Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Classification: Medium Powersuit
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: High
    • Ion: Low
    • Sonic: Average
    • Elemental: Average
  • Crowd Control
  • Anti-Armor
  • Advanced Tactical Display
  • Ordnance Resupply
  • Direct Hit
  • They Came From Behind
The NLZ5-21 Dragon is latest in a long line of SoroSuub Corporation powersuits manufactured specifically for use by the Sullustan Home Guard but are also occasionally sold on the private market. Sullust's underground ecosystems have led to some unconventional military tactics such as emphasizing the use of single man suits over heavy armor platforms for their superior mobility in the sullustan's natural environment. While SoroSuub does produce some tanks and walkers for the military's use defending offworld colonies, Home Guard armor is not nearly as celebrated as units like the elite Dragon Guard.

Sullust deploys troopers equipped with these powersuits in fireteams and sometimes larger squads or platoons if the situation demands it. In this sense they take on the role of armor columns attached to larger Home Guard infantry and mechanized units. Dragon powersuits offer a balance of endurance and mobility but remain more vulnerable to precision artillery than a light tank or scout walker. Although the suit's weapon systems are auto-loading they cannot match the kind of storage a larger vehicle offers and thus suffer for it during prolonged engagements. The suits also offer very little in rear countermeasures and coupled with their turn rate require that the Dragon Guard train to always keep their enemy in front.
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