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Approved Species Draconis

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  • Intent: To create the Draconis species, enriching the lore of Centerra with dragons.
  • Image Credit: N/A
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Centerra
  • Name: Draconis
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Centerra
  • Average Lifespan: 800-1000 years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary (A Large Concentration on a single world or system, rarely found off-world),
  • Description: Draconis, or Dracons / Dragons, are a diverse species on Centerra known for their immense size and elemental abilities. They include subtypes. Each subtype has unique adaptations to their environment. Though primarily solitary, rare interbreeding can produce hybrid Draconis with mixed traits. They play significant roles in Centerran lore as symbols of natural forces.
  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average Height of Adults: 15-20 meters at the shoulder
  • Average Length of Adults: 30-40 meters including tail
  • Skin color: Varies
  • Hair color: Varies
  • Distinctions: Typical distinctions but may vary
Frostwings (Ice)

: Glacial blue, iridescent
Eyes: Deep sapphire
Horns: Icicle-like
Breath Weapon: Frostbite Breath (icy wind)
Tail: Ice-like spikes
Pyroclasts (Lava)

: Obsidian with glowing magma veins
Eyes: Molten lava
Horns: Volcanic rock-like
Breath Weapon: Inferno Breath (molten lava)
Tail: Spiked club
Tidescales (Water)

Scales: Shimmering blue-green, iridescent
Eyes: Turquoise
Horns: Coral-like
Breath Weapon: Tsunami Blast (pressurized water)
Tail: Finned
Stormclaws (Lightning)

: Silver and blue, static
Eyes: Electric blue
Horns: Lightning bolt-shaped
Breath Weapon: Thunderstrike (lightning bolt)
Tail: Whip-like, electric shocks
Geostones (Earth/Gem)

: Rock-like with gemstones
Eyes: Emerald green
Horns: Crystal-like
Breath Weapon: Earthquake Breath (rock shards)
Tail: Mace-like, solid rock
Galecrests (Wind)

: Light and feathery, airy appearance
Eyes: Pale blue
Horns: Streamlined, aerodynamic
Breath Weapon: Gale Force (powerful wind gusts)
Tail: Long and flexible, aiding in flight maneuverability
  • Races: Frostwings (ice), Pyroclasts (lava/fire), Tidescales (water), Stormclaws (lightning), Galecrests (Wind), and Geotalons (earth/gem)
  • Force Sensitivity: All
Strengths: They all have an elemental breath associated with their type.
Frostwings (Ice):

  • Ice Manipulation: Control over ice and snow.
  • Camouflage: Blend into icy environments.
Pyroclasts (Lava):

  • Lava Manipulation: Control over lava and volcanic activity.
  • Heat Resistance: Impervious to extreme heat and fire.
Tidescales (Water):

  • Water Manipulation: Control over water currents.
  • Aquatic Adaptation: Excellent swimmers, can breathe underwater.
Stormclaws (Lightning):

  • Electric Manipulation: Control over lightning and storms.
  • Storm Riding: Enhanced speed in storms.
Geostones (Earth/Gem):

  • Earth Manipulation: Control over earth and rock.
  • Enhanced Durability: Their rock-like scales provide exceptional physical defense against attacks.
Galecrests (Wind):

  • Wind Manipulation: Control over wind and air currents.
  • Aerial Agility: Exceptional flyers with high maneuverability.
Frostwings (Ice):

  • Heat Vulnerability: Weakened by extreme heat.
  • Limited Mobility: Slower in warm climates.
Pyroclasts (Lava):

  • Water Vulnerability: Weakened by water and cold environments.
  • Slow Movement: Large size reduces speed.
Tidescales (Water):

  • Dehydration: Weakened without access to water.
  • Limited Land Mobility: Less agile on land.
Stormclaws (Lightning):

  • Grounding: Vulnerable to grounding attacks.
  • Unstable Powers: Electric abilities can be unpredictable.
Geostones (Earth/Gem):

  • Heavy Build: Slower due to their mass.
  • Limited Range: Their earth-based abilities are less effective in environments with little to no solid ground, such as open water or air.
Galecrests (Wind):

  • Ground Combat: Less effective on the ground.
  • Weak Against Earth: Vulnerable to earth-based attacks.
  • Diet: Omnivore. Draconis diet prefrences vary by subtype:
    • Frostwings: Large mammals, frozen prey.
    • Pyroclasts: Minerals, metals, cooked prey.
    • Tidescales: Fish, marine mammals.
    • Stormclaws: Large birds, mammals.
    • Geostones: Minerals, large creatures.
    • Galecrests: Small to medium animals, birds.
  • Communication: Telepathy and oration. Roars, body language, elemental signaling. Their vocalizations, known as Dragon Song, consist of guttural and wailing sounds, similar to the melodic, haunting calls used by large aquatic mammals for communication over long distances. These sounds can vary in pitch and duration, creating complex and resonant melodies.
  • Technology level: Low (Natural animalistic creatures, do not use technology). Some times they may interact with various items from other sentient beings they work with but mostly in the forms of weapons and armor.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Shaman like. Seen as descendants of elemental spirits or gods. Each subtype has lore tying them to specific natural forces.
  • General Behavior:
    • Family Life: Mostly solitary, territorial. Rarely form family units except during mating.
    • Values: Survival, mastery of elemental abilities.
    • Raising Young: Offspring are typically left to fend for themselves after a certain age.
    • Interaction: typically minimal interaction with other species; territorial disputes are common. Some forge pacts and bonds with certain other sentient races in exchange of things they desire.
    • Activities: Hunting, patrolling territories, engaging in elemental displays.
    • Nocturnal/Diurnal: Activity patterns vary by subtype (e.g., Tidescales are active day and night, Stormclaws are more active during storms).

      Dragon Strength Ranking

      Based on their elemental abilities and physical traits, here is a general strength ranking of the dragon types from the strongest to the weakest:

      1. Geostones: Exceptional durability and powerful earth-based attacks.
      2. Pyroclasts: Intense heat and destructive lava manipulation.
      3. Stormclaws: High agility and potent lightning attacks.
      4. Frostwings: Strong ice manipulation and defensive capabilities.
      5. Tidescales: Versatile in both aquatic and land environments with water control.
      6. Galecrests: Superior aerial agility and wind manipulation, but less effective on the ground.

      Draconis Cultural Details

      SubtypePhysical TraitsStrengthsWeaknessesDietCommunicationTechnologyReligion/BeliefsGeneral Behavior
      FrostwingsGlacial blue scales, deep sapphire eyes, icicle-like horns, frostbite breathIce manipulation, camouflage in icy environmentsHeat vulnerability, limited mobility in warm climatesLarge mammals, frozen preyTelepathy, Dragon Song, roars, body languageLowDescendants of ice spiritsSolitary, territorial, minimal interaction, hunting
      PyroclastsObsidian scales with magma veins, molten lava eyes, volcanic rock-like horns, inferno breathLava manipulation, heat resistanceWater vulnerability, slow movementMinerals, metals, cooked preyTelepathy, Dragon Song, roars, body languageLowDescendants of fire spiritsSolitary, territorial, minimal interaction, hunting
      TidescalesShimmering blue-green scales, turquoise eyes, coral-like horns, tsunami blastWater manipulation, aquatic adaptationDehydration, limited land mobilityFish, marine mammalsTelepathy, Dragon Song, roars, body languageLowDescendants of water spiritsSolitary, territorial, minimal interaction, hunting
      StormclawsSilver and blue scales, electric blue eyes, lightning bolt-shaped horns, thunderstrikeElectric manipulation, enhanced speed in stormsGrounding vulnerability, unstable powersLarge birds, mammalsTelepathy, Dragon Song, roars, body languageLowDescendants of storm spiritsSolitary, territorial, minimal interaction, hunting
      GeostonesRock-like scales with gemstones, emerald green eyes, crystal-like horns, earthquake breathEarth manipulation, enhanced durabilityHeavy build, limited range in non-earth environmentsMinerals, large creaturesTelepathy, Dragon Song, roars, body languageLowDescendants of earth spiritsSolitary, territorial, minimal interaction, hunting
      GalecrestsLight and feathery scales, pale blue eyes, aerodynamic horns, gale forceWind manipulation, exceptional aerial agilityGround combat weakness, weak against earth attacksSmall to medium animals, birdsTelepathy, Dragon Song, roars, body languageLowDescendants of wind spiritsSolitary, territorial, minimal interaction, hunting
The Draconis species, often referred to as dragons, are ancient beings deeply woven into the history and mythology of Centerra. Believed to be descendants of powerful elemental spirits, Draconis subtypes adapted to various environments, giving rise to Frostwings, Pyroclasts, Tidescales, Stormclaws, Galecrests, and Geostones. Throughout history, they have been revered as guardians of nature's forces, playing crucial roles in shaping the planet's landscapes and ecosystems. Rare interbreeding among subtypes has led to the emergence of hybrid Draconis, further enriching their lore and mystique.

Differentiated Dragon Collaborations on Centerra Draconis

Sun Star Order

The Sun Star Order uses dragons as war mounts, and serve as special mounts. These dragons are close allies and friends, fostering a near-symbiotic harmonious existence. They assist each other in various aspects, with dragons providing transportation and combat support, while the Order offers care, companionship, and protection.


The Dracelvarian, known for their strategic and military prowess, form disciplined units with dragons. They train dragons for combat, focusing on enhancing their agility and strength. These dragon units are key in their defense strategies and military campaigns, often leading charges and fortifying their positions. The Dracelvarian bond with dragons is built on mutual respect and rigorous training, creating formidable warrior pairs. They also possess a unique ability to shift into hybrid humanoid-dragons or full dragons, adding versatility to their combat tactics.


Sanguiorians employ dragons to enforce their rule and intimidate opponents. They view dragons as powerful weapons and symbols of their dominance. Sanguiorians utilize dragons in aggressive tactics, leveraging their fearsome presence to subjugate and control others. The relationship is more utilitarian, focusing on the strategic advantages dragons provide in battle and enforcement.


Divinarians integrate dragons into their societal structure as guardians and symbols of wisdom. Dragons assist in safeguarding knowledge and cultural heritage sites. The Divinarie approach to dragons is rooted in reverence and guardianship, using their presence to deter threats and maintain peace. They also engage in educational partnerships with dragons, fostering a symbiotic relationship that benefits both parties.

Dragon Type Conflicts

Different dragon types may naturally conflict with each other based on their elemental affinities and territorial instincts. Here is a chart depicting these natural conflicts and the reasons behind them:

Dragon TypeNatural Conflict WithReason for Conflict
FrostwingsPyroclastsOpposing elemental natures (ice vs. fire)
PyroclastsFrostwings, TidescalesOpposing elemental natures (fire vs. ice and water)
TidescalesPyroclasts, StormclawsWater dragons clash with fire and storm dragons over resources
StormclawsTidescales, GeostonesCompete for dominance in storm-prone regions
GeostonesStormclaws, GalecrestsEarth dragons and storm/wind dragons vie for control of highlands
GalecrestsGeostones, FrostwingsWind dragons conflict with earth and ice dragons for airspace

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