Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Dragus Jakar

Dragus Jakar


NAME: Dragus Jakar

FACTION: The Sith Order

RANK: Sith Lord


AGE: 25

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6 feet (180 cm)

WEIGHT: 160 lbs

EYES: Green (Yellow when angered due to dark side influence)

HAIR: Dark Brown

SKIN: Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Proficient in lightsaber combat. Dragus dual-wields two single-bladed lightsabers.
An advanced beginner in hand to hand combat
Competent force user
Proficient in intimidation, diplomacy and trade
Competent pilot


Dragus's arrogance makes him susceptible to insults/slights etc. Furthermore, his arrogance leads him to sometimes overestimate himself and go into dangerous situations without thinking them through properly.

Dragus is vengeful. He does not forget a slight and will chase someone, oftentimes recklessly, for a perceived slight. This leads to Dragus getting into fights which might be too much for him to handle.

Standing at 6 feet tall, Dragus has an athletic and well-toned body. He always has a slight stubble beard, which he maintains carefully.

Dragus Jakar was born on the planet of Bandomeer, his mother would not survive the birth. Dragus was therefore raised by his father, a wealthy director of one of the many off-world mining companies which were established on Bandomeer. Dragus grew up in wealth, although this wealth did not increase his happiness as his father was a cruel man who expected only the best of his son. Dragus grew up learning the intricacies of trade, diplomacy and most importantly, intimidation as this was the tool most often employed by his father when dealing with rival mining corporations or angry locals. At the age of 16 Dragus, tired of his father's cruelty, would steal some of his father's fortune and run away. He boarded a shuttle and headed to Dromund Kaas, where he hoped to find adventure and carve out a life of fame and fortune for himself. What he found was something he would never have dreamed of, he was discovered using the force to cheat at a game of pazaak in a bar on Dromund Kaas by a Sith lord who happened to be playing as well. Instead of being sentenced and thrown in jail, he was instead offered to join the Sith, harness his force ability and eventually become a Sith Lord. Now after years of hard work and training and some minor achievements, Ragus has achieved the rank of Sith Lord, and cannot wait to be unleashed upon the galaxy.


SD-5s "Hypnos" Sith Infiltrator





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