Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Dragana Zagova

Dragana Zagova

Age: 175
Species: Greater Sanguinius Vampirika (Wraith subrace)
Gender: Female
Height: 1.85 meters/6'1''
Weight: 68kg/150lbs
Force Sensitive: Yes (Gray aligned)
Faction: The Lilaste Order
Rank: Lieutenant


Dragana is often seen shrouded in a heavy cloak that conceals most of her body. What is always obvious however, is her bright yellow eyes. These eyes mark her as a Greater Sanguinius to those who know what their looking for, and strike fear into many who don't. Another feature of hers that catches the eye are her protruding fangs, which she takes great pride in showing. Her facial features besides the fangs, are soft and feminine, lips seemingly painted a perpetual crimson.

She stands quite tall, with an almost unnaturally thin frame, even bony in some places. This gauntness only adds to her almost spectral appearance. Her white hair doing little to make her look less like a ghost. The robes and dresses she wears always seem to be too large for her, none of them being very modern.



Communications device


Dragana is a soul bound by her mercurial nature. While her actions are sometimes strange to outsiders, there is often method to her madness. While she does indulge in the feeding of the crimson nectar, she has also been known to be philanthropic to her own people. Donating mass stores of credits to keep them housed and happy. On the battlefield however, the true depths of Dragana's madness show. She can be sadistic, cruel, and downright mirthful in the slaughter of her enemies. Though, she seems to be quite protective of her own men. Most of Dragana's actions depend entirely on her feelings in the moment.

While her mastery of the force is great, she sees it with all the inquisitiveness of a child. When not destroying the enemies of the Order, she is often deep in meditation. She wishes, above all, to understand the force. She does not necessarily believe in taming it, rather she sees it as the true power in the universe. An entity unto its own, one deserving of respect and admiration.


Vampiric Senses- With enhanced smell and hearing, few can hope to sneak up on Dragana. On the battlefield she uses these senses to hunt down key targets, and identify potential threats. And with her enhanced night vision, even the darkness cannot hope to shield her enemies.

Increased physical attributes- Strength, Speed, Agility, Endurance, Reflexes are all above the human norm. Dragana's strength is especially high, a surprise given her frail appearance. She also has reflexes that, even without the force, border on superhuman.

Force Expert- Dragana is as skilled in the force as any Jedi Knight, and in some areas she is beyond the Knight level. One of her primary force abilities is the ability to drain energy from living creatures to enhance her own vitality. When injured she often seeks out the lifeforce of others to heal her body.

Biologically Immortal- While not truly unkillable, Dragana does not age or seem to suffer much from her advanced age. In her 175 counted years, she has no missed a step. If anything, he long life has allowed her to become adept at many disciplines.


Red Thirst- Dragana is bound to blood as are any of the Sanguinius. Without blood she is liable to starve completely. Worse than the affects of starvation, are the blood madness that comes on when she doesn't imbibe. She becomes hyper focused and driven only by hunger. Ripping and biting at anything that looks even slightly human.

Arbitrary- Whether some effect of prolonged hunger taking its toll, or a simple quirk of her personality, Dragana is liable to do things whenever she wills them. This makes it difficult to control her, especially when her Red Thirst takes over.

Sanguinius Weaknesses- Beyond the Red Thirst, Dragana's people have many weaknesses. Chief among them being an aversion to sunlight. Dragana can only be in the sun for an hour or two before adverse effects begin taking place. The effects can range from skin irritation, to muscle fatigue, and even temporary blindness.


Born to a small aristocrat family in the Inner Rim, Dragana lived most of her life in piece. She was taught from a young age to maintain secrecy of her family's true nature. Not long after her 18th birthday however, she became aware of her latent force powers. Form that day on she was obsessed with her search for knowledge on the force. Eventually, her travels brought her to the planet Kalinda. With no other factions laying claim to the space, Dragana would settle, and learn how to wield the force.

During the next one hundred or so years Dragana believed that the planet was a perfect site for her research, a relatively peaceful and out of the way location. Throughout the years she would occasionally dip her toes into the politics and general goings on of the region. That was where she would become aware of the Lilaste Order. Over time she ingratiated herself with the soldiers of the Order that now ruled the planet. She would show her skill in combat during a small conflict on Kalinda's more desolate worlds. This must have impressed the Lilaste commanders, because they offered her a place in the Order.

Seeing this as a way to gain more knowledge on the force, and have some fun besides, she accepted. Now Dragana travels the stars with soldiers in tow, doing what is needed by the order. At least, until they begin to bore her, or try to confine her more savage feelings...
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