Beware an old man in an occupation where men die y
Name: Drax-57 (DA-57)
Faction: N/A
Rank: N/A
Species: Human
Age: 43
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1
Eye Color: Blue
Hair: Brown, Grey on the sides
Skin: Tan
Force Sensitive: No
Conditioned: Being trained by the Empire has made him fit, even after all these years.
Strategist: He has developed a generals mind and has the ability to understand his opponent.
Sharpshooter: He has great aim, despite the Stormtrooper stereotype.
Old: He may be fit, but age catches up.
Awful pilot: Honestly let no one fly is a better idea.
Biography: Drax was born on the planet Nar Shadda. Growing up on the lawless planet, he grew to despise chaos. He joined up with the Nar Shadda security only to find it just as corrupt and evil. He left and turned to drinking and gambling. He was found drunk in an alleyway by an Imperial Stormtrooper and was taken in for a being a public disturbance. He was let go and signed up to join the Empire seeing them as the only ones who were trying to bring order. After five years in service, he was sent to the planet Tatooine to make a routine pick up of slaves. He met a small girl named Nadstic. He rescued her and left the Empire. He ran to the planet Naboo and stayed there for near a decade. When the girl turned 15 she was discovered to be Force Sensitive. Not wanting to see her become a soldier to anyone, he ran to Mon Calamari. He stayed there as a mercenary who protected smaller towns from pirates, until one day he was injured in an attack and sent into a comma. When the healers had revived him, Nadstic had already gone, thinking he was dead. He decided that it was better her not knowing that he was alive and set out as a merc for hire.
Equipment: Camo Painted Stormtrooper armor
Ship: N/A
Kills: N/A
Bounties Collected: N/A
Theme song:
Role-Plays: N/A
Faction: N/A
Rank: N/A
Species: Human
Age: 43
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1
Eye Color: Blue
Hair: Brown, Grey on the sides
Skin: Tan
Force Sensitive: No
Conditioned: Being trained by the Empire has made him fit, even after all these years.
Strategist: He has developed a generals mind and has the ability to understand his opponent.
Sharpshooter: He has great aim, despite the Stormtrooper stereotype.
Old: He may be fit, but age catches up.
Awful pilot: Honestly let no one fly is a better idea.
Biography: Drax was born on the planet Nar Shadda. Growing up on the lawless planet, he grew to despise chaos. He joined up with the Nar Shadda security only to find it just as corrupt and evil. He left and turned to drinking and gambling. He was found drunk in an alleyway by an Imperial Stormtrooper and was taken in for a being a public disturbance. He was let go and signed up to join the Empire seeing them as the only ones who were trying to bring order. After five years in service, he was sent to the planet Tatooine to make a routine pick up of slaves. He met a small girl named Nadstic. He rescued her and left the Empire. He ran to the planet Naboo and stayed there for near a decade. When the girl turned 15 she was discovered to be Force Sensitive. Not wanting to see her become a soldier to anyone, he ran to Mon Calamari. He stayed there as a mercenary who protected smaller towns from pirates, until one day he was injured in an attack and sent into a comma. When the healers had revived him, Nadstic had already gone, thinking he was dead. He decided that it was better her not knowing that he was alive and set out as a merc for hire.
Equipment: Camo Painted Stormtrooper armor
Ship: N/A
Kills: N/A
Bounties Collected: N/A
Theme song:
Role-Plays: N/A