NAME: Drea Serasana
RANK: Master
SPECIES: Nagai human hybrid
AGE: Appears to be in her early 30s
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'5"
EYES: Glassy gray
HAIR: Jet Black
SKIN: Pale white and sickly
+ Way of The Dark: The power known as Darksight was considered the greatest among the followers of the Dark, as those who were fully aligned with the ways of destruction and chaos could perceive multiple futures and use their will to bring about the desired outcome. Supposedly, this ability transcended the more traditional applications of battle meditation by the Jedi and the Sith.
+ Force Library: Drea holds a wealth of information about the force in her mind. Due to her long life she has stored this information in holocrons in a small library within her home.
+ Expert Interrogator: Drea is knowledgeable in all methods of torture, both physical and mental
+ Combat Expert: She is skilled in the Juyo form and is skilled with knives and ranged weapons.
+ Force Decay: Living things around Drea seemed to be sapped of their energy. She is a black hole of entropy, this affects plant and animal life the most, causing animals to become lethargic and plants to wither. This has also started to affect Drea, making her take on a more corpse like appearance.
+ Mental Instability: Drea is insane. What ever was done to her during her training as a Sorcerer of Rhand has scarred her mind, leaving it a landscape of instability. She has fits of madness ranging from angry outbursts to near catatonic episodes and even having moments of delusions. These fits of madness make her erratic and dangerous.
+ Fractured Memories: Due to her torture and mental breaking Drea hardly remembers her past.
Drea is a medium height woman who typically hides her face behind her mask. The battered Rhandite mask hides her gaunt pale death like face, and she finds it a more comforting to wear. She os often seen wearing form hiding robes (red and tattered) though beneath those robes are tight leather clothes with knives strapped to her body. Her eyes are death like, a glassy gray that just exudes her sickness.
Drea does not remember much of her life before she was a user of the Dark. She has snippets here and there. Those memories she does have she holds onto for dear life. She often dreams of warm light radiating on her skin and the smell of fresh rain. She remembers being small and watching two figures embrace lovingly. She recalls running along a stream and laying among the trees with a presence she can never name. She remembers the smell of blood, the sharp pain of blades and she often wonders if those memories are one in the same. Drea questions her reality and is at odds with herself. She has lived a long life, leeching life from those who cross her path, but with entropy there comes decay and the Dark has began to take root in her body.
She wonders long she has before her madness consumes her, or if there is any respite to her derangement and ailments, yet those lucid moments are few and far between. Always at odds with the universe, she is at odds with herself. Drea Serasana is her own worst enemy and she believes no one can save her, lest they try and she destroys them.
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