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Dr. Sirantha Tesselor


Commander - Fleet Medical Officer

NAME: Dr. Sirantha Tesselor
FACTION: Galactic Republic
RANK: Commander - Ranking GRN Medical officer of the Fleet
SPECIES: Human - geneticaly engineered person
AGE: 16 -it is her actual age too, her growth rate was never altered
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 176 cm (5.8 feet)
EYES: Green mixed with Golden
HAIR: Dark brown
SKIN: Caucasian, light
CREDITS: 2 760 000
Body: by human standards she is very attractive. She is athletically build.

STRENGTH: Sirantha's strenght is average, like any human female. She lacks brute strength of fighters.

DEXTERITY: Due to her genetic alteration Sirantha is very agile.

CONSTITUTION: Due to her genetic uprgades sirantha's imunity system is very strong, healing her wounds take much less time than others. She is more resistant to viruses and bacterias. And probably will have longer life span than average.
Unfortunately her neural cell regeneration cause that she needs bigger amount of alcohol to get drunk and it won't last long enough.

INTELLIGENCE: Because incrasing intelligence was main goal of her alterations, she is very capable in all scientifical branches which. Her faster comprehension and advanced memory makes her life lot easier. A lot of information has been. A lot of information has been integrated to her brain during cloning process, thanks to that she has extended knowledge in many branches. Gaining more knowledge is her greatest passion. She needs her mind occupied by something or she must get drunk in order not to get insane.

WISDOM: She is thinker, but it's mostly overpowered by recklessness of youth and her impulsive persona.
CHARISMA: She is charismatic not only by what she would call perfect body, but due to her communications skills learned by hard work of gambling.

FORCE POWERS: Unstable, due to never been trained. Never use them until it's survival necessity.


During cloning process some knowledge from sith and jedi holocrons has been integrated to her hippocampus, but due to that this knowledge has not been naturaly learnet it is hard to operate with it and cause more troubles than it's useful.


Biochemistry, biology and xenobiology - theoretical
Engineering, chemistry, electronics - theoretical
Medicine, neurosurgery, kardiosurgery, trauma-surgery - theoretical with little of praxis
Flying - Adept
Languages - expert
blaster - adept
Languages - expert


Her main strength is her intelligence which she use to good things like surgery, but she is using her intelligence to cheating, lying and stealing. She has not brute strength, bud she is agile with lot of stamina. Due to her alteration she has strong imunity system and advanced senses.But these advantage aren't always advantage she must use her willpower not to throw up when something stink. When she use stimulants they work for shorter time due to her advanced metabolism and imunity system.Painkillers in small amounts don't work effectively.
Her main weakness is lack of brute strength, and it was used against her far too many times thanks to her impulsive and reckless personality.
Sirantha isn't very good fighter, bud didn't mind her own pain which is good thanks to that in fist fight she gets more her own blood on clothes than it's would seem likely.

Luxurios Clothes
Surgery gear (laser scalpel, clothes,etc..)
Datapad implant (forearm implant)

Private luxury yacht
PETS: Akk dog - small pupy liberatet (stolen) from Smuggler
She always knew she was clone and learned how to use her imprinted memories which was hard because they were artificially created memories. But using imprinted memories of force powers and due to lack of any personal experience with force she lose control of it and results are not pleasant. That shaped her that she focuses more on scientific knowledge and she is reluctant have anything with force, but she consider gaining some training for her safety and safety of others. Because she grew up on board of medical ship,she chose her career as a biologist and surgeon. She likes helping others, but she can be arrogant and mean. She likes parties and gambling. And she is idealist, which reflect on her interactions with others.
She is stubborn and commanding, but some would call her calculating.
She is also reckless and impulsive like shock therapy. And even she has not brute strength she likes initiating fist fights in bars (cantinas).

She was born from artificial womb of cloning machine on board of medical research ship. Ship's name was Genesis. She was called subject J, the tenth try to create force sensitive clone with advanced intelligence.She was only successful version and after six other failed versions project was aborted,due to extreme cost of cloning. Her genetical template was [member='Sandis Veeran'] who is Jedi Padawan that is just 3 years older than her and could be considered her mother.
Up to age of 5 she was trained how to access her imprinted memories and social interaction. Next 3 years she spent practicing her surgical and engineering knowledge. After that she decided try her imprinted knowledge of force. She used force little before but now she decided do something more powerful. She lost control of her mental balance and result caused failure of ships shields and asteroids damaged Genesis. To save her life she used escape module and in order to get out of asteroid field in it she used other modules to clear her path as a missiles.She was only survivor. Because her creator Dr.Tesselor named her as his heir she inherited massive amount of wealth. She started calling herself as a Sirantha Tesselor. She bought a luxury yacht and made it her home. She was surprised of outside world (outside of rich comfort of ship where she grew up )and there was for many things she wasn't prepared for. She spend one year training how to fly ships. Then she moved on Coruscant there she applied on Medical academy and began her research of technological implants in biological bodies. She achieved status of doctor as one of youngest people ever.She met here many peoples but lot of the were far older than her that caused she had not many friends. And because she regret what she done during escape from Genesis she didn't form long lasting bounds. In age of 15 she invented many upgrades for implants bat her master work has been data and communication unit implanted under skin of forearm which used your skin as touch-screen. She patented it and currently it's in testing to approval for larger population, that means the one she implanted into herself is one of very few existing exemplars for now. After that she assisted in patching up victims of flight accident. But the suffering of these people she felt it like she was the injured thanks to her force sensitivity. After that she left and started traveling across the galaxy and get drunk in many casinos and spend most of her inherited fortune on gambling. During these trips she cheat, lie and borrow credits for indefinitely without knowledge of provider.(steals) But now time has come again to do something useful.

  • Patent income: 360 000 Credits/Month
  • Salary: N/A

Board trasfer from:


Commander - Fleet Medical Officer
Thi is just note for myself to WIP

Lenght: ?? meters
Speed - atmospheric: 1200km/h
Hyperdrive rating: Class 0.9 Backup class 5
Engine unit(s): Ion engines (4, housed in exterior nacelles)
Hyperdrive system: Hyperdrive engines (2, housed in exterior nacelles)
Navigation system: modified NavComp
Armament: Heavy laser cannons - 6
Torpedo launchers

Cargo capacity: 250 metric tons
Vehicle cargo bay:
Other system: automated foodprocessors
Minimum crew: 2

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