Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Downtime

Tris Tris

Nubia, Nubus System
Nuba City
Sleeping Rancor Tapcaf

Olen had been exhausted these past few days. Constant battle had meant that he and his unit were constantly on the move, constantly battling. Despite the fact that he loved being in the cockpit of his starfighter, the battles wore him out and like every human, he needed some downtime once in a while. It seemed like the perfect place to do such a thing, for years, Nubia had been described as not just a key business planet, but a party one too. The lights in the cantinas and casinos danced on the streets and he wasn't immune to the old stare.

The Sleeping Rancor Tapcafe, around for hundreds of years before its birth, it looked as new as the first day it went into business. It seemed nestled into the junction at a quieter part of town. He wasn't a big fan of the large, flamboyant and expensive cantinas in the North part of town. This place was different, it was quiet for the most part and didn't have as many colourful characters.

Traversing towards the establishment, he wondered if anyone would recognise him as military. He was wearing his orange flight suit though he'd taken down the upper body part of the suit and was wearing a white shirt and brown jacket. The jacket was a leather brown with red flank panels and the orange insignia of the Twin Suns at the top of his right shoulder. Despite wearing the uniform, he didn't feel like he was in the military, he felt like a regular civilian enjoying a pint at the tapcafe. It was even a little peculiar.

Entering the rustic tapcaf, he was greeted by what he presumed was a smile from the alien bartender who found him a seat. It was pretty much empty, save for a few young people huddled around a table playing what seemed to be sabaac. Feeling a compulsion to join in, he stopped himself, heading over to a table by the window. Hopefully he wouldn't be recognised for his persona.

He pondered on the menu, calling over the young human waitress who stood slouched at the back, half asleep. She hurried over, seeming flustered, perhaps was tough about breaks, though he couldn't think why. She was attractive with long dark hair and bright blue eyes and an hourglass figure, wearing a dirtied apron. He'd surprised himself at how little he'd thought about getting with someone. The last call he'd had with his father back on Lysatra had been about when he'd find a 'suitable woman to bring home', at the time, he'd had bigger things to think about.

"What can I get you sir?" The young woman asked him, she took a good look at his attire before deducing his career path. "A combat pilot I see, we're grateful for your service, look, whatever you order's on the house."

He was slightly surprised, though, he wasn't quite sure if he should have been. "Thank you, I appreciate it. Look, take this, I insist, think of it as a tip." He told her, fishing through his pockets and handing her a couple of credits with a grin. "Could I get a Jawa juice and a Bantha Steak." He nodded his thanks as she hurried off out of sight with the credits to go create his meal.

Gazing out the window, he watched as countless ships of different makes and sizes permeated the skies in a sort of 'L' formation. He even caught himself gawking at a few people who passed the tapcaf. This was nice, it was something he felt like he earned, and he was going to enjoy it.


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