Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So first I am not arguing if Hakora is currently capable with this, I merely just want to look into the possibility.

So in the movies and stories mounts are used, not often, but are used. So it got me thinking, "dragon riders?!" It would take incredible training and only masters could use the force to tame a dragon enough to ride (maybe another way for non force users?) So I found this dragon below that would make a great mount if a character could reach the level to do such a difficult feat, so here is the question:

Arkanian Dragons aren't extinct, but are to the level of rumored so maybe a few could be found. What is the consensus on finding one (I assume it would need to be resticted so you must do certain things before capturing one.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

I was more hitting on like size requirements and such of that nature. From what I read it is the most traditional dragon being able to only blow fire in flametrower style, not like, "IMMA FIREN MY LAZER!!!!" also the bad sides as even though a dragon is powerful like a super tank, it's size will make it slow on the ground and quite honestly size will be the greatest weakness. From now until then I will being thinking how to keep such a strong creature balanced.

Lara Zambrano

The Lost Princess.

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