Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

(I suck at Photoshop, so just go with it, okay?)
NAME: Drarin Jecht, Kalar MarnFACTION: None currently, independant bounty hunter
RANK: Head Discoverer of Bounties, Head Investigator of Leads, Head Intera-torturer, Head Hunter, Head Head Remover (as well as Spleens, Kidneys, and other essential organs), Head Collector of Rewards, Commander-In-Chief of Blowing Reward Money, C.E.O
SPECIES: Miraluka
AGE: 27
HEIGHT: 5'7" (1.52m)
WEIGHT: 128lbs. (9.14 stone)
EYES: None, usually wears bandages, scarves, or other types of cloth to hide the skin covered hollows where a human would have eyes
HAIR: Dark brown
SKIN: Pale
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes (he is unaware of how much so, however, believing himself to be no more strongly connected to the Force than any other Miraluka)
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: The Force Sight common to his people allows Drarin to see the world around him, but also allows him to see through many things a normal person's sight would not penetrate (up to 2 inches of durasteel or comparable density in other materials). He can also sense whether another is Force sensitive and their alignment by their aura, which is visible through the Force Sight. This light, inate connection to the Force also strengthens his already well honed reflexes by allowing him to sense where attacks will land just before they hit.
This unnatural sight also comes with a few costs. The most common one is the fact that it renders him color blind. While that may not seem like a big deal, you try rewiring a ship's nav computer or repairing a blaster without being able to see colors. The less commonly experienced, but more dangerous comes from dealing with droids and other non-organics. For one reason or another, likely the fact that they are not connected to the living Force, he has a more difficult time tracking them and predicting their attacks (even if he were to recieve training this weakness would only be mildly improved). This coupled with his usual reliance on that ability to predict an attack reduces his ability to react to droid attacks to below that of most trained warriors and soldiers.
Drarin has been highly trained in stealth, acrobatics, and Duntoch Mar, a form of close quarters combat that leverages his speed and agility against opponents. Up close the small, lithe Miraluka is a nightmare unless forced into a competition of physical strength (being of a small, slight build) or an oponent can somehow overcome his advantage of speed.
While he also received some light training in other skills required by mercenaries (piloting, explosives, etc.) his mother did not believe in firearms as anything but an absolute last resort, believing that someone looking to profit from another's death should have to see their victim's last seconds. As such Drarin is terrible with them and will usually only use them to hold off an enemies advance while he figures out a new strategy of attack or escape. Even then he poses little threat, as he may as well be firing blind...pun only mildly intended.
SHIP: Drarin was previously in ownership of a custom built scout ship capable of outrunning most ships in the galaxy which he inherited upon his mother's death... that is until he was shot down and barely escaped the ship's explosion. Now he pilots a ship named Death Rattle. The "Rattle" part is meant to be taken rather literally, as the ship is a cobbled together mess of a Rendaran-class assault shuttle's rusted patch-work body, a TIE shuttle's solar array wings, and various internal bits from other ships. The weapons, engines, and shields are still those of the Rendaran shuttle, but most had to be modified to use modern power sources or to use power pulled from the solar panels on the new, ill fitting wings. A battered old astro-mech droid was also hardwired into the ship's systems to overcome the need for a co-pilot.
BIOGRAPHY: Kalar and his mother were sold as slaves when he was still an infant. When the truth of their species was uncovered their masters began sending his mother out with various groups of slavers, mercenaries, and bounty hunters to detect anything that might be hidden from normal sight. She proved herself useful as more than just a bloodhound and eventually became one of their most prized "hunters," and even gaining some measure of autonomy for herself and Kalar. When the boy was old enough she began to teach him all of the skills she had learned, hoping that if he proved as useful to their masters he would have an easier life. He spent many years at her side, learning and honing his skills.
Eventually the two had saved up enough that they should have been able to buy their freedom. When their masters refused to allow them to buy their own freedom, claiming they were far more valueable now than they had been when initially purchased, a new plan began to form. For a few years more they continued to add every credit they could to their savings, then his mother took it all and, under a false identity, arranged for a custom ship to be built. Once it was finished she would have it delivered to whatever planet the two would next visit on a job, she would kill whoever else had been sent along on the mission with them, and then the two of them would escape on the ship. In the time it took for the ship to be completed they would continue to save money, in the hopes that they could survive on the run for a year or two if they lived simply.
When what was to be their last mission for their masters came the whole plan fell apart thanks to one well placed missle. The ship Kalar, his mother, and their team were on crashed to the surface of the planet in a cloud of smoke and flames. His mother barely survived long enough to be pulled from the wreckage by a severely injured Kalar, but her last words were of the ship she had planned for them to escape on and its location. He barely made it to a small city near where they had crashed before he collapsed.
He awoke several days later in the home of an old man who had taken care of him as best he could. He had also removed Kalar's slave tracker, as it had apparently been damaged in the crash and was slowly poisoning him. Kalar gave the man several hundred credits and set off after his mother's secret ship. Having known no other life he became a bounty hunter, taking on the name of Drarin Jecht to hide from his previous owners.
He had also never had the freedom to spend his money how he chose, first being just a slave, and then having his mother force him to save everything he could in the attempt to buy their freedom, so he fritted away what money he had left and most of what he earned on bounties. It was for this reason that when his mother's ship was destroyed he barely had enough money to pay a junk yard mechanic to slap a ship together out of the decaying husks of several old ships. The only reason the mechanic agreed at all is that he knew he likely wouldn't make any money at all off of the rusted, ancient scraps otherwise.