Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Dread Tooth War Band

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Name: Warrior
Intent: To create a cast of mercenaries for my clan
Affiliation: Hutt Cartel

Availability: Common

Quality: C

Type: Infantry

Strength: 100 per war band.

Description: Caussrik Rahn guided by the voices in his head came back to his home planet. There were whispers abound, A beast had killed an entire clan. A mighty and formidable creature known as "Cusss-Ku". Causstik was guided by his unseen friend and managed to slay the beast. It's hide brought him many Jagganath points and great respect from the other clans. Causstik declared he would be mounting many raids into the galaxy and all able bodied warriors clambered to join him, For surely he was chosen by the scorekeeper! Together he and his war band launched many raids. They acted as pirates in the outer rim. They worked as mercenaries for the highest bidder. Some times as peace keepers other times as conquerors. All the while they plundered taking slaves and treasures. When they returned to there tribes it was as heros! Camp fires were lit, the lizard dance was done and the warriors told stories of how many Jaggannath points they had acquired. Truly the Sharp Tooth war band was one of the greatest a Trandoshan had ever amassed. Causstik sat high and mighty on his throne and his people showered him with praise! For he was chosen by the Scorekeeper.

Tazi tracker armor
Tazi Vibrosword
M-25 Mandalorian River gun
MM9 Wrist Rocket
[member="Causstik Rahn"]

Gonna need a bit more in the description. Additionally, the plasma rifle is considered limited production right now. While there is no number attached to it, I think the numbers for this Band (particularly if there are multiples of 100) would exceed that production. You can either remove this weapon from the submission or request that the production be increased through the factory (assuming that the company has expanded enough to justify that - it will be up to the Factory Judges to determine that).
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