: The First Order
Former Homeworlds: Nar Shaddaa, Malachor V
Current Homeworld: Bespin
Age: 23
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Height: 1,72 m
Weight: 73 Kg
Hair: Black
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Blue
Force Sensitve: No
Dorian isn't and never was a man of many words, mostly because he has little desire to share what's on his mind. In most cases that's either what remains of his family, or on occasions the horrors of the past that haunt him. If he makes the effort to talk, then he does so straight away. Small talk is something that he is nearly incapable of, and if forced to participate in it, his rather antisocial tendencies are not easily overlooked.
He feels very little for anyone, not out of digust, but rather because he doesn't even know what to feel anymore. In his past he saw the mighty come down on the weak in full force, but he also watched cruelty from the weak upon the weaker. If he ever had any sense of morality, it is gone by now, and while he has no desire to inflict pain or suffering on others, he can accapt it if he has to.
The only people worth his time are his sister and her daughter. What he lacks in pity for the rest of the galaxy, he makes up with his deep care for them. In his mind his life is worth far less then theirs, and he go to any lenghts to shield them from harm.
-Handy: There isn't much about his time on Malachor that Dorian values as worthwhile. One of he very few exeptions is the notorious makeshift craftsmanship of the Free Cities, a skill he picked up, even if only to a limited degree, there.
-Street Smarts: Even if he has made the effort to turn away from crime to earn a living, that doesn't means that he lost the skills he learned in that time. From the stealing of vehicles, to the creation of makeshift weaponry and guerrilla tactics, he is armed with various abilities not commonly found among soldiers.
-Determinent: If Dorian puts his mind to something, he goes through it against the odds. As long as he has a reason, there is nothing that could scare him enough to back down on a matter.
-Family come First: There is only one thing that Dorian really cares for, and that's his family. While this can serve as motivation, it can also be a crippling drawback. If someone makes even the slightest remark about them in a negative sense, then a violent reaction is more then likely.
-Antisocial: Dorian isn't good at talking, and to many his attitude comes of as rude. While he is aware of this, he has a hard time changing it, and most of the time he simply accepts that people will generally avoid him for it.
-Bad Liar: If his talking is already bad, then his lies are way worse. It's very easy to tell from his behaviour if he is telling the truth or not.
-Smoker: Since his early youth Dorian has a habit of smoking, which puts a strain on his health.
Dorian isn't a very impressive man. His build is lean, and the lack of proper food and health in his youth can be caught on first glimpse, both in his figure, and his pale skin. Yet his blue eyes seem to almost glow, in strong contrast to the rest of his apperance. His black hair is kept extremly short, and it's not uncommon to see him with none at all. Below his clothes his body is riddled both with scars, and countless gang tattoos he earned in his path. Clothe wise he commonly either wears simple civilian attire, or a self made combat suit in the fashion of the Malachorian People.
Early Years - Nar Shaddaa, Prison, Malachor, Prison, Freedom
A bad life often begins with a bad parent. Born as the older of two siblings, Dorian was the son of a career criminal and a former dancer. While his mom loved him and his sister, Elena, dearly, his father took the easy way out and abandond his family. Instead of facing the situation, the man simply disapperead under the guise of a job, leaving Dorian, his mother and his sister behind in a dire finical crisis.
It wasn't long after he turned 13 that Dorian followed into the footsteps of his father, not out of choice but out of need. With money short at every end, it wasn't often that he, his sister, nor his mother had the luxury of a proper meal, or a roof above their heads. At first it was little more then petty crime, stealing a handful of credits or some food to support his family, but it took merely two years for the boy to find himself inside one of the many gangs of Nar Shaddaa.
First there was the rush. The Money, the Power, the Friendship. Only after a offworld heist ended badly it was that he considered another path. With it being his first, and luckily a non violent, offence it were merely two more years until he finally was released from prison.
It was the first time that he had the chance to turn straight, but with little real world skills the temptation was simply to high. After traveling around a little and meeting past contacts, his path lead him to Malachor, and the Free Cities. With the lack of rules there it was easy for him took make a living with his abilities, yet the corruption of the world reached deeper then just the greed of Nar Shaddaa. When it came to the point that he was almost unable to continue, history decided to repeat itself. With another set of handcuffs he was locked away again, only to miss freedom for the years to come.
When he was released at 23, the Free Cities were gone, as was his desire to take part in something like them ever again. That was when his sister reached out to him, telling her that she now had a daughter, and a new home within the First Order on Bespin. With he former husband gone, she once more found herself in a situation all to remeniscent of their shared past.
It was the army of the First Order that offered a solution to both their problems.