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Dr. Faustina Beryll


Faustina Beryll’s past is just that; a matter of the past. All that she really allows to be known is that she considers/claims Coruscant her homeworld, received surprisingly high academic honors, and that her skill in the lab are unmatched (There’s no proof of this, naturally, but she would claim it regardless even if there was someone better). Her mother, Camilla, is the only family member she speaks of from time-to-time, but she often makes jokes about her childhood that wind up contradicting each other factually.

recieved an education specializing in biology and genetics from the University of Coruscant, with full academic honours. Specifically, the fields of genes' influence over the mind are what she primarily studies, alongside application of gene therapy to specific illnesses and sicknesses. She is, of course, also a trained doctor -- Which is what drew her into war, as Faustina was drafted as a war surgeon for a brief period of time. It leant her no favours, and she often tries to put those memories behind her; choosing to go a bit more political instead so that her work will not result in the bloodshed she was forced to fix. Now serving as the Confederacy's Minister of Science, she holds quite a bit of responsibility over the people in her domain and her goals every day are to assist them as best she can.
Lord Huron - Meet Me In The Woods
Hozier - Arsonist's Lullaby
Fall Out Boy - The Last Of The Real Ones
Imagine Dragons - I Don't Know Why
Hollywood Undead - Bad Moon

The Kite String Tangle - Arcadia
Raleigh Ritchie - Bloodsport
Halsey - Angel On Fire
Oh Wonder - White Blood
Grizfolk - Vagabonds
Flor - spoiled

Full Name: Faustina Olivier Beryll
Age: 33
Species: Human
Homeworld: Coruscant
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bicurious
Relationship Status: Single
Education: University of Coruscant alumni
Occupation: Civilian Scientist (Genetics), Doctor (General), CIS Minister of Science
Skin Color: Fair
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Face Claim: Elizabeth Olsen
Voice Claim: Elizabeth Olsen
Aesthetic Board: X
Physical Abnormalities: N/A
Psychological Abnormalities: Mild PTSD

Vice: Hubris
Unfortunately for Faustina, she suffers (Or, as she would say, 'benefits') from quite the prideful heart. Twice as sensitive to attacks to her ego and 3x as likely to squabble pettily in small acts of rebellion against those she believes have wounded it, her hubris is something that will not be easily swayed.

Virtue: Insightful
Having spent far too much time engaged in the darker underbelly of society, Faustina's abilities of perception are quite sharp. Whether it's a medical-related assessment or a judgment of character, she tends to offer surprisingly profound wisdom... Most of the time, at any rate.

Vice: Morose
On the flip-side of the insightfulness is the soulless nature she adopts when times grow unbearable. Having witnessed the wretches of life has not exactly done wonders for Faustina's emotions, and they are influenced easily for the worse. Thankfully for her, hiding it with humour always works; But the uncomfortable jokes born out of this vice often don't make friends, and have resulted in more than one altercation.

Virtue: Dauntless
Despite not having received any formal military training, Faustina is all-too-willing to brazenly-- Or stupidly --take risks in the interest of her patients, friends & loved ones. Nigh impossible to be swayed by fear, her indomitable spirit may crack but it has yet to crumble.

Vice: Intemperant
If Faustina has something to say, she will almost certainly say it. Filters are non-existent with her, and she believes in a frankness that infringes on politeness far too often. Self-control is a struggle as well, in all things. Excess is always good, right?

Virtue: Faithful
But if there is one thing to be said, it's that she is fiercely loyal. Once she has chosen her side, she will dig in relentlessly until victorious or defeated. Once you have earned her, she will return your companionship and allegiance twofold.

Vice: Callous
Unfortunately, exposure to the job of ' temporary war surgeon' and other combat-related events has left Faustina a little numb to certain upsetting events. Unless something is direly important in her eyes, it's unlikely she will care for it as much as someone else might, and would take convincing to feel the same way.

Virtue: Accepting
In wars, people pull together. Faustina is no different, and holds no xenophobic or racist views; Everyone is on a level playing field with her, and individuals are judged only on their merits. That being said, if your merits are poor, she probably won't care for you very much.

Vice: Vengeful
In the same vein of her loyalty, pride and bravery is Faustina's craving for 'eye-for-an-eye'. She makes unhealthy jumps to extreme reactions to events, and when she cares deeply for something-- A person, a belief, an organization --that is then affected negatively, she will be first in line to exact her 'revenge'.

Virtue: Equanimity
Trained as a trauma surgeon, Faustina is used to working against the clock to save lives. She's able to keep a level head-- Most of the time --in situations demanding it, though she might need some convincing to get there after the initial outburst or two. Once she's in ~the zone~, however, she is there as long as she needs to focus.




"The Queen of Swords represents a very perceptive individual, sharp-witted and professionally distant. You will most likely find her to be your aid and counsel, possibly a teacher. Not necessarily female, but likely to be, this person should be trusted and may take an interest in you. Do not shy away, but instead reciprocate. A powerful ally, respect her intelligence and you will be rewarded with peerless guidance should you chose to follow her."

Represented by The Queen of Swords in the minor arcana's Swords suite, the application of this wise tarot card to Faustina speaks volumes about her character. It calls to her intellect and prowess as a scientist and also reflecting on her trustworthy nature. It encourages those around her to remain faithful, as she will to them; Faustina is, above all, a matronly figure within the Confederacy. However, she still is of the Swords, and war has shaped her personality greatly as a result. Resolute in the face of hardship, she embodies every inch the queen this card harkens to, despite her lack of nobility or titles.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean at risus faucibus, auctor magna sit amet, ullamcorper turpis. Aenean gravida nunc sit amet mauris sollicitudin gravida. Suspendisse potenti. Duis aliquam elementum sem, a pulvinar nisl vehicula at. Nam accumsan purus sed nisi hendrerit imperdiet. Maecenas luctus a mi ut lacinia. Maecenas nec mauris non diam imperdiet mattis eu ac elit. Suspendisse a elementum sapien. Sed et sollicitudin tellus, sit amet tincidunt turpis. Nam vitae felis lacinia, pellentesque ex at, convallis tortor. Ut pharetra consectetur enim sit amet pulvinar.

Player Characters

'Placeholder' | Placeholder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ ~ ]

'Placeholder' | Placeholder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ ~ ]

'Placeholder' | Placeholder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ ~ ]

Non-Player Characters

'Mother' | Camilla Beryll
"Yeah, no comment."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ ~ ]

'Placeholder' | Placeholder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ ~ ]

'Placeholder' | Placeholder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ ~ ]


The Confederacy

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