Darth Chagrin
Darth Chagrin

NAME: Corinne Coolidge
FACTION: Galactic Alliance
RANK: Doctor
AGE: 32
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.72 m
WEIGHT: Average

Born to a relatively wealthy family on Chandrila who refused to have her trained as a Jedi, Corinne Coolidge was instead tutored by a Force-sensitive that her parents had known who too lacked a formal education in the ways of the Force. Consequently, her Force skills developed in correlation with his: what he learnt, she learnt, and what he had a deficit in, she would as well. She learned to sense the presence of danger, the presence of others, the feelings of others. She was also taught from a young age to shield her own presence in the Force to prevent easy detection, while receiving little instruction in more overt skills like telekinesis and telepathy. Corinne discovered she a capacity for Force Healing when she mended the wounds of a pet as a child. She would nurture this skill in private and even use it discreetly in a number of operations that otherwise might have been failures. Throughout her life she would retain her Force-sensitivity as a secret, having viewed it as both a gift and a magnet for danger.
As she grew, Corinne developed a taste for the fine arts and an interest in helping others. She studied medicine and emerged from university with a full doctorate degree after undertaking higher research into the Rakghoul Plague. Receiving employment across many worlds in many parts of the galaxy, she gained significant experience in treating all manner of maladies. This exposure also hardened her resolve to help the suffering, a motive redoubled in the times of war that have recently befallen the galaxy.
Corinne's connections into the Strategic Information Service began by chance when she stumbled upon a comatose SIS agent and took him in for treatment. While he lay unconscious, she contacted those whose details were listed on his datapad, whom would prove to be his superiors within the intelligence agency. They asked her to continue his work, spying on suspicious activity in designated areas and reporting the information back to them. She complied, if only out of curiosity, but she ultimately uncovered a plot by a terrorist organisation to poison the water reserves on Balmorra and thus hold substantial portions of the population hostage.
Recognising the significance of intelligence work, she continued to serve as an SIS contact for many months, but the organisation eventually caught onto her interference and sent assassins after her. Forewarned by her danger sense, Corinne escaped death and leaked news of the attack to the media whilst travelling to the SIS headquarters where she planned to meet those she had worked with for so long in person. There, she agreed to undertake training to be one of their agents, time in which she was ostensibly recovering from the attack on Balmorra, while her leak of the organisation led to them being publicly targeted and crushed by Balmorra's security forces.
Since then, Corinne has adopted a dual life. In public, and as she tells herself, primarily, she remains the Doctor of Medicine that everyone has known her to be. However, she secretly continues to serve as an agent of the SIS, using the globetrotting nature of her professional work to gather intelligence for the Alliance across the galaxy.

(+) Medical Education: As a Doctor of Medicine, Corinne possesses a high level of biological knowledge and is skilled at treating many types of wounds and diseases. She is trained in first-aid and life-support measures, is able to recognise poisons and how to counter them, and can perform general surgeries.
(+) Agent Training: Though she rarely displays it, Corinne's training as an agent has endowed her with talents across many fields. She is proficient in piloting, slicing, stealth, blaster use and unarmed fighting, though an expert in none of them. She can speak several languages, is capable of adopting alternate identities quickly and easily, and has basic training in administering and resisting interrogation, bolstered by her medical background.
(+) Select Force Talents: Corinne has developed keen Force Senses, allowing her to feel the emotions of those around her and usually to sense impending danger. She is also possesses an inherent talent for several medical-related powers: Healing, Breath Control, Detoxify Poison, with varying degrees of skill in each; a lack of extensive practice prevents her from being masterful with them. One of her earliest skills in the Force was the ability to hide or minimise her presence in the Force to avoid detection.
(-) Dabbler In All, Master of None: While Corinne does possess a wide range of skills, she cannot boast expertise in many of them. This is especially the case in combat, where she is more than skilled enough to overcome most people but will almost certainly find herself outmatched by professional killers or warriors before long. Likewise, she will be out of her depth against a professional slicer or pilot in their respective fields.
(-) Lack of Traditional Jedi Training: A lack of traditional training in the Jedi arts means that Corinne's Force talents are limited in scope. She is not capable of easily employing telekinesis or telepathy, although she can perform Pushes, Pulls and Mind Tricks with significant concentration, and she has no experience with lightsabers.
(-) Secret By Necessity: Corinne is usually only able to use Force powers in private, as few are aware of her Force-sensitivity and she is required to maintain public appearances.