Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Drastic Measures

Vessk watched as his sharpening stone ran over the edge of his blade, a low hiss rumbling from his throat as he did such. As the ship he had "Procured" from a Twi'lek, that now lay dead on the floor next to him, flew through hyperspace he crossed his arms and looked down on the corpse. As the Trandoshan spoke it was if a hiss could be heard tracing through his words. "Thanks for the ship. You gave me no points....but my next mission will appease the Scorekeeper." The green-skinned warrior stood, removing his goggles that could usually be found sitting over his sensitive eyes. He turned to the back looking for food in what he figured was the man's storage chambers.

He opened the door and stretched, his full height forcing him to hit the ceiling and growl lowly. "Maybe it's time for me to get a ship of my own." He muttered as he began to look through the cabinets for something to eat. As he looked through he realized the man had been void of food. The Twi'lek was fairly skinny which showed his lack of a proper diet, but the Trandoshan was not picky. As he licked his lips he walked over to the corpse, pulling his blade off the console where he had left it. "Getting my meal....One way or another buddy."

The carnivore began to saw at the man's arm before smiling slyly. "Guess dinner is on you."

Zoltan Rarsk

Tactical Espionage Operations
Zoltan watched with an uninterested expression as the tiny red dot flitted across the screen in front of him. While he was not picky when he hired merc's, Vessk had aa rather...infamous reputation. Rumors of sadism and cannibalism followed wherever the Trandoshan went. However, with the mission at hand, Vessk was the right kind of guy for this operation. Zoltan rapidly tapped at keys and pushed buttons, responding with beeps and low tones. A high-pitched tone emitted from the monitor, causing him to press the comms device attached to his ear, or what was left of it.

"Vessk, have you secured the ship? We must not waste time, as the operation will begin to take place in merely a few hours." Zoltan coldly stated.

As he picked his teeth of the red meat that the Twi'lek had so graciously supplied, the monitor aboard his ship rang to life as a Holocall was forced through. He growled softly before realizing who it was and nodding slowly. "Ship's mine. I'm en route to Cato Nemoidia and will be slipping out of hyperspace soon." Vessk leaned back in his seat before tapping a button on the ship with a sigh, pulling up a type of Holomap of Cato Nemoidia. "Nemoidians are stupid and generally spineless. Even so I can't risk exposure of my mission. I'm crashing the stolen ship far away from my target. Anyone who finds the ship will simply think the pilot died in the crash." Crashing the ship in the barrens away from the city was the best way for the Trandoshan to arrive on the planet, without worry of being tracked or hunted.

He returned his gaze to a man he did not quite know nor cared to know. As long as he had credits it meant little to the Merc. "I expect my payment to be....substantial. This mission isn't exactly a cake walk. Now....tell me about my target."

[member="Zoltan Rarsk"]

Zoltan Rarsk

Tactical Espionage Operations
Zoltan scowled as he heard Vessk's statement. "If you complete your objectives you'll get your substantial payment, and I might even need more jobs from you in the future, as long as you keep your mouth shut and do your job! Anyways, let me brief you on what you're here for: A prominent banker on Cato Neimodia has recently got his business crippled by a scandal where he's been pocketing money and putting it into an off-world slush fund, which has also resulted in his company being embroiled in multiple lawsuits all at once. Neimodian Interspacial Finances is something I have a personal stake in, an do not wish to see collapse under it's own weight. I'm hiring you to kill the plaintiffs suing NIF, and if you want some extra credits, to kill the man who started the whole scandal. I would prefer if you didn't use your typical " Shock N' Awe " tactics, but as long as it's completed, I couldn't care less."

Zoltan brought up a few images of the targets, and sent it to Vessk's computer. This operation, hopefully, would be a resounding success.
As his screen filled with a total of seven targets Vessk smiled softly at the man. "Have my credits ready in three days." Without another word Vessk terminated the Holocall and watched his ship slip out of hyperspace. After uploading the information to a datapad the Trandoshan slipped his goggles back on. "Ride is about to get bumpy..." The ship's channels flooded as Nemoidian fighters tried to usher the ship in. Trying hard to make it seem as if he was losing control of the ship, Vessk aimed for the planet's surface. The initial impact was hard and bumpy but the Trandoshan was well braced and came out from the crash perfectly fine.

The sound of shuttles hovering above caused him to laugh softly. "Right on time..." Running towards the man's closet he ripped everything out before cramming his body into the tight space. As he suspected Nemoidian officers came into the shuttle, searching for survivors. The Trandoshan waited until the men left and he heard the shuttle take off. With a loud grunt Vessk kicked the door down off the closet before popping the bones in his neck, what few there were.

Vessk looked around before checking the straps to his Vibroblades that laid on his back. His weapons were secured but he was missing the rest of his things. After rummaging around the wreckage the Trandoshan finally found a small duffel bag. After checking the contents inside the black bag, he turned to a hole in the side of the ship and took off into an open sprint.

[member="Zoltan Rarsk"]

Zoltan Rarsk

Tactical Espionage Operations
Zoltan watched with interest as Vessk proceded to intentionally divebomb into the planets surface. "​I'm surprised Vessk. You managed to crash on one of the few scraps of actual land rather than the towering bridge cities across this world. Impressive." H​​e commented. He slowly nodded his head in approval as he managed to hide away from the investigating border officers, but his expression quickly turned into a scowl as he saw the Trandoshan break out into a mad dash away from the guards. "​VESSK! H​it the deck! The guards will spot yo-KARK!" Z​oltan cursed.

"​CONTACT! ALL OFFICERS, DELTA FORMATION!" O​ne of the guards yelled. Almost none of them were native Neimodians, as the majority of them were outsourced from mercenary outfits and PMC's. A Wookie swung over a shotgun, and blasted a large spread of projectiles across the landscape. Zoltan was praying the mission wouldn't end up with the Trandoshan dead, to be buried in one of the endless chasms of Cato Neimodia.

The sound of blaster rifles firing all but assured the Trandoshan of his exposure. A slight growl escaped him before he continued his sprint towards a nearby ledge. Upon reaching the ledge he dug in his satchel, his eyes on what appeared to a city hanging from a bridge in front of him. "Guess this mission will be getting a bit bumpy...." The Trandoshan finally pulled three small spheres from his bag, each having a black activator on the side. As the security personnel closed in he activated each of the devices and threw them at the incoming guards. Exploding into clouds of smoke the Trandoshan used the cover to leap from the edge.

The fall was brief, luckily for him the bridge's connection was only a few meters below. After catching hold of the cable the Trandoshan worked his way to the underside of the bridge, hoping to escape the view of his pursuers. After what felt like an endless amount of time, wasted climbing through the cabled workings of the bridge, Vessk was able to find a ledge that would give him access to the city. "Finally..." After climbing onto the ledge the Trandoshan quickly looked around, careful of any prying eyes.

He had climbed onto the side of one of the cities speeder pads. "First rule of work...Home base." As he turned to walk off the platform he noticed that the city was well secured with various security personnel. He turned back into the pad and looked around before seeing a rather large Nemoidian walk up to him. Vessk sized him up before he heard the man speak. "This platform is closed. I need you to leave....Now." He wore the uniform on a Nemoidian defense official, which was perfect for the Mercenary. The Trandoshan inhaled softly before his tongue flicked out of his mouth in response. "You'll do perfectly..."

The Nemoidian's brow rose in confusion before Vessk's claws found themselves embedded into his throat, stopping him from breathing. The guard was lifted from his feet as life left his body and his eyes closed shut. Vessk quickly began to undress the man while keeping a watchful eye for any additional guard. After finally stripping the guard he began to replace his own clothing for that of the Nemoidians. After finally finishing the change he dragged the corpse to the side of the speeder pad and promptly threw him into the abyss below. "Thanks pal...." He turned away from the ledge while putting the man's helmet on and turning towards the city.

[member="Zoltan Rarsk"]

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