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"... Thanks Jarkon, it seems disappearances are on the rise on the streets of south western section 74 of Nar Shaddaa, authorities have reported strings of lesser gang violence among the lower economic sectors of the colossal mega-city planet. With the intent to combat the growing number of missing people cameras and surveillance probes have been increased in the vicinity, though any leads local authorities have, are yet to be made open to the public. The following statement was made from local police commissioner Exiz Parlot on the issue: 'the menace we've been dealing with is known to we authorities and we would like to ensure the public of Nar-Shaddaa that they are safe as we conduct our investigations. We urge all citizens of section 74 and the surrounding areas to report all suspicious activity to us as well as so we can catch those responsible. No further questions. Thank you.'
So there you have it... I don't know what could be causing these menacing strings, but what we do know is more than 26 people have been confirmed missing over the last couple of days, with many more potentially on the way..."
Orphen had been sent to Nar Shaddaa as an envoy to investigate the disappearances under cover, his ties to some of the underground in this area as well as some of the lesser cartels allowed him to call on some of his contacts in the vicinity. Calling on a couple of his local peeps as well as his old Corellian friend Celeste, he had each of them putting their ears to the ground for the last couple of days, checking channels and groups which might know anything about the disturbingly disproportionate increase of missing people... Nar Shaddaa had a history of cartel based violence, the police were corrupt and overall the planet could not be trusted with their own internal affairs, as it was most often the people who suffered in the interim... something that no self respecting Jedi would allow to continue... There were a few who were on the project, a couple of knights and their padawans scattered across the sector looking blindly for something or meditating on the answer, but, none of them had a working ground knowledge of this planet and how to get around it, at least not as newly as Orphen.
Landing on the planet was a hassle to begin with, landing a corvette class cruiser raised eye-brows, but it worked as an instant status symbol, Orphen could already see runners for various crime family scurrying like rats for crumbs to be the first to report it to their respective crime lords as Blood Knight exited his vehicle, wearing his patented data visor as well as his basic equipment, the Jedi in training looked like a smuggler to the naked eye more so than a Jedi, though one of his two trusty lightsabers remained hidden at his back behind his heavy, laden coat...
Stepping out into the open musty air of the space port, Orphen ran his non-gloved hand through his hair, feeling the individual stands break like waves against his digits as he observed the area around him, the visor he wore scanning the area around him, taking into account the temperature of people, their momentum as they walked and the kinetic energy they generated... hundreds of small calculations constantly streaming across his eyes helping to illeviate his over-active mind from the strain it was usually under... Bringing out his datapad he sent out an encrypted message to his people to see if they had turned up any information... only to find out that there was nothing... the people who disappeared, had not really vanished, but rather they had been re-entigrated into society, but had simply failed to be tracked down by the authorities, but, as to why these events were coming to pass, none of them knew... After slicing into the scout probes which the government had been using to locate the victims, it seemed their facial recognition software was almost decades out of date.
But this had not excused the fact that the victims 'had' gone missing in the first place, many of the victims, not just recent or confirmed had not surfaced... so, it was still pending investigation. So, orphen took to the streets, making his way through the alleys while talking aloud through his communications device almost constantly about the situation and helping direct his small team to attempt to locate where the previous victims were now... the search would take some time with the out-dated technology... but they would get there in the end... so, Orphen continued to orate his position,
potentially enough for by-standers to hear...
but the people of Nar-Shaddaa had enough on their plate in this sector...
no-one cared about a 'bounty hunter' looking for the victims of the disappearances.