Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dragons in the Maw...

Kegan System

Soulfires black eyes scanned space from the helm of his newly accquired Xo,Xann Star destoyer the Imperious. It had taken him blood and grit to get this far and the Dark Jedi Pirate was not done yet. He would see the galaxy burn or die.

Aboard the bridge all was silent save the hum of computer terminals and the click of the pirates boots as they moved from station to station. Soulfire was here for one thing and one thing only. To capture loot.

Through his connections at Tortuga he had caught wind of a large transaction fo spice and credits occuring in orbit here on the unclaimed planet which was fine by him. More loot was good, and he would have boht. The stage had been set with gravity mines and his Interceptor disguised as a civillian vessel lay close nearby.

Suddenly the First mate came up from his seat.

"Looks like the first ship is here cap'n."

Soulfire simply nodded.

"Alert the quartermaster and assemble raiding parties, keep us in dead mode for now."

"Aye cap'n."


Inactive Character
Waahr stepped slowly through the corridors just behind the bridge of [member="Soulfire Ticon"]'s star destroyer, squinting agaqinst the harsh light the artificial lights provided. He held his blaster rifle readied in his left hand, just in case, otherwise he came completely unarmed, without a scrap of armor or clothes. He had been hired to assist with a pirate attack or two- and it paids good money. So here he was.

The Maour stepped into the bridge, sqeezing his bulk through the small doorway, and grumbled at the hooded man that sat in the captain's chair. He was perfectly fine with attacking civilian ships, if it paid, but the waiting for the ships to show up? That he wasn't fine with. However, if he didin't wait, he didn't get paid. So the Maour moved himself over to a corner of the bridge, barking at the protocoldroid that stood there until the android scurried away, leaving Waahr in peace.

Now.... how long would he have to stand here?

[member="Soulfire Ticon"]

The barking startled Soulfire and he whirled in place to face the newcomer. A Mercenary who he had picked up in the port.

"Ahh Waahr, nice of you to come."

"Ok they're here, well one ship at least."

Soulfire attention split as he reached out with the force to discern the general feeling of the void. It was calm and tranquill, with no ebbs and flows. There were no Sith, neither were there Jedi onboard the newcoming ship, which was excellent.

"Arm the decoy and prepare to spring the trap."

He had to wait untill the oppurtune moments, and not go to fast nor too slow. Soulfire inteded to hit them right as the trasnfer occured for maximum confusion and shock.

He turned back to the Wolfish Merc, sensing his impatience as little ripples in the force.

"Be easy friend, the time to strike is fast approaching."


Inactive Character
The massive bear-like Maour growled under his breath, but otherwise stayed quiet. He was looking forward to killing, or at very least mauling, the inhabitants of the civilian ship. As quickly as possible. However, he was not patient.... Waahr turned towards another ptorocol droid, as it offered him a little tray of refreshments. No soone rwere the words out of the droid's mouth, Waahr swung his blaster rifle into it's head, sending it crashing to the ground with a severely dented cranium.

He was getting impatient.
[member="Soulfire Ticon"]

Soulfire ignored the raging beasts attack on the droid and smirked. The merc was savage much like himself which would prove very usefulin the coming battle.

The space crackled again as another ship exited the hyperspace lane and converged with the first. Now he laid eyes on a marauder corvette, and a CR90. Old ships and a favorite of smugglers. Rumor had it there was about a million credits of spice on board, which would be very beneficial to him. Of course it would actually be two million haul, since the other group had brought credits to buy the wares.

"Wait for them to dock eachother."

Tubes extended between the vessels as they came in close and Soulfire voice roared over the bridge.

"Spring the trap! Helmsman full power, bring us alongside the target!"

Roars of bloodthirsty pirates punctauted the bridge as the Imperious came to life, red lights flashing and klaxons blaring wildly. Soulfire motioned to the merc and made a quick exit, using the force to propel himself to the docking tubes.

In space the Interceptor sprang to life on the two vessels, hidden plates slidng back and ion cannons emerging. They fired a rytmic pattern, stitiching psce with white streams that slammed the targets, arcing their shields and frying their electronices. Ionic nest were cast from its robotic arms and they clasped around the two vessel, sealing their fate and knocking their power to minimum.

As the Imperious tractor beams caught the vessels in a final Deathblow Soulfire reached the dockin tube and stod fast, waiting for the merc.


Inactive Character
Waahr, however, could hardly fly in a straight line. The Maour bullied his way into one of teh other pirate's ships, which soon came barelling forwards towards the docking tube. Inside, the Maour held his blaster rifle ready, the saftey flicked off, and his lips pulled back into a grin, showing his large sharp teeth. It was time to kill. He'd missed killing. He hadn't killed for days. Days. He looked forward to seeing what awaited him in the other ships... He only hoped that his empolyer would stay out of the way. He hated it when he was stopped from taking his targets....

(Sorry for short post, about to head to bed.)
[member="Soulfire Ticon"]

The battle was joined as the tubes extended and locked onto the enemy craft. The air immediately reeked of spice, mixed with the stench of unwashed pirates. The crew roared a bloodthirtsy fearsome sound that echoed through the hall of the ship. As the airlock hissed open Soulfire came face to face with two criminal commandos, covered i heavy black plated armor with rotary cannons.

They froze and locked eyes with the pirate who let forth a savage snarl.

"Prepare to die whelps!"

And he lunged, yellow lightsaber sprining to life and cutting a rythym that was intense through the air. The yellow blade met the first armored adversary and clove his head from his shoulders. As Soulfire followed through he leaned back on one foot and pivoted to plant his armored bott into the chest of the second commando before he could react. As steel met steel the commando flew back, spread eagle and collided with the bulkhead in sickening force.

As he lay there limp Soulfire knew there would be no need to finish him, up ahead in the corridor to the hangar he could sense fear and trepidation. They were laying a trap for him.

"Onward you karking dogs! Kill everyone aboard!"

The savage pirates surged ahead of the Pirate lord, a mass of bone flesh and blade, waiting to cut down anyone in their way. Soulfire only walked, with slow determined steps, keeping his blade at the low guard.


Inactive Character
Meanwhile, Waahr went in the oppisite direction of the other pirates, rather then towards the bridge, he seemed to wander off down a seemingly random corner, sniffing the air every few steps.

A man appeared from one of the doorways, holding what appeared to be a metal club, and swung it directly into Waahr's gut.

His blubber layer acted like a rubber cushion, spreading out the kinetic energy of the club, the thick layer of dense muscle tissue behind that absorbing the rest of the hit. And the Maour slowly looked up towards the man, simply dropping his blaster rifle and stepping forwards.

The human saw a seven foot tall black bear with massive fangs, and equally long claws, growling and stepping forwards.

A thin stream of yellow came from his pant leg.

A moment later, a massive paw tipped with long sharp claws cuffed the ma in the side of the head, filling the corridor with a sickening snap, and the sound of tearing flesh.

The human faell to the ground, next to Waahr, while he casually picked up his blaster, and continued down the corridor... still sniffing the air every few steps.

[member="Soulfire Ticon"]

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