Judas of Vahl
Beyond Broken
Dranok Lussk's Lightsaber

Exar Kun's Lightsaber from wookiepedia
Intent: To provide Dranok Lussk with a unique, original melee weapon for personal use.
Development Thread: You put that...there?
Manufacturer: Dranok Lussk
Model: Sith Lightsaber
Affiliation: Dranok Lussk
Modularity: Modular
Production: Unique
Material: Phrik Alloy
The rare and hard to master double-bladed lightsaber was created by Dranok Lussk in an effort to create the perfect saber. A single power cell activated both ends of the saber - together or independent - and was recharged by a hidden socket situated below the black handgrip. Dual focusing cores with lens crystal assemblies were crossed by a pair of power conduits that wired to a single red activation stud at either end of the hilt. Three smaller buttons were on the back of the hilt which contained the saber's power output and blade emitter shroud. The top stud wielded the blade's top emitter shroud, being able to lengthen or shorten the blade between 0.5-1.5M. The middle button adjusted the blade's power output, at the lowest setting, the blade was a mere glowrod; at the top, the blade could slice through almost anything. The bottom button housed the other blade's emitter shroud, its purpose being the same as its twin. Due to the assorted crystals placed in the hilt, the saber gave off a white-silver glow.
Special training was required to wield the weapon effectively, with those attempting to use it without such discipline likely to bisect or impale themselves. Attacking and parrying with the double-bladed lightsaber was limited by the fact that, unlike a normal lightsaber, one could not simply readjust their posture, as the saberstaff required them to hold it either horizontally or diagonally while fighting.
Classification: Double-bladed Dual Phase Lightsaber
Size: One Handed, Two Handed
Length: 0.5M-1.5M
Weight: 3kg
Other Features:
- Blade length adjuster
- Power level adjustment
- Hilt constructed of Phrik, lightsaber resistant