Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dorn Skirata

Atsushi Ono


NAME: Dorn Skirata
  • Alias: White Vornskr
FACTION: Mandalorian Empire

RANK: As a member of society, your character might have a rank that exemplifies his or her importance.

SPECIES: Arkanian

AGE: Mid 30's

SEX: Male


BUILD: Athletic - Tank

EYES: Amber

HAIR: White

SKIN: Very Pale



+Skirata Raised: While he was adopted into the main house of Skirata at a young age he was brought up with the same education as any other Mandalorian child. He was taught to track, hunt, shoot, fly, and most importantly how to ride Bes'uliik. An education built around war and a drive like no other to lead the Skirata into a brighter future make Dorn one of the best warriors of his House and Clan.

+Echani Foresight: Growing up for a time on Eshan and then being raised as a Mandalorian warrior has provided Dorn with the uncanny ability to predict another's move in close quarters combat. A skill often seen in Echani generals, it has propelled him forward in the Skirata hierarchy.

-Power Hungry: Often called ambitious by his peers, his dedication to strength and power is far past that level now. His drive for power within the Mandalorian Clans has pushed him to the extreme fringe sides of most internal conflicts, including the recent Civil War, ostracizing him from most of his peers. He is also short sighted and easy to manipulate because of this drive.

-Mandalorian Elitist: Dorn scoffs at the aruetise making him difficult to deal with outside of Mandalorian Space. He sees the Mandalorians as the epitome of strength in the Galaxy, and while he is always open for more to join the Tribe, he is initially cold to any who try to make nice. He insists on Mandalorians mating and marrying with Mandalorians and despises the use of the Force.

-Womanizer: Despite being a Mandalorian elitist he is easily swayed by women, especially women of warrior backgrounds such as Mandalorians, Echani, and Togruta, regardless of whether or not they are Mandalorian or not.

Dorn Skirata was orphaned at birth by his Echani parents on Eshan. At a young age Dorn was adopted by a member of the Skirata clan and raised on Mandalore within House Skirata, one of the larger Mandalorian clans that had several clans under them. He fought bravely with the Skiratas for years reclaiming territory within Mandalorian Space. As the wars with the Jedi and Sith grew longer and longer his views became more and more radical. After Monroe nearly destroyed Mandalore he roamed the galaxy as a mercenary and bounty hunter, taking work wherever he could. When Ra returned to Mandalore so did he. While he didn't rise through Death Watch's ranks at all, his influence within House Skirata was noted. After Gilamar Skirata had chosen his side and the Civil War came to an end Dorn would be the one to take up Gilamar's assets within Mandalorian Space including MandalMotors, the Shriek-Hawk Mercenary Company, and MandalMotors' subsidiaries.


Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


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