Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Dread Wall (SO Dominion of Hand of the Makers)

Dominion of Hand of the Makers
878 ABY
Deep in the confines of an artificial nebula, lies the ancient False Celestial Dreadnaught known now simply as the ‘Hand of the Makers’. It is, in its own right, a celestial object on par with a moon - far beyond the size and capability of something meager as the second Death Star. Within it, there lives almost nothing - long abandoned by its creators, but forever marked with their accursed sin of rising against their betters.​
The region is full of anomalous Force disturbances, so dense in its energies that its said even thought is manifested into reality. Most of these stories, however, speak on the dangers of nightmares - illusionary monsters made reality tearing at you by the strength of your own mind magnified by the will of the nebula. It is insanity manifest in a waking dream - and a target of the Sith’s research division.​
Being so close to Sith space, they have established a number of small research outposts in the region - quick to understand that large populations and ships were destroyed quickly by turbulent forces. As such, guides were given to each ship incoming and outbound from the region - and while this has allowed larger groups and ships to move through the region, it is not infallible.​
For this reason, the Sith are doubling their efforts - to discover what the region contains and is capable of offering them in their war efforts to conquer the galaxy. Massive Starlance weapons, incredible Force artifacts lost to time, and such a rabidly different environment for Force energies, one can’t be sure just what exactly they will discover within.​
Hallowed Halls
The OS Hyperion has made this trip a hundred times - but only once under its current Force guide. Many wrote off his nervousness, the sweat on his brow; but only until he was found insane - ripping out his own entrails screaming in a language none understood. Now the vessel is without safe passage, and bringing up the secondary barrier will take time - but it is too late.​
You are under siege on your trip to the Dreadnaught - and now you must face eldritch abominations scraping across the hull of the Hyperion. You must last long enough for the barrier to be raised once again. If you fail, you die in empty space for none to mourn you - but perhaps someday for someone to research your corpse.​
Waking Nightmares
Deep within the Holy of Holies, a region of profound decadence, lies a research team searching the influential homes of once nobles for artifacts of great power. Many have been found, more have been given over to their respective team’s warlords - but something has gone wrong. You arrived only the night before, and your dreams were filled with vivid nightmares. When you awoke, the team was in chaos - men stabbing men, women crawling along walls, and the entire cadre speaking in ill gotten tongues.​
You know one of the artifacts registered in the archives must be to blame - but you can’t be sure which one. You must find this artifact and contain it, using local equipment or your own strength, before the research team can get to you. Be careful, as some on the research team are powerful Sith such as yourself - but unlike you they were not spared by the insanity.​
Stop this before they kill you.​
Indomitable Will
Aboard the Indomitable, a derelict Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer, a hidden scavenging colony exists. Its population is small, and the turbolasers on its hull still work - but they can not be allowed to threaten our research teams or the artifacts within the region. Take control of this, for yourself, for your warlord, or for the Order as a whole - but do it quickly.​
Some say the current gang, Haijin-Ka, are cultists worshiping the remains of their ‘God’. Zealots are hard to deal with, and at the soonest inkling of your domination - they may try and blow up the ship. Stop them before they can react, and do not allow the loss of the Star Destroyer.​
The region is full of dangerous aspects we do not understand - search it at your own whim, and discover what you will. There is rumors of a silvery pool in the Waking Shroud that can even tell the future - perhaps it could tell you your own fate.​
Relationship Status: It's Complicated



Space travel had always left the wolf uneasy, now he seemed to do more of it than he cared for. For a time his attention had been turned to his own people, securing their home, discovering truths about his own history that he could no longer ignore. Gerwald knew his kind were the twisted product of some Sith experiment, but it had become something even those who sought to bend the Lupo to their will could have never imagined. His family had once been great among the Lupo, and still were. The secret he now guarded was a devastating one toward the efforts they tried to accomplish, so he did as his ancestors once did.

Gerwald left.

Time might have been kind to him, but there was no time to discern it or not. The region of space he now traveled was filled with dark side mysteries which frightened the darkest among their order. The wolf did not fear such things. He had stared down the twisted creation of Darth Prazutis, fought against it, and lived. Gerwald should not have. Even Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath had told him to run. Even she had been changed by it, turned into something new. Despite the fact he still carried the ring around his neck, he had resigned himself to the truth that the Naedira he had known and loved was not the same, still trapped wherever she remained hidden.

It was places like this which had often drawn her out. Gerwald would never admit he hoped for another glimpse of her, but the possibility existed. The Sith had needed volunteers and the Lord Commander of the Knights Obsidian had answered that call. The order was no longer recognizable. His rank and title meant nothing to anyone anymore. His armor was useful, but it hailed from a time in galactic history which brought about painful memories. The wolf could only rest in the fact he knew who he was without it all.

A sigh escaped his lips as the news of what happened reached his quarters aboard the OS Hyperion. Gerwald cursed in his native tongue, a language none on the ship would know. There were advantages to it, and this was one of them. What pieces of his armor Gerwald still clung to found themselves fastened in place as he moved quickly to defend the ship. It was out self preservation and the fact there was possibly one aboard the ship he shared a personal connection with.

Srina Talon Srina Talon was present somewhere, or her presence had touched the ship at some point. It was an unmistakable presence. The Exarch had been more than just a superior or mentor to the wolf. It had been a long time now that he viewed her as a friend, even if she saw him as one of her adopted creatures. She was one of a very select few who could take a tone with Gerwald that would see others killed. Her own prowess had earned that right, as had her hand in saving him from the torture he suffered at the hand of the Mountain.

If she were on the vessel, she would be heading toward the danger as well. Gerwald would not be seen resting in his quarters if it were the case.

He exited the room with little fanfare. A crewmember was running past him. A large hand grabbed the young man by his collar to stop him in his tracks.

“What is going on?”

“The shield has dropped and our guide is dead. Monsters are trying to tear their way into the ship. The hangar bay is vulnerable.”

Gerwald nodded and let the man go. His feet carried him toward the point of breech while the crew member he had released seemed to be heading for an escape pod.

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A lone sentient existed within one of the many chambers of the Holy of Holies.

Shrouded in shadow, seated on a deep chair dressed in tattered robes, he stared into nothingness with clouded eyes. The humanoid was gaunt, sickly pale, as though not a proper amount of food or drink had been his for months or even years. Whether kept alive by will, the derelict, or other forces was unknown. Yet, there remained life, as the approach of others brought a flicker of recognition to an otherwise unmoving face.

It had been too long.

Far too long under the effects of the mysterious derelict.

The presence of others, of Sith, cut through the reverie and hold the warped energies around had gained over the Sith Lord. The dreadnought had originally been a place to seek, to learn, in the pursuit of further mastery. But it had become a prison, a mental deception, albeit perhaps one he had willingly followed into the unknown; and he had been gifted - or cursed - with visions and memories of another time, another life, another possibility...

But it was all false.

The Sith Lord began to mutter, his voice coarse and cracked from disuse, as the words of High Sith passed over his tongue:

"Ri tsakwa shiyi tadti', ri wayija diâ tsosûtukwa iw sis aiksosûti ra wuwiti sosûti ki asarsi," The humanoid paused, the white milkiness of his eyes started to fade. "Sis aiksosûti ra ritas tsari minirtsi driyi ki, Nu ra ritas satkari oi, diâ ki tsûtri wa an ri ruai tuti wos ki..."

The withered sentient pushed to his feet, as a groan escaped cracked lips.

"J'us satchi an dzatwi ki ir, an wikinizi ki irartsa ir tu'iyia sawas," His eyes closed, his fists clenched. "Kad nindz its j'us, zûtawoti aiksosûti iw atsidimu'atsa diâ qikni, saiyir irdziyi ki waria diyij Nu dari nindz satkari oi..."

The sentient opened his eyes; they were once more a brilliant emerald, almost glowing.

With a low exhale, the Sith Lord stood upright with cracking bones and grunts.

"J'us dtaji j'us shiyi dzatwi ki ir, itisi ki asarsi an ruzi ki ir... kad Nu armio inasri, its dias Nu satkari j'us ir, diâ datar Nu shiyi wir us wodichu," The parched lips turned into a sinister smirk, as High Sith became galactic basic. "I am Excidium... and I now leave this place with everything I had sought. And you, with nothing you desired, certainly not me."

With his consciousness back, Darth Excidium walked toward the central ornate doorway of the chamber, as his long-fingered hands pressed and pushed on the carved surface. There was a hollow groan as the doors opened, which presented him with a long hallway, intermingled with patches of darkness where light did not reach. There was no doubt in Excidium's mind that the derelict, the forces that moved and existed within it, would seek to take action. And as expected, the hallways around began to fill with the otherworldly shrieks and screams of phantasms and creatures out of nightmares.

"Very well, so be it."

Excidium stepped into the hallway, as distant shadows started to move toward him; though the Sith Lord began to move his own hands, as he muttered dark words, summoning his own demons and nightmares, ones that would fight against the derelict's spectres...

"All that remains is to seek out those I know.

"The Sith that approach this place."





Tag: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner


It was the one thing that set her apart from many of her blood. It was the one thing that kept her from returning to Eshan like a good heiress to House Talon might have done when the wars settled. She had never been content with what remained available from a small world coupled with many equally small-minded people. It was a harsh reality to accept. To see the truth more clearly than she ever had. Although she was ever-loyal to the Six Sisters...She knew where they would always and forever stand.

On their own necks.

They couldn't help themselves. She did not shame them for it. Did not blame them. But, she knew.

With that being said...It was curiosity that led her to join the OS Hyperion. She wanted to know about what had once been a Celestial Dreadnaught. She wanted to learn about something so massive, so powerful, that an age later it still sat with majestic, terrifying might. It was a carcass that lacked any real form of decay. Built to last was putting it lightly. What Srina had not expected, through this journey, was such a ridiculous problem spurned by the weakness of a Force Guide. It was unthinkable that any member of the Sith Order would crumble so easily. His death was a mercy, surely.

A blunder that made her pinch the bridge of her nose for a solid sixty seconds.

The former Exarch of a bygone nation pulled herself up from starkly decorated chambers with a neutral expression that would have sent anyone scurrying from her path. She would not die here. That was a certainty. Mostly because of her own skills and stubbornness but also because of the connection she held with Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean . Their bond would not allow it. Their rings would not allow it.

Her hand settled over her stomach for a long moment before she donned a beloved armor. It was light and easy for her to move in, but it also bore the colors of her husband's pride. Onyx and blood. Should she need to put on a suit that would carry her without atmosphere it would be simple. A flight suit—Simple. Srina simply wanted it the deed done so they might continue their journey. An eldritch horror was new in some ways, but in others, ever old. She did not wear the same fears as men.

She had seen what they had never known. Worse, in the Nether.

The little Dread Queen might have stalked the corridors with singular purpose were it not for a familiar presence lingering where it should not be. How had she not noticed it before? The white lady realized that they were headed toward the same destination and could only shake her head slowly. Was he still running foolhardy into danger? Still—Years later without a lick of self-preservation to speak of?

Part of her was also saddened. She had hoped that the remnants of the Confederacy might have found amity in their small corner of the universe. The Unmaker and all of its followers dwindled day by day—Many by her hand. The Echani had hoped that her sacrifice would have bought them some measure of rest. Some way to move forward. It seemed, at least, for Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner that this was not the case.

Srina appeared in time to see him drop one of the crew and murmur a soft word of a weakling's shame. His softness had altered. She could see sharper edges where once a gentleness had existed. Time had hardened him, rather, that smoothing away corrosive edges. "My wolf…", her greeting was surprisingly light and airy from a darklit countenance. She would look much the same to his eyes. White hair pulled back and partially braided. Perhaps, with a little healthy weight gain since wasn't pushing herself beyond the breaking point every day. Her cheeks weren't quite as angular…Though her aura was still unmistakable. When she wasn't playing nice before the ruling powers—Srina didn't bother to hide what she was. Who, she was. It was irrevocable. Liquid and limitless. "Where have you been?"

She came to stand before the much taller man and reached up without fear to touch his cheek. It was a possessive caress that he would know well. His loyalty was never in question, not for a second, not for a moment—Especially when he could have bit her hand clean off.

"Where have you been?"
Relationship Status: It's Complicated


TAG: Srina Talon Srina Talon

She drew close. She was moving closer. It seemed they were heading in the same direction, and when Gerwald laid his eyes on the Echani a simple nod was offered. Nothing about her changed, or it seemed so. Yes, she had filled in a little now that her role in the galaxy was different. Perhaps they all had. Gerwald had never stopped fighting or running into some task or duty that required his attention. While still his usual bulk it was possible he was more trim than he had been among the Confederacy.

"My wolf…"

The greeting was familiar, the reunion calling Gerwald back to a more glorious time. Were it not for their need to act quickly more time could have been spent in allowing their minds to wander to what had been. They did not have the time to reminisce, nor was it something Gerwald would expect Srina to indulge in. The present had always seemed to be more important to her, save for remembering the sins committed against her. In that regard her memory seemed to be long and the cost demanded for repayment of those sins was high.

She asked the same question twice. Her hand on his cheek seemed to emphasize the words she spoke. He had been gone. She had wanted an answer.

“Here and there.”

He knew the answer would not suffice, but they could either talk for a time, or he could show her. His mind brushed against hers, asking for permission. There were few Gerwald dared not to invade, Srina was among them. Should she allow it, his mind would begin to replay the journeys and adventures since their last meeting. There were others of his kind, a homeworld, his ancestral home. He had yet to access the vault, but she would have an inkling of what it held as Gerwald had read the journal of their greatest Alpha.

She would not only see his memories but feel how broken he truly felt. Gerwald was still the imposing threat he had always been, but the burden of a promise he had yet to find a way to fulfill had weighed on his soul. Srina knew of his pledge, and he knew that he always chose duty over everything, even now when the Confederacy was nothing more than a shell, he still chose his duty to the fallen. The time would come when he would have to answer for it. Why had he never taken something for himself, or lived his life to find his own happiness. It would have been easy, but it was the man he had been made into.

At least they had been brought back together once more.

Gerwald let his hand rest on the pale hand of the Echani for a fleeting moment. It was all the gentility he would spare for the moment. Her assessment of him had been correct. Time had made him harder. Perhaps his gentle nature still lay dormant deep within his soul somewhere, but if it did Gerwald had long lost touch with it.

“But I was never too far from your call had you ever found the need, my queen.”

It was all he would say on the matter. His head twitched upward as he caught the smell of something sinister and twisted. His head moved about, his nose trying to isolate the direction of it. Whatever the creatures were, they had boarded.

“They are that way.”

Gerwald’s eyes flashed a sickening yellow color, corrupted with the taint of the dark side. These things did not know who they were about to face. The Dread Queen and her Wolf were on the hunt.​
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II. Waking Nightmares

"They do not understand, it is beyond their capacity. They must be dragged into enlightenment."

The rough voice carried across the sparsely furbished chamber, followed shortly by the sound of a sharp blade cutting through meat. Blood pocked the floor, most of it old and congealed into viscous jelly, but some of it frighteningly fresh. Scraps of skin were also heaped about the den in various stages of decomposition and integrity. They came from the bodies affixed to the walls and floors, all of them having been meticulously deprived of their hair and skin.

As for the architect of this charnel blight, he stood hunched over another body. It had perished quite some time ago, much to their murderer's chagrin. He had thought they would be a far stronger specimen, they had seemed so boisterous and confident prior to their arrival. Oh, how such bravado melted into screams.

One could not be faulted for believing that the same madness that now tore into other groups upon the Hand of the Makers had sunk deep into him as well, but they would be profoundly mistaken. Madness such as that had no sway over him, his mind was his own and his sanity fully realized. He was, in his own estimation, perhaps the most sane being in the galaxy. With kartika in hand, he finished separating the last remnant of skin from the cooling flesh beneath with a few quick strokes.

He pulled aside the loosened skin and set it aside, standing up as he sheathed the blade into a specially crafted sheath at his waist. "What waste, what waste," he sighed deeply and turned away, preparing to leave the scene of his slaughter behind. However, before he could pass beyond the threshold which demarcated the chamber from the wider hall beyond, shapes appeared in the doorway wielding the weapons of Research Security. They raised their weapons towards the figure.

Regardless of whether they were consumed by the madness that ran rampant through the Holy of Holies, or they were the rare few untainted and were merely gauging whether the man before them was addled by insanity, it mattered not. To raise a weapon against him was tantamount to treason, and he would not tolerate such sacrilege. A lightsaber blade ignited, green and wreathed in sickly smoke. They opened fire, violet bolt singing through the stale air towards him. With deft precision he battered them aside and advanced, and he left none alive.

To disrespect the Demiurge was unacceptable.


Operation: Regal Ichor​
Objective: Waking Nightmares​
Crown Squadron: Crown [Cpt] // Sovreign [Sgt] // Reaper [Sgt] // Monarch [Cpl] // King [Cpl] // Duke [Pvt]​
"Distress signal came in 0200 ago - meaning we're late to the party.", Crown said as the ship shook at the turbelence of highly energetic space.​
"SOS was garbled - but the X-02 onboard the border fleet transcribed it. Short and sweet, Research Base Gamma is fucked. Not the good kind either - we're looking at a strong stage 3 mess. Today, consider yourself janitors - we're here to clean up the mess."​
It went without saying, the First Legion was being deployed for a singular reason - they were all force dead. Due to their augmentations, they were, more than any other force in the Triumvirate, singularly advantageous to deal with a Force Insanity breakout. Whatever was causing it would be unable to affect them - but more than that, they were on par with many lords as a squad. They were Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean 's fist - a way to send a loyal force to get the job done.​
The ship stirred again as it passed by further disturbances. Cato put his helmet on, tapping on it with the back of his hand for good luck. His mag books kept him steady despite the turbulence, so as he turned and waited for the ship's doors to open, he kept to himself a quiet peace. The calm before the storm - before he was tasked to do the only thing he was good at, killing the poor fool at the wrong end of his gun.​
The door opened to show the ship was floating in a hanger, crates and goods thrown asunder at the unruly jets of the drop ship. Automated guns scanned the hanger for hostiles, but nothing was found - and so the squad dropped from the ship and began to set a perimeter. Crown gave King a command through his throat mic:​
"Play the message on the intercoms, King."​
It was a quick and almost effortless process. The onboard computer in King's armor quickly hacked through the protocal's randomly generated security codes and began to play a prerecorded message from a gentle feminine robotic voice. It came clearly through empty and muddled halls - many more with gore and the insane flesh puppets of madness gorging themselves on flesh.​
"Please Remain Calm. Sith Personel have arrived on site. If available, seek shelter in the nearest room if lacking combat capacity - for all others, please move to the central atrium for rendevouz. Any signs of hostility or insanity will be met with lethal force. Please wait for further instructions to ensure your safe return to Sith space. This message will repeat."​
And so it did.​
Cato glanced to a small icon in his HUD - a map laying out the area, and the designated path they would take to the central atrium. He motioned for Duke to begin recon. He pulled from his back a large device, almost like a rocket launcher but far more square. He aimed it to the door and let it charge - a blue light filling various rings along its length. When it fired, a sightless, soundless projectile shot forward and spread out through the halls.​
On their huds, blips began to appear where movement and life were detected - and AI began to path their course. Some responded to the hypersonic pulse, most did not - giving them a fair estimate as to who befor them would be force sensitive. The trouble now was waiting for the AI to find out who was insane and who wasn't - if it even could.​
"Lets move.", Crown said as he took point.​




Tag: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner

It didn't matter how he had changed.

Srina had known him broken, boneless, and skinless. If she could discern that the quivering mass was indeed the former Lord Commander then his current existence was as garish and glaring as a neon sign on Nar Shaddaa. Better made, perhaps, but still the wolf-pup she had drawn up from crimson snow and put back together. Piece by bloody piece. The response that he gave to her query was met with steel eyes and abject silence. The screaming down the corridor would sound pleasant in comparison to the ocean of what remained unspoken. Here and there?


Gerwald was correct in several notions. Srina was, punishing. She would bring any being, be they man, or creature down into their base form for daring to stand in her way. The Dread Queen might have withdrawn immediately were it not for the subtle feeling of metaphysical contact. Whereas he might have once found her mental faculties formidable—She had become a veritable bastion.

There was no piercing the invisible armor that wrapped itself around her.

The wolf could only hope to be let in.

In the blink of an eye, with a sliver of space, the much taller male filled her mind with blurry images of his travels. It was quick. Too much to accurately process with detail but she was able to absorb the overall theme. In the wake of the fall—Gerwald had gone home.

His hand resting atop her own stilled the whirlwind of memory and she let it rest there for a moment. At the bare minimum she understood. That, for the moment, was enough. At the comment that he was never so far that she couldn't have called for him her brows would knit together slightly. She had thought him to be a latent warrior. Resting in the gilded cradle of the Ascendancy. He would likely never understand that she was loathe to draw any of her former companions from their slumber.

She was creature of habit—Of ferocity and conflict. They were not the same.


It was the singular word that his white-haired Queen would utter before letting her touch fall away from him. The feeling she had in the moment was equally foreign and familiar. Srina could feel the dark rising within her wolf like an encroaching wave. It had grown. He would not know while she moved to follow in his shadow that it was with her might that he walked. He would scarcely feel the depths of what she carried because he breathed it in. Walked upon it. It was all around him—And would not see it before she willed because his eye wasn't made for it.

Srina had more in common with the creatures than she did with him.

"Let them come.", she murmured in a tone that was softer than a parting kiss. Srina did not rush toward the enemy. There was no wasted movement. No sense of urgency. They would meet—Soon. They would be disposed of. That was simply how it would be. How it had to be.

These creatures were in her way.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Objective: Indomitable Will
Location: Boarding the Indomitable
Equipment: Lightsaber, Dagger, Armor


In the wild and turbulent space that encompassed the Hand of the Maker, a great dreadnaught in its own right, there laid amidst the wreckages and husks both ancient and modern a Star Destroyer. Within the Belt of Lost Hope sat the Indomitable, an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, that while ancient still remained somewhat operational and habitable. According to scout reports the current gang occupying the most valuable parts of the Indomitable was the Haijin-Ka which were apparently some sort of zealous cult.

The irony of Alisteri and his own cult fighting another for control of an ancient ship was not lost on him. While normally he would be hunting artifacts or doing some other grunt work, the promise of a Star Destroyer being open for new leadership was simply too good to pass up. The Tsis'Kaar, while powerful in their own right, was woefully lacking when it came to fleets and armies.

No matter how old and in need of repair, Alisteri would be damned if the Kainites and the Eternalists were the only ones with such heavy ships in their fleets.

The great turbolasers of the Indomitable opened up as the fleet of shuttles streamed forward, intent on finding a landing zone within the damaged and cracked hull of the ship. The derelict was surprisingly intact, but even still time and the gang wars had allowed for plenty of opportunities for holes within the hull to appear. While normally heading straight into the hangar on the bottom of the ship was the best entrance Alisteri knew that that was more than likely where one of the main bases of the gang would be.

He would not risk his few ships and soldiers in a bloody landing against entrenched zealots. Not even a Star Destroyer was worth such a great price. The shuttles were small enough to make targeting them difficult but the barrage was still deadly if a lucky shot caught them. As such the shuttles were scattered and quick, using debris and asteroids as cover as they flew towards the Indomitable from a couple different directions.

Alisteri himself was the most forward shuttle, his eyes scouring the hull of the vessel as his ship neared it. "There, that breach should be the closest to the power systems." If they could control the ship's power then the guns could be turned off, as well as any life support that the zealots were making use of. As the pilot brought the shuttle close to the ship, narrowly weaving through the close fire of the turbolasers, Alisteri turned away from the cockpit to address his Legionnaire contingent.

"Prepare yourselves, this will not be a bloodless day. A prize awaits us in the form of this derelict relic, a prize that we cannot allow our rivals to claim for themselves. This day will be one of victory for our cause. There is no other option." The Sith Knight moved to the ramp as the ship slowed and the landing gear deployed, now safely hidden within the hull from the turbolasers firing overhead.

"No mercy shall be shown to these gangsters and their false faith. Slay them all."
Relationship Status: It's Complicated

TAG: Srina Talon Srina Talon

[justifyHis answer had been unsatisfactory. There would be time later to discuss the details of it all, but one thing which seemed to emanate from Gerwald was that even though he remained loyal to Srina, he had also learned to be more independent. The collapse of the Confederacy had taught him to be so. While others had found their respite in some dark corner of the galaxy, Gerwald had remained restless. The idea of settling into some form of retirement when he still had eighty percent of his life ahead of him seemed to be unfathomable. Srina would simply have to accept Gerwald was not ready for the respite she desperately wanted for those she had fought hard to protect.

Gerwald was still fit for battle.

Srina simply had not wanted to call upon him. There had been no need to, he was certain, but had there been, Gerwald wondered if she would have. Her need to put others ahead of herself constantly held those she cared for a distance. Was it intentional? Gerwald could not be sure. What he did know is that she also welcomed him as though they had never been apart. In one breath she scolded him for disappearing, in another she welcomed the familiarity of their bond. This would have to suffice, for this was who they were.

A wicked smirk pulled at his lips. While Srina’s voice had been barely above a whisper, the canine hearing which Gerwald possessed heard them as though she were shouting it from the rooftops. She was ready for the creatures to come. Gerwald was as well. Had they had enough mental capacity to know whom they were dealing with, the monsters would have turned away. Srina Talon alone was enough to make them all tremble in fear, but she was not alone. Gerwald could make them quiver where they stood, but he was armed with something more dangerous than any weapon known to man.

With each step the pair moved toward the onslaught of creatures which boarded the ship. The yellow blade of his lightsaber snapped to life in an instant and began to cut through the grotesque flesh of their assailants. One by one Gerwald mowed down the swarm which pressed against them, little thought given to the lives he took or the Echani at his side. She would dispatch the rest in a manner she saw fit. Where the force guide had been weak, destroyed by a hubris common to the Sith, these two were not. Srina and Gerwald would ensure the monstrous horde would not get past them, and the ship would be safe to travel though the spacial mists once more.

A bark-like sound escaped Gerwald as he bellowed toward the enemy. The shockwave alone sent several of the eldritch horrors flying backwards. More and more kept advancing however. Like insects they pressed against the duo. Where they cut down one, ten more were upon them. It would be a tiring fight before it was finished, but Gerwald would not relent. An energy, a power, which was not his, fueled him. Srina gave her aid, though Gerwald could not perceive it as such.

“Do you see a way to seal off the hangar,” Gerwald called out to the former Exarch.

Just because they could kill them did not mean they had to. The wolf was certain other places on the ship were vulnerable to breach. They had to close this access point off.[/justify]

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Dread Wall

Location: Outside the Star Destroyer Indomitable
Objective: III, Indomitable Will
Accompaniment: 200 Enthralled Davakar, 10 Qatilovçu, trained warbeasts, 5 Amon Sev
Equipment: Barad Glaive, HG-88 Hand Cannon
“To fight it is to feed it.”
Dyyr felt like a star was collapsing inside his chest. All he could see was black. All he could feel was pain. The immense pressure of the abyss seemed to be pressing in from all sides. He was being closed in the eyelid of a titan, its gaze perforating his body. Through the senselessness, a calamitous voice throbbed in his mind.
“You are Nothing.”

And then he bolted awake as claxtons began to sound. They had come into range of their target. How had he fallen asleep? Normally his blood was full of adrenaline prior to an engagement. He leapt up to retrieve his gear. He reviewed his objectives as he strapped his sidearm to his waist.

“Eliminate the cultists. Stake a claim on the Indomitable. Scour the ship. Return anything worth keeping to the Takara. Oh, and by no means allow the ship to be destroyed. Well, it should be fun if nothing else.”

As he departed his quarters to join the Davakar in the shuttle bays below, he reflected on his dream. His recollection was fading, but he could still feel the massive weight crushing down on him. He had been warned of the encroaching dangers of the Waking Shroud, but he had thought little of them. Could his nightmare have been a product of some drifting force anomaly? His thoughts were dismissed as he was approached by a crew member.

“You’re needed on the bridge, sir. Guess we weren’t the first to arrive.”

On the bridge, the captain indicated a Tsis’Kaar cruiser and several shuttles approaching the Indomitable ahead of them. The destroyer’s guns were laying down a preventative barrage with little success. Dyyr saw expertness in the shuttles’ maneuvering. The Indomitable’s turbo lasers were spread thinly across the far hull, making the destroyer’s defense awkward. The smaller shuttles would have no issue gaining entry through the destroyer’s shattered armor. It seemed the Tsis'Kaar had their eyes on Dyyr's prize. However, where their arrival complicated things, it also created an opportunity. The Tsis'Kaar were drawing the destroyer’s fire.

“They’ve given us an opening. Let’s see if we can return the favor. Signal the boarding parties to make for the Indomitable's main hangar bay.”

It didn’t take the cultists long to notice Dyyr’s move. Fortunately, by then it was too late. The scattered approach of the Tsis’Kaar had been the perfect distraction. The gunners simply didn't have the time to react. The soldiers waiting in their approach zone on the other hand were not taken by suprize as easily. The hangar bay was densely fortified, and the landing crafted faced thick. As the Baedurin jumped from the ships, they found it was also in a decrepit state of disarray. Ancient cargo and dead fighters lay scattered throughout the massive chamber, giving his shock troops ample cover. Dyyr dropped though the blaster fire and onto the deck. It was time to test the devotion of the fanatics.



The voice that echoed throughout the grand structure all but confirmed the Siths' presence.

There was also a presence, powerful and familiar, who Excidium recalled from many years prior.


Excidium wondered if he would cross the other Sith Lord, the one who had been Emperor.

Still, Excidium walked the hallway, eyes closed and hands moving through intricate positions before him, until he completed a ritual incantation. Beyond, within the Holy of Holies, a half-mad sentient felt a sudden wave of fear, as the Sith Lord enacted his focus their way. The shadows around Excidium came to life, as a smoke demon materialized into being, conformed to the Sith Lord's will. It would seek out the maddened individual further away in the labyrinth of halls and rooms, a visage of that individual's fear. Yet, not before Excidium used it to clear his path, as he had found a presence close to the central atrium and that would provide a way for the summoned creature to move.

Excidium would simply follow it.

Ahead, ghoulish monstrosities rapidly approached. The smoke demon, a raging wampa with glowing red eyes in form, rushed forward to meet the threats. The summon was immensely strong, capable of besting some of the strongest opponents physically, and it tore into the native monsters with a silent roar and glowing eyes. And as that battle raged ahead of him, Excidium turned his attention to other matters...

"The art of Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut seems appropriate," The Sith Lord muttered, as he looked toward the remains of dead occupants of the place. Most were little more than bones, flesh rotted, but they would serve well enough. "Nu riyikrauti tauz an ki tnirma, an satyi dias isarja iw ki waria - dradzia!"

The sorcerer touched the runes etched onto his cuirass as he spoke the words, performing the ritual with lessened complexity, and watched with anticipation. Before him, amid the fight between monsters, the bodies of the dead began to shake and move; and after moments, the limbs and rotted things began to stand shakily, eye sockets glowing deep green, as a small army of the dead heeded the dark magic.

"Destroy all in my path."

The animated corpses and skeletons moved with clattering limbs, and descended on the local creatures and manifestations. Bony fingers ripped and tore, chattering limp mouths joined the cacophony of unnatural battle, and the immediate threats down the hall were downed and destroyed by furious attackers.

Excidium smiled.

Without a word, the Sith Lord began to follow in the wake of his small army, as he started toward the central atrium. He felt weakened after the use of magics, but knew that he had enough protection for the moment to make his way to the Sith, and proceeded to silently move through the grandiose high-ceiling halls and rooms...



"Ahh... Can you feel it? The anticipation?" he turned to his companion. "Oh come now. You're shielded" the Twi'lek scoffed at the human. Already he was whimpering. Could he not see? "These are your final moments of clarity, my good man. You should take care to enjoy them."

The Lord was not heeded. That did not surprise him. "You artists are all the same. No backbone" he had to yank on the chain to get him to follow. "Your yammering is entirely your choice, you know" he continued. The other knew they were close. He might not see the full picture, the whys and hows, but he knew they were close.

"It is for art's sake we are here, you know." the two stopped, coming upon some small chamber. Servants quarters by the look of them, but even they were grandiose in their design, if a bit parched. It had clearly been picked and plucked at, whether by vandals or the Force itself he did not know. There were things happening on this station beyond his knowledge. Presences, signals, pulses... Some real, to be sure, but others... Well, no point in delaying it much longer if his mind would play tricks on him even now.

The human was brought to the floor with a powerful yank of his chain. Like a dog he was leashed, the twi'lek attaching his the other end to a table seemed to be an extension of the wall it was attached to. Then, reaching out to touch the Force, he felt the mental barriers he had placed, weaved around both himself and his companion.

"One must suffer for art, must one not? We shall experience entirely different things, I'm sure. That's why it's so nice to be here together. While mine own mundane imagination might produce something quite unimaginative, you, my dear painter, why, I imagine your nightmares to be capable of becoming quite vivid. I look forward to extracting your experiences later."

He tugged at the intricate webbings of the Force, then stripped it all away, laying them bare to the madness of this place. "I for one think this will be singularly inspirational. Come now, let us witness the art within our minds." He invited the madness, the illusions, the nightmares. It would be something to draw upon in the future. And what wonderful sithspawn he might come to create out of his and his companion's visions
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Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Objective: Indomitable Will
Location: Boarding the Indomitable
Equipment: Lightsaber, Dagger, Armor
Tags: Dyyr T'Pada Dyyr T'Pada


The ramp of the shuttle barely lowered all the way to the floor of the mighty destroyer before Alisteri began marching onto it, his Legionnaires quickly standing at attention behind him and filing out after him as the Sith led the way out of the shuttle and into one of the many hallways of the Indomitable. The Star Destroyer was large and with the damage would be hard to navigate quickly, and that was without even factoring in any efforts from the gangsters within.

They had to move quickly though, before their prize was sighted in by a better equipped force. "Form up and stay in tight formation, we're on their home territory now so stay vigilant. I doubt they take kindly to uninvited guests." Alisteri summoned his lightsaber from his belt with a gesture of his hand and ignited it in one swift motion, the red glow illuminating the otherwise unlit halls before them. The power didn't spread out to every part of the ship it seemed, perhaps it was limited given the turbolaser fire? Just another thing to inspect once the ship had been claimed and purged of the fanatics.

:"Darth Strosius, we are sensing ships inbound to the Indomitable. Readings indicate Eternalist signatures.": His commlink crackled to life, the captain of the cruiser that provided transport for the shuttles relaying the information. The Sith Knight paused, his soldiers stopping behind him. His free hand clenched into a fist at the news, his grip on his lightsaber tightening. :"Orders?": With a grunt Alisteri turned on his heel and embedded his fist into the wall to his left, leaving a noticeable dent in it as he pulled his hand back and slowly reached up to tap his helmet's commlink.

"Nothing has changed. Relay orders to all landing parties that they are not to engage any other Sith forces unless fired upon first, but do not allow them to gain control of any important systems. I will not lose this ship to the lackeys of a corpse!" The masked man dropped his hand back to his side and regarded his Legionnaires with a nod.

"Double time."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Dread Wall

Location: The main hangar of the Star Destroyer Indomitable
Objective: III, Indomitable Will
Accompaniment: 200 Enthralled Davakar, 10 Qatilovçu, trained warbeasts, 5 Amon Sev
Equipment: Barad Glaive, HG-88 Hand Cannon
Near a dead corvette, still attached to the ceiling by a docking crane, three cultists were setting up a mounted blaster cannon, arguing among themselves. The leader turned to tell his comrade for the last time that this was an e-web and he was thinking of an LF-86, but both his men had vanished. He looked this way, then that, then felt something drip on his shoulder, and looked up. A young Gharzr twisted down with its jaws agape, landing on the cultist with a stifled shriek. Dropping from the broken ship into the nest the three cultists had arranged came Dyyr and five Amon Sev, clad in plate and cloaked in black. The smallest of the hunters gave the Gharzr a tentative caress as it gnawed its victim.

“Good girl,” he whispered. “What’s the next move chief?”

Dyyr was scanning the ranks of the Haijin’Ka. The lift platform at the far end of the hangar sported a rough command center. Taking its fortifications would cut off the arrival of reinforcements and decide the fate of the skirmish. They were deep behind enemy lines now. They’d be blasted in an instant if they revealed their position, but the risk came with rewards. Dyyr was now close enough to feel his foes.

“Hold here”, he said as he crouched behind the crates.

He closed his eyes and concentrated. After a moment, the emotions of the hangar began to wash over him. Careful not to lose himself in the tide, he let the fear, fury, and mania of the cultists around him blare in his mind like a discordant choir. It took a minute or so to tighten his grip, but those who were already trembling soon found themselves paralyzed with doubt. After another moment, the hesitant began to disengage. Then, a miasma of dread began to spread from the weak and fearful. It wasn’t long before the brazen and fearless were glancing over their shoulders, looking for a place to retreat. The tide of rage from the cultists was running cold with fear. With this realization, Dyyr raised a comlink to his mouth.

“Captain, give them a barrage.”

There was a few seconds’ delay before a hail of detonators clattered into the cultist’s front rank. That was all it took. The explosion sent them scrambling in every direction. Dyyr looked up at the hunters.

“With me, to the turbo lifts!”

As the Davakar pressed into the screaming cultists, the Amon Sev made a stealthy advance towards the clumsily constructed pavilion. In the pandemonium, no one saw the six figures reach the edge of the platform and scale the railing. The Cultist’s commander, trying desperately to re-coordinate his troops, heard blaster fire and screams behind him. When he turned to see the vicious beasts and cloaked warriors tearing through his men towards him, he grabbed a young subordinate.

“Take the turbo lift to the bridge. Tell the High Priest that the day of sacrifice has come. Our only hope is that failsafe. Go!”

Just as the young messenger left, Dyyr’s arm seized the commander by the throat and pulled him up into the rafters.

“What’s this failsafe you have on the bridge?” He growled.

“You… will all… burn!” The cultist choked. Dyyr let the corpse fall.

He dropped from the ceiling and drew his hand cannon, but the boy was already out of sight. This wasn’t good. If that message were to get through, there was no telling what these fanatics could have up their sleeves. The messenger could be on his way to initiate a self-destruct sequence. He had to get to the bridge.



Tag: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner

The walls of the OS Hyperion were quickly changing color. The eldritch beasts that phased unchecked through the hull of the ship didn't seem to care for anything other than madness and eventual slaughter. They caused the crew to fight against them, each other, and themselves. It was a blatant display of what happened when mortal being touched the immaterial. They should have been prepared for this inevitability. The Force Guide should have been doubled or tripled if the strain on their psyche was too much to bear. That was the folly of Sith, however.


Gerwald darted out ahead of her and began to tear into the physical forms of the eldritch monsters with abandon. Some things never changed. Silvery orbs lingered on the crew and rather than engage the servants of the void directly she began to pluck the crew members from their thrall. One by one—Returning their sanity so that they might fight the real issue. The Hyperion required a metaphysical barrier between them and volatile spaceborne threats outside. Surely, the Sith Order could manage that without losing half of the staff. There were too many arcane researchers, artisans, and surveyors on board that wouldn't have the slight idea how to deal with this.

When her lightsaber came to life it was without warning. A flash of enflamed crimson with the tell-tale snap-hiss that took one of the creatures off-guard. For all intents and purposes, Srina, seemed like an easy target. She was smaller than the rest. Thin and apparently helpless. Wrong. Heavily honed Echani reflexes let her press the cauterizing blade through the beast with exacting precision. She couldn't tell what was the head or heart so her right hand moved outward to press the creature away from her.

A swift application of wordless shatter point let her press the Force into the hole she had created and render it down into base parts. Useless—She threw the remains away from in fluttering ashes. She didn't know enough about them to assume regeneration but she was never one to take chances. The stare she leveled them with was not only withering, but, burning. One by one the beasts lit aflame in her wake. For those that knew her…Ice was her calling. Fire.

Fire was new.

Eventually, she found step near Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner and her jaw set tight. This reminded her of so many battles before. Danger pressing onward in rolling waves. They were making short work of the horrors for now but that didn't mean anything. Eventually, their muscles would give. Physical forms required rest to operate at peak capacity. If they merely kept battling the chaff rather than dealing with the root of the issue, they were playing into the hands of a zero-sum game. Lovely. "We need the barrier."

Her voice was a darklit whisper.

Srina could provide either bodies to the pile or a protective shield to restore sanity on the Hyperion. Either or. Not both. The focus it would require to keep these creatures out of the ship was exponential.

"I will raise it."

The decision was made in the split second between waves of enemies. They pressed around the corner only to find more crew members trying to tear one another to pieces. The attacks were just as much physical as they were mental. Srina could feel the chaotic miasma pressing against her cranium like a thousand hammers slamming into her. Over, and over—Demanding entry.

Srina was wholly too stubborn to give in.

"But we need to get to the focal point of the ship. We'll have to fight our way through. "
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Objective: Indomitable Will
Location: Boarding the Indomitable
Equipment: Lightsaber, Dagger, Armor
Tags: Dyyr T'Pada Dyyr T'Pada

It hadn't taken long at all for the landing parties to be discovered by the cultists and within minutes of the last shuttles touching down firefights and skirmished broke out all across the ship's hallways. Due to the landings being done away from larger open areas like the hangar or cargo bays, the hallways became corridors of death as Legionnaires and Tsis'Kaar soldiers clashed with the Haijin'Ka.

The hallways of the ancient ship were brought to life by sprinting soldiers and blaster fire from both sides. Alisteri lead the way for his Legionnaires through the lines of the cultists and fanatics, striking down all of the Haijin'Ka that would attempt to stop their advance. True to his order there was no mercy given and certainly none received. However there were soon notable pauses in the skirmishes and firefights as the cultists began pulling back, even some of the turbolasers closest to the landing zones falling silent due a lack of operators despite the soldiers having not yet reached them.

The Haijin'Ka were retreating, but to where and for what purpose?

Alisteri muttered a curse as he rounded the corner to find yet another barren and empty hallway, wasting no time in marching down it as his Legionnaires quickly caught up with his long stride. "This is the third empty hall that I've seen. I need a report now!" Normally his orders weren't so harshly put but the silence and lack of resistance was getting to him. This simply wasn't right.

They were supposed to be meeting the enemy in every corridor and room, having to fight from hall to hall and eradicate the zealots systematically as they would not surrender. And yet there was no enemy before him. So where were they?

:"They're pulling back sir, to holdouts. Most of them are still defending paths to the bridge and pulling back in that direction. We believe they're going to make a final stand there.": Thankfully one of his Legionnaires was quick to chime in and offer some insight, albeit some that he halfway already knew of. "So they're going to stand against us in one spot then? Very well. Clean up any pockets of resistance left and all make haste for the bridge. If they want to hide away then we'll just have to drag them out of whatever little den they've constructed."

If the bridge was still powered and functional then his original goal of the power systems would effectively be seized anyway alongside the capture of the bridge and control centers there. Alisteri couldn't allow control to fall into the hands of anyone else, not when their prize was within reach. "This is Darth Strosius to all Tsis'Kaar forces aboard the Indomitable. Your new orders are to now make your way to the bridge and claim it by any means necessary so long as it remains intact. Anyone that gets in your way is now a target."

His hand finally dropped from his helmet's commlink as his stride became quicker and his Legionnaires were forced into a light jog just to keep up with their leader. The Sith Knight's grip on his lightsaber tightened once more as he felt a sudden shift in the halls of the Indomitable, like a change in the wind. Just noticeable enough to set off his senses but not enough to be noticed by the non-Force sensitives among his ranks.

He had no idea what that was, but he could feel where it came from. The siege of the bridge was going to be even more interesting than he had though, it would seem.

Operation: Regal Ichor​
Objective: Waking Nightmares​
Crown Squadron: Crown [Cpt] // Sovreign [Sgt] // Reaper [Sgt] // Monarch [Cpl] // King [Cpl] // Duke [Pvt]​
"Hostiles closing in.", an automated voice warned them. Its soft syllables were authoritative but mimicked a woman's voice - similar to the X-02 on the Acerbitas. Cato acknowledged the alarm with a biometric tick and continued forward as his HUD lit up the probable locations of the enemies through walls.​
They were low and stead - a trained motion drilled into them by years of veteran service, made all the more divine by the augmentations the Sith Order had given them. Force dead super soldiers with weapons so steady, reflexes so quick, they could shoot a fly as it flew from across the room. Now those skills were used to put down unruly and psychotic menial laborers and scientists - a waste, but anyone else would be susceptible to the chaos of the area.​
Reaper carried on his back a device to help with that. A larger LWRD device capable of disabling the force in a large area - he wasn't sure how it worked, but he wasn't paid to know how these things operated, just that they did their job. Get to the center atrium, then activate it - that would give them the operational ability to keep some of the personnel here alive, if not give them a chance to breath.​
As the first of the zombies came around the corner, Sovreign and Monarch opened fire - followed by two well placed shots from Crown himself. The combined assault saw all the shots hit, though some doubled up to ensure the first would stay down. Cato raised a hand to force them all the stand still, realizing something odd directly after; that these weren't the broken victims of a force accident, but something entirely different. These weren't in the dossier, so they were either an unknown - or someone else was here.​
Duke and King shot down to a crouch in front of the others - forming a firing line aimed down the hall to ensure if these were hostile, they wouldn't make it close enough to make a difference. Cato disabled his voice encryption and called out;​
"Identify!", he commanded.​


If he had known Srina would've been on the transport - he would've personally seen to her safe passage, but he did not baby the Dread Queen. She needed not his protection. Viewing the situation unfolding with their bond and remote viewing, he could feel the dangerous climate forming sectors away from his ship - forcing a frown on his undying lips.​
"If I were to know your travel plans, I would have ensured safe transport.", he whispered - something she would hear on the wind.​
"Heads will roll."​
He could enact his great and divine will - break the starweirds even from this distance. It wouldn't be a trivial thing however - and those in the Sith Order who could smell his exertion may get the wrong idea. Srina could defend herself well enough, and Empyrean needed to hold onto his strength to stop the ever rising tide of Sith growing in strength under his guidance. One slip up - and they would swarm him.​
He glanced to the controls of his throne and pressed a few buttons with his still available hand.​
"Confirmed, Lord Empyrean.", a voice came back.​
Orders had been sent out to cut down whoever thought 'cutting costs' given the clientele was prudent.​



Walking Nightmares​

"To think, all that time I trained you to handle and contain dark artifacts and Sith, and you succumb to this."

Blood scattered the walls around her. Mangled bodies, some broken, some torn asunder, decorated the once clean room. The black armor of the Inquisitorius, shattered. Alina stood within the center, lifting atop one of her very Inquisitors. Clutching them by their throat as they choked. Gasped for air. But rather than struggle for life, they kicked their legs and swung their arms like a madman, trying to kill, rend flesh. Their fingers tried to dig into the flesh of her arm.

Disappointment welled in her eyes as she clenched a fist. Snapped his neck in an instant before letting his body join the others.

Bodies that stirred. A quick cut across her palm let her blood flow free. Seep into the blood scattered across the room. Infuse it, infuse the bodies. In life, they failed. In death, good fodder. The Sangnir Husks stood, more shambled, to their feet. One by one they left the chamber, spreading out to at least distract the others who had gone mad.

Uncaring of the blood still coating her robes she joined them, stepping into the hall. Surveying, for a moment. Until a different kind of undead lurched towards her. She didn't look their way as her hand shot back. Cleaved head from shoulders to send the monster down. Reanimation, but not like hers. Skeletons. Dark magic. A sorcerer. She clicked her tongue as she looked towards where it'd come from.

An ally, or a threat. She walked forward, listening as blasterfire erupted close by. The dead being shot by the living? Were they mad, too? No, she couldn't smell them. The undead and their rot, the scent of the Sorcerer who created them, the scent of the blaster barrels smoking from their discharge, but not the ones firing. Her lips thinned as she rounded the corner. Leaned against the wall to watch.

The First Legion. Empyrean was already on the move.

Cato Demora Cato Demora | Darth Excidium Darth Excidium | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Darth Hadius Darth Hadius

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