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Approved Starship [DoS] "Executa" Transport Ship

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  • Manufacturer: Dominion of Shadows
  • Affiliation: Dominion of Shadows
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Excel-Class Droid Transport and Housing module
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Duralloy , Ferroceramic , Laminasteel Matrix Armor , Durasteel

  • Classification: Droid Transport Ship
  • Length: 35 Meters
  • Width: 23.8 Meters
  • Height: 14 Meters
  • Armament: None
  • Defenses: Very High
  • Squadron Count: None: 1
  • Maneuverability Rating: Extreme
  • Speed Rating: Extreme
  • Hyperdrive: 0.1



  • Space Uber - Yep, just what it sounds like. Dominion members that have access to the SAN network can call upon the Excelia from practically anywhere with the help of the installed C-3a Communications module. These ships are self-sustained with a compliment of protocol droids that regularly return to Icarus to restock the onboard living arrangements. While they are meant for brief travel, one could comfortably live aboard an Excelia for an extended period of time (Given they're fine with the ship routinely moving around constantly to ferry other citizens, and military personnel. It's focused on speed, comfort, and getting to its destination blisteringly quick. Plus, as a cheeky addition, this ship even features technology that's used in fighters in dogfighting, allowing it to perform surprising manuevers made all too easy by the droid brain pilot.
  • Hyperspeed - Between the equipped Event Horizon Ion Engines, and the Hermes Hyperdrive, this ship can easily outrun, and evade most pursuers. Even with its bulk, the shifting mechanisms built around the quadruple Ion Engines allow the albeit bulky craft to shake perhaps even the best of pilots.
  • Whenever you call me - It'll be there. given these ships operate on a first come, first serve basis; it is possible to circumvent this by simply being higher in the Dominion pecking order. The ship is designed to fly into any conditions to ferry passengers, and with its array of docking tech, can easily pick up its charge and be on its way. In fact, if this ship loses signal to the SAN network, it will immediately backtrack to the last place it found signal, logging the dead zone and finding a way to circumvent it.
  • SAN Droid Network - The droids are decently engaging and will serve refreshments and food; perhaps even pretend to be interested in any sob story their organic passengers may wish to regale them with. There is no need for the passengers to do a thing but simply vocalize where they wish to be taken. (Or enter it electronically via communication devices.) Beyond this, the ship has room for several decently sized passenger quarters that can be customized to the users' desires, down to the temperature, and even environment type. There is also a very advanced medical treatment center available on all Excelias, in case of medical emergencies. Complete with at least two Bacta tanks, but perhaps more depending. The most is three. (This ship can also technically, call for help so long as it has a signal to do so)
  • Tough old girl - The ship is well defended, Between its Laminasteel hull plating, powerful Aegis Shield Generator, and its general quickness, its passengers can expect to arrive at their destination safely.

  • Civilian - While it can be used by "Military" personnel within the Dominion, this is at best a support/utility craft. It has zero weapons, not even a complimentary turret. If it's caught somewhere, it shouldn't be, it'll have to rely on outmaneuvering, and outrunning its pursuers. (Though it should be noted that the Aegis shield aboard does have the potential to cause damage to enemy attackers)
  • Squadron Size - Due to the nature of its creation, and the price tag affiliated to the crafting of just one of these glorified hotels on wings, only one ship can be considered as a Squadron.
  • "But I called it!" - The SAN system immediately responds to all requests for an Excelia as quickly as possible. Though, it will simply reprioritize the ships mid-flight if a ranking member of the Dominion calls for one. Though it will ultimately come back, this means that even though you call for an Excelia, it might not get there as quickly as it could.
  • Interdiction Fields - No fun at all, and the ship has no HIMS capabilities to circumvent them.
  • Signal Jamming - The Excelia must have its flight route logged with SAN before it can commit to it, outside of a combat situation, if it finds signal interference it will not be able to respond to calls until it leaves the area being jammed.
  • Chunky - The craft while maneuverable, and fast, is still pretty chunky. It's a fairly easy target for fighters, and Interceptors.
A rather mundane addition to the Dominion of Shadows aerospace capabilities, these unmarked vessels allow for regular citizens to get rides, and explore the galaxy in comfort. Which an assortment of technology to pick up people from even the most hazardous environments, as the ship also carries a few decontamination droids as well. As it stands, there are only ten or so of these ships available, and none currently on the market for civilian use, however when things began rolling in the proper direction, these ships will be used to more epithet. The interior rooms are cleaned after each user leaves the ship, and the 'bar' carries a healthy stock of nutritional good-good, or spirits, though all of it is indeed for a price. Everyone in the Dominion must work, and therefore non-payment would trigger the ship to return to Icarus to evict the passenger in question.

These models are complete with medical droids, and a small but capable area for medical procedures and emergencies. While each room has space for its own refresher, the dining area is a shared space. These ships will normally serve as transit for regular members of the empire, though with some scheduling can be used to make extremely long trips in a short time.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Crysis Crysis

Nicely made ship! However I found two problems:
  • We don't accept Pinterest or Reddig links to images unless the original site can't be found, these sites do not respect the original artist, and anyone can post the art there that they found on the internet. In this case, the original host can be found, so please use this link.
  • You cannot use the SAN AI in this submission. This has a minor production scale, but the SAN has only Limited production. So you need to modify this production to limited, or delete the SAN from your submission:
    8. A submission cannot have a higher production rating than the submission used in its creation.
I didn't know Pinterest was like that, I usually just go with whatever the tineye gives up if there isn't a direct link. I fixed the Limited issue, but raised a rating to Very High, as the ship became underpowered it said. I also linked the proper artist source.
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