The Narrator
- Intent: To populate a planet, as well as allow a new people that others may use in the RP as a whole (Inspired by DND)
- Image Credit: (Be warned Page No longer Exist)
- Canon: No
- Permissions: N/a
Links: N/a
- Name: Draconian
- Designation: Sentient
- Origins: Draconian
- Average Lifespan: Can live on average of 150-200 Years, Some exceptions have lived to 250-300 Years
- Estimated Population: Scattered (Smaller groups or individuals found in many places around the galaxy)
- Description: Human-like creatures covered in scales, With a tail, Sometimes having wings
- Breathes: Type 1 and Type 2 Atmosphere
- Average Height of Adults: 8 Meters
- Average Length of Adults: N/A
- Skin color: Red, Black, Blue, Bronze
- Hair color: Same as Skin
- Distinctions: Males would have shorter Tails, And Females have a slightly larger chest
- Races: Nothing Other then the Skin and scale colors
- Force Sensitivity: Rare
- Breath Attack -Many Members can use there breath to attack hostile Entities. It is normally fire.
- Natural Strength -Early in their age, they normally get stronger then most other species in the galaxy
- Low Birth-rate - Due to the size and age limits of this race, birth rates are very low in comparison to most other species
- Aggressive -Easy to provoke into violence
- Diet: Omnivore (Will mostly eat meat however)
- Communication: Spoken, Body Communication
- Technology level: Galactic Standard
- Religion/Beliefs: Similar To the Mandalorians, They believe in an Honor system, and Believe the greatest of their Kind are reicarnated as great dragons after death
- General behavior: Will Engage in aggressive Diplomacy, However will never cross certain Lines as Dictated by there code of "Draconian Honor"
Believed to descended from Long dead Dragons on their Homeworld. They developed Very quickly as many immigrated species Encountered them, and would soon make there world Neutral on the Galactic Scale, But will accept most refugees. Upon meeting The jedi, They would slightly fear there powers as they never encountered anything like them before
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