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Character Dr. Siva Signos

Dr. Siva Signos


Dr. Siva Signos
    Name: Siva Signos
    Profession: Dr. of Xenobiology, Xenopathology, and Xenomedecine
    Species: Arkanian/Human Hybrid
    Age: 32
    Sex: Male
    Height: 6' (184 cm)
    Weight: 225 lbs (102 kg)
    Eyes: Blue
    Hair: Black
    Skin: Pale
    Build: Athletic
    Languages: Most commonly spoken languages
    Force Sensitivity: None
    Siva Signos was born on Arkania, the product of his father, Shiva Signos. His mother, a human woman, was unknown to Siva, and ultimately died in childbirth as a "minimally contributing participant in the biological process" according to his father. What drove Shiva Signos to ignore the biological perfection that is an Arkanian woman for a human woman with impure and inferior genes was a mystery. What Siva did know for sure, was that his conception was a grave mistake, and that he was only allowed to come to term out of his father's scientific curiosity - curiosity, to see if a human hybrid could even begin to compete intellectually with an Arkanian.

    That answer...was no. Despite Arkanian genetic engineering, intense mental training, and studying at one of the most prestigious institutions in the galaxy, Siva was a mediocre student by Arkanian standards (though genius by any other metric), even after years of coaching by some of the best tutors and professors in the galaxy. The experiment a failure, Shiva Signos would disown his son at the age of twenty, then try and have him killed no less than four times by the age of twenty five (inferior genes cannot propagate, after all).

    In response, Siva did the only logical thing he could think of; he ambushed and then sedated his father with a paralytic from the Araquia, before proceeding to stab the man thirty four and a half times in the thoracic cavity with a rusty bitdriver. Investigators never did figure out who did it (Siva was far too smart for that); and they never figured out why exactly thirty four and a half times, either. Siva, a person of interest, was eventually released after an absolute lack of genetic evidence, whereupon he was never seen again.

    Rumors have it, though, that one Dr. Siva Signos is out in the wider galaxy, trying to reinvent himself. Trying, and failing...

  • (+) Arkanian Genetherapy.
    Siva possesses atypical Arkanian genetic engineering, and possesses many of the mental abilities of the species. Specifically, Siva is able to memorize entire libraries of knowledge and calculate problems that even advanced supercomputers struggle with. However, while considered an absurd genius and prodigy by human standards, Siva's knowledge is relatively incomplete compared Arkanians in the top of their field.

    (+) Practical Application.
    Siva has devoted much of his life to the pursuit of science and medical knowledge, but also has focussed on more practical applications of this knowledge - Siva understands the physics and engineering of most medical machines and treatment options, and has sought to create advancements in these areas himself. This work with his hands lends itself well to surgery, with Siva having a steady scalpel in the operating theatre.

    (+) Physical Fitness!
    Siva adheres to a strict diet and exercise regimen, training regularly with a practitioner of Stava in order to keep fit. Practicing for years, and combined with his innate understanding of all types of physiology, Siva is a tough opponent provided he can get close to you.

    (-) Possibly a madman.
    While the jury is out on Siva's culpability in his father's untimely death, there is nonetheless a distinct possibility that Siva may be a teeny tiny wee-bit insane. Often talking about clarity of vision that should be shared with the universe, the purity of blood in its most base compositions, and the pursuit of ultimate knowledge as it relates to the universal truth, Siva can often be found lost in thought, talking to shadows, or locked in a near cataleptic trance as he gazes out upon the stars. Then again...who knows? It's not like you can prove he stabbed someone thirty four and a half times - the jury sure couldn't.

    (-) Which end do you point this at?
    Well versed in hand-to-hand combat for fitness reasons, Siva isn't someone you want close to you when he has a monomolecular scalpel dipped in neurotoxin. This said, Siva has never fired a blaster before, let alone thrown a grenade, piloted a starfighter, or any had any amount of combat training. Siva is, at the end of the day, a Doctor.

    (-) Prejudiced.
    Siva has a vehement, allergic, near-violent prejudice against Arkanians, going out of his way to antagonize, belittle, and otherwise confront the racial arrogance that Arkanians project on other "inferior" species. The fact that said Arkanians view Dr. Siva as an abomination and a failure of genetics may or may not play a small part in this behavior. Fun fact - though perhaps entirely unrelated - all Arkanians under Dr. Siva's care have suffered an incredibly high rate of mortality, deformity, paralysis, infection, and every other affliction conceivable. There are even reports that a few of his Arkanian patients have gone missing mysteriously...what a weird coincidence!

Huge thanks to Takumi who shared this template, and credit to Kyra for original template.​
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Dr. Siva Signos


"Mercy's Grasp"

Nebulon-B Medical Frigate (retrofitted)
Length: 300m
Armament: none
Shielding: heavy
• 200 Officers & Ship Crew
• 300 Medical Personnel (50 Doctors, 100 Nurses, 150 MD-Series Medical Droids)
• 500 Patients (Variable)
• 2 Sprint-class rescue craft
• 3 A-10 Interceptors (essentially modern A-9s)
IFF: universal Red Sigil transponder codes, identifying as non-combatant mercy ship​
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