Dredan Criesta
New Member

NAME: Dredan Criesta
RANK: Smuggler
AGE: 25
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6' 2
WEIGHT: 180 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian
- (+)Intelligent
- (-)Bitter
- (+)Observant
- (-)Distrusting
Dredan looks like a smuggler. He lacks manners in certain situations due to the environment he was raised in. Every day of his young life was spent being looked down upon. Now that Dredan is his own man he maintains dignity at all cost. He is quick to judge wealthy beings and can be very spiteful. He stands with confidence and pride worthy of his honed physic. He has many scars if one were to look closely enough. Busted knuckles and gashes along his face are the only remnants of his life of fighting in the pits.
He favors the color black. He never wears robes or cloaks. In a tight situation those garments can mean all the difference between escape and captivity. He will never let hims self become captive to anyone. He keeps himself well groomed and halfway respectable looking. Some might say he is meticulous about his grooming habits.
He is always wearing a necklace, it is an amber colored crystal that his true parents left around his neck when they sold him. It was there own way of preserving what little they meant to him.
After his escape from Moorja, he has made many connections in the outer rim. His determination and intelligence have made him excel at his current occupation. He has many tattoos, souvenirs from his various travels across the galaxy. At a glance he is the typical tough guy but his beginnings still haunt his dreams. There are certain things he has yet to talk about. Though, those closest to him have heard him awake from bad dreams.
DH-17 Pistol
Dredan grew up on Moorja, a planet rich in minerals, particularly salt. His parents were worthless, feeding their own demons rather than feeding their son. It wasn't long before he found himself sold off to a wealthy family. Despite the outward appearance, they themselves were not much better. Dredan was offered an education, food, and shelter; but the price was his dignity. The family pet maintained more pride than Dredan was allotted. As time marched onward Dredan became more and more challenging. He was not meant for slavery, something his his heart ached to be free from this miserable situation he was in.
As he grew into a strapping young man, his master began to utilize his strengths. Yuq El'iba, the only father figure he had ever had, found a disturbing attraction to the fighting ring. It was a brutal place but the winnings were more than most earned in wages over the year. One good fight could set one up for life and Yuq had a gambling addiction. The nights he lost were among the worst in his life. The only reason he kept fighting was the winnings. He was allotted a small portion for every win and that might one day could be his ticket out.
Many nights he would find himself nursing cuts and bruises. If he had lost, Yuq would not life a finger to help him. Dredan would stagger home to his bed without any aid from anyone. When he arrived he would always find medical supplies hidden beneath his bed. Finally the day came where he was able to buy his freedom, passage to a new home where he could start over. When he announced his plan to Yuq he became furious. Without Dredan to win his fights he would cease making money. That was when he was given two options; death or bondage. Dredan bore his eyes into Yuqs as he raised the blaster at him but Dredan was ready. In that moment his ability surfaced and he sent Yuq hurling backward through a glass panel. He then ran away and never looked back.
Today Dredan makes a living smuggling. His strength and overall toughness are key factors in his success. He lets no one see how much the loneliness affects him. He has been conditioned to put his faith and trust in no one but himself. He backs no Government or Cause. It has been his sole purpose to restore his dignity and take care of his own.
Monarch Class-3 Cargo
- Crew: 1
- Hyperdrive: No
- Size: 30m by 15m
- class: armored shuttle