Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Drastically Slowed Posting Speed

Well, normally these are Bad Things(TM)... But this is not, well... Not really... I have worked Emergency Medical Sevices in downtown Detroit for a while now. It was supposed to be a stop-gap for me in between jobs as a machinist, initially. However, that plan did not hold water. I wasn't on the job six months and I was hooked. I wanted nothing else in life but to light up the sirens at 3am to drive grandma to the hospital for a toothache. And though I know i'm prone to sarcasm, that is the truth.

Despite the downsides, there is nothing that makes me feel more alive than to hop in that front seat and see the night lit up by my lights and hear the siren wind-up. And even with the attempts to bite, stab, shoot, punch and kick, you really do meet some interesting people (Eminem, Zach Brown, and a ton of the Detroit Tigers.. Miguel Cabrera is HUGE).

To cut to the point, I woke up this morning to an email I had been awaiting rather (im)patiently for what felt like years. I had applied for a full-ride scholarship to a school literally not even a quarter of a mile from my house to take the Paramedic Course. I was expecting a rejection, as due to health issues last Winter, I missed a lot of work and it was a scholarship from the corporate level of the Ambulance Service I ride for. However, what I found in my mailbox was actually more than I was expecting. I was awarded a full ride (books, uniform, testing/lab fees, ACLS accreditation fees, etc..) to said school.

This means in the next year, I will be executing over 500 hours of classroom time, 250+ hours of Emergency Room Clinical rotations, AND 250+ hours of Clinical Rotations on an ALS/Paramedic Ambulance. I will memorize 75+ drugs, hundreds of factors in reading 12 Lead EKGs, learn how to give IVs, formulate IM and IV medications.. In addition to working full-time and raising a new puppy AND a young daughter... So... I'ma still be here, but my involvement will be spotty and sporadic... Until 2017(ish) then, you stay classy Chaos!!!


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