Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rook hated it.

When you were doing your job, you didn't have to think. All that mattered was what went on in front of your visor, and around your buddies. Whatever your objective was at that particular time demanded your full attention. There was chaos in war, but also a clarity and sense of purpose the soldier doubted he would find anywhere else.

It was all truly an error in his design. He'd thrown away his life for a chance to get back at the Sith. Thus far, all that he had to show for it was a string of failures, ranging to the minuet, to the glassing of planets. With the GA, he had things to do. He didn't have to think about these things.

Except for downtime.

Most men went out with their buddies to spend their credits out on the town. Others took their sweethearts out to dinner before they were called off to battle once again. Rook? He sat in his bunk, knocking back the anti-depressants Stanley forced him to take. They had little by the way of effect on him now; his genealogy was modified to be rigorous. Regular pharmaceuticals rarely if ever agreed with him. They just made him sick.

Still, he would take the little white pills, if they appeased Stanley. He understood his old friends worries. One of their comrades had gone into the freshers and put a bolt through his head shortly after the Netherworld issue. It was the main reason why Rook had left the Republic.

But that story was for another time.

He wandered aimlessly through the military complex that he now called home, deep within the bowels of Sullust. He'd expected Starchaser to send for him asking for assistance with a new suit design, but the call never came. Rook had free time. He ended up making his way to one of the rec rooms, plopping down in front of one of the holovisions, and watching the recent news reel.

It was the same thing that had played earlier in the day: Galactic Alliance propaganda. It wasn't a bad thing, but it certainly made for a boring evening.

"I need a hobby." He grumbled to himself as he flipped through the channels.

Justinian Atreides

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