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Draelvasier Cultural Tidbits


Drael Colloquialisms
These are shortened or common statements or words used in the Drael language spelled phonetically for Galactic Basic/English writing.

Peliet - Enough [Pell Eat]
Xiaq - Weak [Zi-ak]
Kraerd - Friend [Cray-Erd]
Froka - Shame [Frow-Ca]
Vreda - Pride [Vera-da]
Patak - Idiot [Pah Tak]
Crosa - Courage [Crow-sah]
Chiek-Ta - Very Good [Sheek-Tah]
Ruo-Ta - Very Bad [Row-Tah]
Vaqta - Bastard [Vak-tah]
Seetun - Listen [Sea-ton]

Body Language
Draelvasier are expressive in regards to tradition, strength, and belief. Passionate and loyal, but not overly emotional. All Draelvasier are taught to control everything, see all. From an early age, the concept of using their own carapace as armour. To defend themselves from outward threats and inward. To hide behind the stoicism genetically gifted from their forebearer. This leads to bluntness and incredibly forward dialogue between Drael, passive talk is rare.

As is physical touch outside of combat scenarios. To physically touch a superior Drael is considered an insult, the greater must always lead. Conversation, movement and tone. Respect and loyalty to one and other is key to mature Drael conventions.

- To grasp another Drael by the shoulders is to add great weight to whatever it is that is to be done or said. It's a show of sincerity.

- To kneel in front of another Draelvasier, is to show submission or respect. In addition, extending an open palm with a raised arm when kneeling shows trust and loyalty through vulnerability. The Drael being knelt to, if reciprocating the submissive display would lightly touch the open palm as an acknowledgment of the display.

- Firmly grasping another Drael by their wrist, is a show of brotherhood. But is only considered sincere when the eyes are met.

- In a gathering of Draelvasier, all are expected to sit when the Chieftain sits and not to rise before he does or tells them to. To stand without permission is disrespectful and in some contexts, a challenge.

- Maintaining eye contact is contextually either aggressive or respectful. When showing submission a Drael must avert their eyes until acknowledged. Otherwise, they aren't respecting the authority of whoever the acknowledgment is coming from.

- Touching one forehead to another, is familial. The greatest expression of a bond between two Draelvasier.


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