Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dreadguard Supremacy (Republic Dominion of Kashyyk)

Marcus cocked a grin and nudged the Dreadguard Commander as he slipped a fresh mag into his rifle, something which seemed like a universal good idea at the moment to the point where Pappy dropped the empty one and slid a new one into the rifle with a sharp thrust. "I got more than you," he said, following the Commander with enthusiasm. "Big guns mean more holes - more holes everywhere else besides the targets, bro." Pappy lovingly patted his assault rifle. "Martha has been reliable, accurate, and more of a trustworthy companion than you blokes."

The grin never faded.

"Hey! What about me?"

The Staff Sergeant scoffed. "You're different."

Miranda placed a hand on her hip and cocked it to the side, "How so?"

"Just are."

Without any fanfare, Sabena’s boat reached the shore of one of the Wartaki Islands. Immediate observations revealed that there was nothing - no sign of even Wookiee civilization having claimed this particular island.

The Wookiee guide continued to insist that the base was on the island. As Sabena continued to speak with this Wookiee, she heard more about how the Wookiees built the facility They were told to hide it from view by planting trees that were uprooted from the mainland.

Alone in this project, Sabena was entrusted with task of interpreting the Wookiee guide’s words and leading a few Republic troops in the initial investigation. She decided to continue following the Wookiee guide deeper into the forest in order to see whether or not this base truly existed.

"Get a room!" Stanley snapped through the squadcomm.

Book just shrugged, and replied to Pappy's nudge by a swift kick to the shin. Not that Marcus would feel it. Phrik was a hell of a metal.

"I'm hurt Marcus. Really, I am." Book snickered as he shouldered the gates. They flew open, and the Wookies immeditely poured suppressive fire over the tree line. Stormtroopers still on the run were caught right in the back.

The rest were forced into cover. The thin walls of their small outpost right in the center of the road would do little to save them from the Wookie onslaught. Their tank swerved to fire, only to be blown to smoking pieces by a Wookie launcher.

"Zulu took the skyhook. Kachirho is all that's left." Book informed as he checked the status readouts. He charged forward with the Wookies, his weapon rattling as he filled the Sith defenders with depleted uranium.

They would have the outpost soon.


The Zabrak giggled as [member="Titan"] humored her. Well, at least he wasn't a total spoil sport like [member="Riley Stryker"]. She followed him and Big T, because they were both more experienced than her. She was the rookie and she knew it. Didn't mean she was worthless though.

"It's okay, Big T, I got more where that came from!" she called after them both, "What did the tree do when the bank closed?"
They were closing in on the tree. Right there on the edge of it. Lenne dipped into her bag, pulling out a few tiny explosives.
"It opened a new Branch! BRANCH! Geddit?"
[member="Lenne Fayth"]

Another joke, Titan never would understand humar nor those who used it. It was a skill he did not have. As Lenne finished her joke, Titan jumped in front of her as blaster fired raced to find her. Shielding her with his body, the rounds sank into his armor, burning flesh beneath. He gritted his teeth and forced another, "Ha" for her sake.

"Best we move little jester. We are at the Tree, get inside and let's end this." He said as he returned the fire received tenfold. The burns in his armor would need to be repaired once they got back to HQ, and a visit to the doc for repairs to the flesh as well.

Titan would continue to shield the woman while she moved, spraying the encamped Sith with hot bolts. The sudden whir of the empty power pack signaled the end of this weapons effectiveness. He slung it and took in his hands the Ravager Cannon. A hand held laser cannon to send more Sith to hell.
I finally found my way onto he beach. In the distance I saw a female jedi fighting. She was struck in her armor, but managed to take down her assailant. Without thinking I moved forward through the battle field. I moved with superb speed, taking people down, with quick slashes as I moved. She didn't see it but 3 soldiers were coming up behind her. I sped up, moving as fast as my body would let me without the force. I jumped up, and with one foot pushed off a metal crate flipping over the first soldiers head. I sliced his throat, and as he falls I land in a roll. I pop up in front of the two soldier cutting through one mans leg, spinning, and cutting through the last man's neck. With one saber still on I move over to the girl.

"You all right?" I continue to deflect the stray bolt here or there, keeping us defended.

[member="Catherine Soja"]
Eysh! That was close! Lenne made 'eckh' face behind her visor when [member="Titan"] stepped in front of her. She'd let herself get distracted while she looked for her equipment. Not good. But she had what she needed now.

"Yikes! Thanks, Big T!" she squeaked, following close behind, "Do I get to blow stuff up yet? I was promised that I could use some explosives."

That was, after all, what she did best. She was already imagining what this explosion would look like. With the right chemicals, she could make the sparks purple! Ooo, or Orange. She loved orange. Or both!
Corvus walked up to the tree and touched its surface. She closed her eyes and was tempted to Meditate as she had done all those years ago - but didn't risk the side effects.

She stared out at the Wawaatt Archipelago. Now relatively peaceful as the Republic soldiers flushed out the remaining Sith - such a different sight to the one she'd seen as she'd fled the planet on that fateful day. When some good Jedi were lost. She put her hand back on the wroshyr tree and wondered how long before the Sith came back to reclaim what they'd stolen. And on that subject she spotted a Sith sniper in a nearby tree, the sun glinting off his scope. Slowly and carefully she made her way to the foot of his tree and started to climb. Slowly and surely she ascended the mighty wroshyr until she was directly behind him. "Boo," she said before an elbow caught him on the back of the neck and she wondered how to carry an unconscious man down a tree.

Not her finest moment of planning...
The Dreadguard didn't even have to do much anymore. It was all up to the Wookies now, who had only required just a bit of motivation and support from their pals in the Republic to begin rebelling against their under-strength captors. Pappy knew it would be a long time before they actually figured out what happened to all of these missing beings - Sith and Republic alike - but it was still his job to ensure peace and order amongst their territories. Kashkyyyk was to be theirs once again.

"Easy, sister. Don't break a nail." He and [member="Book"] were all fun and games now. These measly Stormtroopers held no skills to rival the Dreadguard, and they fell in the dozens. "Having fun yet?"

"I know I am."
The Admiral was not present at Kashyyyk, but rather was putting in some necessary administrative work between operations.
On board the Destiny he reviewed the mountains of documents.
“Sir, the roll-call has been complete. Figures from across the Republic have come in.”
“Sir, it seems as though an average of 18% of all crew are not at their posts. Somewhere around 15% of that is due to this…occurrence, but the rest is due to either desertion or enemy action.”
Stahlmann nodded. It was grim news. Losing 18% of his total operational crew was a heavy blow. “What of ships?”
“There we have slightly better news, sir. When the occurrence happened, most crew brought their ships back to Onderon and the Republic core. Thus, we actually have a large number of warships. The problem is going to be financing and repairing them.”
“Yes, so I see. With so much dislocation we will have only a couple of months where we can sustain a navy at this size. We’re going to have decommission some ships, I suspect. The older ones, the ones crewed by groups no longer inside the Republic. However, it does give us a crucial advantage now.”
“Enough to attack the Sith?” his XO asked.
Stahlmann considered for a long moment before shaking his head. “They have done what we have, draw their outlying ships back in. At the moment our supply lines are tangled, our crews are still disorganised, our government uncertain. I would like nothing better than to march on Coruscant and take it…but we don’t have the resources for that.” He sighed. “It may be our last chance to redress the balance of power, but a defeat there would bring down the Republic…so in good conscience I cannot do so.”
With a final sigh he laid the documents aside. “Captain, we will fight on regardless, but I fear that this occurrence has turned the balance against us. I can only hope that when the resumption of war comes we are able to meet the challenge.”
“May the Force be with us, sir.”
“Yes, may it be with us all.”
The Padawan recognized the help but she shrugged away medical aid for now. her armor had kept her mostly safe. "I'm fine we have to hurry!" She said taking a swipe for a soldier who showed up near them downing him with her saber. As she struck at blaster bolts batting them off or back into the shooters she swung and swiped downing the enemy as it came into range or as their blasters fired into her saber. "Though I cannot use the force directly I can trust in the force as my ally! and with it I will protect those who cannot protect themselves!" With this mind set she moved forward the Padawan burning with the need to liberate this world.

[member="Ardeo Sophos"]
far out, man
Deep within the trees of Kashyyyk, Stormtroopers fell silent. They did not scream, they did not have time. [member="Corvus Raaf"] could hear the silence, after a while. Snipers made a sound that was barely an 'urk', then fell forward, dead. Dead on impact. Tracyn was moving, quickly. He did not use the force, not at all. He was silent, deadly, and proficient. He was Ori'ramikad. He was a super commando, at the peak of physical conditioning.

Corvus would notice that a second man started to advance on her, rifle in hand. Then, as quickly as he was moving his finger to the trigger, he moved forward, clutching his gut. Tracyn moved like a demon, using his bare hands to dispatch the spotter. He turned towards his student. Tracyn had advanced in age, and was nearing his 42nd birthday. He pointed a finger at Corvus, in a teaching manner.

"Snipers always work in teams. That was his spotter."

He looked around, cracking his knuckles. The ink was even more faded and worn, thanks to the years. He had yet to get the W A T C H O U T tattoo redone. Tracyn turned at the Jedi Master, smiling.

"It is a shame I did not teach you to fight without the force properly."
[member="Catherine Soja"]

I couldn't help, but smile. She was a very serious jedi. I followed close behind, as she charged forward, keeping us mostly free of plaster attacks, while she struck others down. Two jedi are better than one. With that i activated my second saber, so to fend off the increasing number of energy bolts coming our way. "Hey! We should get to the base of that tree,and fight there. That is the main point we want to capture, so let's take it."

Even though I was mostly deflecting, I cut down two men coming at us on either side with vibro swords. Yea for training. Nothing better than learning through experience.
Looking to [member="Kelghast"], a blood covered Dish moved to join his fellow Dread Guard. "Whatcha need?" He inquired, nonchalantly raising up his rifle with one hand as if it were a toy and squeezed off a quick burst into an enemy trooper. Dish's fighting style had been anything but nondescript, and as such he was making himself known. Not an entirely bad thing in his opinion. DG-50 couldn't help but chuckle as wookies tacked the Sith's troops, overwhelming the forces of the enemy. Sith Troopers weren't untrained idiots, they were solid soldiers, wookies just happened to be better, and several hundred pounds heavier in muscle. That helped.
The battle for Kashyyyk eventually ended in the Republic's favor. Sabena returned with her entire party - minus the Wookiee guide - from one of the Wartaki Islands. Her report to the Jedi High Council would have been simple:

The Wookiee guide led them to a trap with several Sith laying in wait. By the skin of their teeth, Sabena and the party were able to fight their way out of the chaos. In the process, they managed to take down the Sith that attacked them. The Wookiee guide did not attack them. Instead after the battle, he begged for their forgiveness and that the Sith threatened to destroy his village if he did not help them. With the Sith routed from the planet, his village would likely be safe. In an act of self-punishment, the Wookiee guide elected to stay on the island instead of travel back with Sabena and the party.

And on a final note, Sabena's report stated that they did not find a secret base.

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