Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Draven Dursden



-------------------------------------------------------NAME: Draven Dursden--------------------------------------
------------------------------------------FACTION: Jedi

--------------------------RANK: Padawan

--------------SPECIES: Human

---------AGE: 21

-------SEX: Male

-------HEIGHT: 5 foot 3"

-----WEIGHT: 190 lbs

----EYES: Bright, sparkling ocean blue

---HAIR: Golden blonde

--SKIN: Dark tan



----​Rage- ​Draven from birth has an extreme rage lurking deep inside him. Over his life he has clung to it, nursed it, and placed it as his source of power. It often takes hold of him when he has not eaten especially, or has been wounded or hurt. Emotionally or physically. Once he is seized by this rage, he becomes little better than a rabid animal, lashing out at anything and everything around him, friends and family which have been in the way of this unquenchable fury have been injured, or hurt. Those who understand what sets this anger off usually are able to coexist with Draven quite well, and even get along with him. But once he has begun to go into a frenzy, there is no point in trying to contain or stop him, the best option is to just get out of the way until he has finished.-----

​Strength- ​ Draven is strong mentally and physically. He has been in more than his share of fights due to the above mentioned temper, and is no stranger to adversity. It takes quite a bit to rattle him mentally or make him question himself. Physically his whip cord like body and mind work in tune, and his dense, well built muscle serves him well in most situations. He rarely comes up against opponents which can simply overpower him.

Stubborn- ​When the going gets tough, Draven gets going. He sticks out the most dire of situations, and refuses to give up on a cause he has decided is worth being involved in or fighting for. His stubbornness has lead him to a great many success, and contributed to his physical prowess. He very rarely ever gives up and is almost always the first into the fight, and last out of it.


Rage- ​Draven's rage often causes him to be baited into blowing up on someone, or being provoked. He finds himself being taken advantage of often, and being the muscle for people claiming to be his friends. He struggles with it daily, because rage is not the way of the Jedi, yet it is one of the only things which has kept him alive in life. He will probably always struggle with this rage, and always be at war internally with it. In situations where he has to go days without food, Draven will become impossible to work with, and absolutely loose his mind, which can make missions which might entail this problematic.


Stubborn- Draven is stubborn, and there have been many times when he has chose to be hard headed about the wrong thing. He will defend a side, even if it is the wrong one, to the very end. This often will only end up with him embarrassed because even when all evidence is to the contrary, he continues to claim his argument is the correct one. Draven will also often work himself too hard, to the point of death almost, when he could have simply stopped and regrouped to do it later. His stubbornness causes him quite a bit of problem especially among other Jedi.

Hunger- ​Literally getting hungry is a major issue for Draven. When he is hungry, his already awful temper flared at the drop of a hat, he cannot function correctly, and he is mean to everyone near him. This may sound funny, but it is actually a huge problem for him.

​Cockiness- ​He believes completely and totally in himself. He has the illusion of a sixteen year old that he is bullet proof and cannot be hurt. He believes he is the chosen one and the hero of the story, even when it has nothing to do with him, and he basks in the praise and adoration of others. Respect is what he craves, and this often leads him to throw himself into dangerous situations where he is in over his head, or out classed. His face is square, and well defined and a lazy, cocky smile could usually be seen on his face, when not that, usually it was a scowl. Often it was remarked that he looked angry, even though he was simply staring off into the distance. His over all posture was that of a swaggering soldier in his thirties, he stood straight, and walked with a certain swagger that was unmistakable. His chest bore a tattoo which bore the number nine, in big and bold font. Scars covered his back, thousands of them, some light, some dark and deep, obviously whip marks, they wrapped around his torso and even the backs of his legs, but these were concealed by his clothes most of the time. The young Padawan always had deep dark circles under his eyes from when he had neglected sleep.


Draven was short. There was no way around that, his square jaw and features accentuating his already angular face. But the most striking thing about the teen was his sparkling, bright blue eyes. They had a x-ray like quality about them, that just saw right through the soul, and always seemed like he was looking through whoever was in front of him. The teen was well muscled, all of it built rather pleasing to the eye, and nothing seeming overly blocky or out of place. He did bear a scare down his face on the right side, that went from his hair line all the way past his jaw and into his neck, which was rather dark and jagged.


Draven was born into a shadowy room, in the dimly light night, nurse maids hired in secret, and whispering in hushed tones about his beautiful, pale mother, who was gasping and sputtering with each breath. The full moon shone brightly over head, as her muffled screams filled the night. The Echani woman's face streamed tears as her baby boy came into the world, the union of a married Echani woman, and a renegade human gunslinger. The tears were not there just out of pain, but also sorrow for her moment of lust and loss of will, the baby would pay for the rest of his life. Her out of wedlock affair with the human had produced a baby, a baby doomed to death in the spartan, and martial society, where he would always be looked down upon for his origins, so in the dead of night, she stole away. The pale, white eyed woman landed on the tiny planet, where dust blew and sands burned, and began to wander her way across it, eventually coming to the doorstep of a hut in the night. She placed the baby at the door step, and knocked twice, before leaving him in the silver moonlight. That was the last time Draven would ever see the woman who he called his mother, and his origins would always be a mystery. The family which raised the boy was...cruel to say the least. And the father had a gambling addiction, acquiring a vast sum of debt, which a farmer could never hope to pay off. So at the ripe age of six years old he was sold into slavery on a plantation, in order to pay off his parent's debt.

There he became known as a trouble maker, often talking back to the master or fighting, so he was whipped and put in solitary confinement quite a bit. The whippings were the worst for Draven, he had to retreat into his red hot rage, often literally frothing at the mouth as he strained against the restraints, attempting to reach the slaver master's double chin to choke the life out of it. Draven despised life on the plantation, and his hate for the overlords grew. He was always out in the fields, digging endlessly. When rain would come down, he and the smaller children would huddle into the tiny barracks, covered in lice and flees.

Fights often broke out among the children at the barracks, and Draven was often targeted due to his small size. This only made him meaner. But during his time in the barracks, he and another small girl clung to each other, taking comfort in each other's friend ship. They worked side by side, and it was one of the only things that kept the poor little boy sane, was watching after her. But when she grew sick, and could not continue working, Draven did not give up on her. He was stubborn of course. He decided that the little girl was not going to die. So he brought her his stew, his water, his food. Those months were some of the hardest of his life, and where Draven speculates his issues with food come from. He was a walking skeleton, but the girl did make a rapid recovery due to his help. She was on the brink of a full recovery, when the slave plantation owner decided that he had enough of her endless drain of resources. They shot her beside the road like a dog.

Draven was devastated. He nearly lost his mind, and for a while there, lashed out at anything and everything, even the slave masters. If he had continued on this path, he would have surely been killed. The only reason he was not was because of his strength, which could be applied in the fields. After a year or so of this hard manual labor, Draven had grown in stature and was set to the fighting pits, to do battle with the other slaves. Draven was successful in this, and gained quite a bit of freedom due to his high position as a slave fighter, but as months curved into years, Draven's mind cracked slowly, seeping into that of an animal. Flesh smacking on flesh, bone cracking against bone, it would not be long until he lost it completely. Luckily one day, as he was slaving away, a Jedi came to the plantation, to speak with the owner about his dealings, upon seeing the slaves he set about freeing them, which resulted in a rather unhappy slave master. As the slaves streamed out of the fields, returning to their families, Draven was the only one left. He stood alone in front of the Jedi and said simply, "I have no where to go." For the first time, Draven was broken. The Jedi, sensing his force powers, took him from the backwater planet, and brought him to the temple.

Upon arriving at the temple, Draven was in complete awe of the entire sight, never had he ever seen so many young children like himself gathered in an area, and never had he seen them so happy before either! He watched the children stream back and forth, and was certainly excited to begin his studies. He quickly began to distinguish himself as a powerful melee fighter, always the first to volunteer when they were organizing sparing matches, and even causing fights when they were not.

Eventually Draven was taken in as an apprentice to the Jedi , and there the story begins. He did retrieve his Kyber crystal which was a fitting purple, and so his story begins. The young apprentice full of rage and gusto sets out into the world with his master, to face whatever awaited him.

Draven was eventually knighted for his valor in combat, and had worked his way up through the ranks, earning respect among other Jedi, and slowly but surely curbing his rage, working with it, and kneading it into something which could be managed, and even used to his advantage, without falling into darkness. This would be a struggle which would plague the young man throughout his life, the battle with his own inner fury, but one which for the time being, he is winning. After his knighthood, Draven began to dedicate his life to training, and in doing so, honing himself physically. He poured out his anger into working out, and training every day, his focus and regimented regime not allowing for even a day's rest.
The once slave continues to do battle with some of the universes most formidable opponents, seeking to become respected, and admired among The Silver Jedi.

Note: Draven is very adept at flirting, and is slick enough to realize when he is being flirted with and told what he wants to hear. That being said, of someone did get under his skin enough to get him to engage in a back and forth, sparks would fly.

As far as saber combat Draven has instead of being mediocre at many forms of combat, decided to specialize in two: Vaapad and Juyo. Dursden is rapidly approaching complete mastery over both these forms. His strength, skills and agility have continued to grow with his experience, and the Jedi Knight has become quite a formidable foe, and his anger and rage have been tamed, and directed in the appropriate channels to maintain a lightside alignment.
-------------------------------------------------------------------Travels and Adventure------------------------

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