Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Wondering Zabrak
Dovian's Profile
Name: Dovian
Faction: New Order
Rank: Acyolte
Species: Zabrak
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 71Kg
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Bald
Skin: A red tint to his skin, accompanied by various black markings that flow all over his body.
Force Sensitive: Yes

Strengths & Weaknesses:
Dovian is a very good combatant when it comes to using a light-saber, along with various other blade-like objects. As a quick, nimble male, he is light on his feet and capable of moving at fairly impressive speeds, considering his current level of training. These positives are however, let down with a few negatives. His arrogance above all else. Whenever he is within a contest in which there can only be one winner, his personality will most, if not all the time, get the better of him. This leads to one single problem. Him losing. He cannot stand the thought of losing and thus enters a slight fit of rage if this does occur. Despite all of this, he is a strong framed male and he is capable of holding his own in hand to hand, however, his hand to hand has a slightly more "of-the-street" kind of vibe, rather than anything amazing.

Appearance: He is as most Zabrakians look like. He holds a stern body shape, however, it slightly favors his more agile side of life, compared to his masculinity. His body is painted in a deep dark, crimson tone. Dark shades of black, illusive lines running down his entire body. Various, devilish horns reside upon his bald head. Each one of them coated with a dark, disturbing tint of yellow.

Biography: There isn't much when it comes to Dovian's background, apart from the fact that he grew up on the streets of Taris, fighting for various illusive scraps of food, along with other necessities that had various coats of grandeur pasted onto their outer layer. He was never rich and given the lifestyle he had always hoped for, however, this was only expected given his family's background. He was always the kid getting pulled into a constant stream of trouble and mischief. His personality itself seemed to reject him from doing good in the world. It was all worthless and in truth, Dovian didn't really have a care left. However, this changed when he witnessed the illusive mystery that is death itself.

Kills: N/A

Bounties Collected: N/A

Threads: 10 || Completed: 7
The Acolyte Saga
{Complete} The Reunion:
{Complete} [Public] The Freedom Fighter:
{Complete} [One must fall]:
{Complete} [The beginning]:
{Complete} [Brothers bound in red}:
{Complete} [Preparing For Glory [New Order Shipyard Dev Thread]:
{Complete} [On the Search for a Knowledge]:
{In Progress} [The Malachor Tournament: Acolytes]:
{In Progress} [Let the Hardships Begin.]:
{In Progress} [The Brochure Didn't Say Anything About Priates. . .?]:

{Master, Expert, Exceptional, Apprentice}
Lightsaber Styles & Techniques:
Form II: Makashi - Exceptional

Force Skills:
Force Speed: Apprentice
Force Jump/Leap: Exceptional
Telekinesis: Exceptional
Force Sense: Apprentice

Individual Skills:

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