Dr. R. E. Chomar
Why is he holding a gun? Well, it's a funny story. You should ask him about it sometime.

Why is he holding a gun? Well, it's a funny story. You should ask him about it sometime.
NAME: Reesbottov Emshelek Chomar
RANK: Jedi Medic
SPECIES: Selonian
AGE: 34
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 162lbs.
EYES: Black
HAIR: White and grey
SKIN: Beneath all the fur
Healer: Chomar is well-versed in the medical arts, with special consideration for a combination of Force Healing, use of animals and herbs, and other non-pharmaceutical methods.
Conditional Pacifist with a Personal Vow of Non-Violence: Chomar will not use deadly force under any circumstances, and while he possesses a lightsaber (indigo blade, and powered by a Lambent crystal), he does not keep it on his person. That being said, he does recognize that there are circumstances where war will lead to less suffering.
Photographic Memory: Makes him an excellent teammate on trivia night.
Too Much Information: Chomar believes in telling it like it is, which can be disconcerting when delivering bad news.
Won't Lie: It's there in his signature. Selonians as a rule don't lie, and he is 100% true to his species in this regard. Unfortunately it also means he's terrible at keeping secrets.
Loves a Good Mystery: Whether it be medical or simply puzzling, Chomar is a fan of a good investigation.
The Force is a Tool, Not a Solution: The good doctor doesn't rely on his abilities with the Force to transcend or replace his knowledge and skills as a physician. He practices medicine with knowledge that everything is a part of everything else, and the Force can play a role.
Sensitive to Light: Like nearly all Selonians, he has a sensitivity to bright or sudden lights, and prefers to keep his surroundings in soft tones and subtle lighting. He won't go to that hip new dance club, so don't ask.
APPEARANCE: Chomar is average sized for a Selonian. He moves with a fluid grace and acts with steady hands. His cheek fur puffs out, as if standing on end, when threatened or under stress, and if a patient who understands Selonian body language sees that, it's a sign that something is wrong.
Chomar has a series of scars across his back that he's happy to discuss (well, not happy, but willing). The scars are a result of having once been mauled by a group of Vongformed Myneryshi. It was not a fun time, but it was a very interesting learning experience.
Alter Environment
Force Healing
Floating Meditation
Force Stasis
Hibernation Trance
Mind Trick
Reduce Injury
Poison Sense
Taming Beasts
Force Familiar: Waats'n the Spineless Headcheese
Reesbottov Emshelek Chomar is a Selonian medic and Jedi from the island-dotted world of Selonia. Taken from there at the age of six to the Jedi Temple on Ossus, he was apprenticed to the Ithorian Jedi Consular and healer Mim Vov, who saw in the child a spiritual connection to all living things that she felt rivalled her own.
Upon being given the rank of Knight, Chomar took a leave of absence from the Order to enter the prestigious Prasteen Braak medical school, where he specialized in holistic healing and alternative medicines, which he combined with his own Jedi abilities.
A deeply spiritual being, Chomar has immersed himself in the study and beliefs of the Ancient Order of the Whills, leveraging the teachings found within Ossar's Great Library, the teachings of his Master, and his own searches. He continues to look for lost artifacts, holocrystals, and other teachings related to the Whills, and has chosen to remove himself from the more violence-prone Jedi orders.
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